
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten? Was sind Islamisten?
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(Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr)
Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Samstag, 23. November 2013

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 2 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 23:02
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Masallah - Social Mention: masAllah cicilere [1 Aktualisierung] projekt lies - Social Mention: Lies! Projekt startet in Tunesienحملة اقراء لتوزيع القران في تونس [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Agaya bak masallah [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: Di hari akhirat, ada 4 golongan lelaki yang akan ditarik masuk ke neraka oleh wanita. Lelaki itu adalah mereka yang tidak memberikan hak kepada wanita dan tidak menjaga amanah itu. Mereka ialah: 1. Ayahnya Apabila seseorang yg bergelar ayah tidak memperdulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia. dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji & sebagainya. Dia memperbiarkan anak-anak perempuannya tidak menutup aurat. Tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya memberi kemewahan dunia sahaja maka dia akan ditarik ke neraka oleh anaknya. 2. Suaminya Apabila sang suami tidak memperdulikan tindak tanduk isterinya.Bergaul bebas di pejabat, memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yg bukan mahram apabila suami mendiam diri walaupun dia seorang alim seperti solat tidak bertangguh, puasa tidak tinggal maka dia akan turut ditarik oleh isterinya. 3. Abang-abangnya Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada, tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh ke bahu abang-abangnya. Jikalau mereka hanya mementing keluarganya sahaja dan adik perempuannya dibiar melencong dari ajaran ISLAM, tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat kelak. 4. Anak Lelakinya Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yg haram dari Islam, bila ibu membuat kemungkaran pengumpat, mengata & sebagainya maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertangungjawabkan di akhirat kelak.Nantikan tarikan ibunya ke neraka. Maka kita lihat betapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah di akhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat, maka kaum lelaki yang bergelar ayah/suami/abang atau anak harus memainkan peranan mereka. Firman ALLAH SWT:- "HAI ANAK ADAM PERIHARALAH DIRI KAMU SERTA AHLIMU DARI API NERAKA DIMANA BAHAN PEMBAKARNYA IALAH MANUSIA,JIN DAN BATU-BATU…" Harga seseorang muslim adalah sangat berharga. Allah swt nilaikan seseorang muslim dengan SYURGA, semua kaum muslim dijamin masuk syurga (sesiapa yg mengucap kalimah tauhid) dengan itu janganlah kita membuang atau tidak mengendah janji dan peluang yg Allah swt berikan pada kita. yaa allah ,berikanlah kpd kami kekuatan,,, [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: #allahuakbar rep psow tpi kox wteg q rasne dax penax mugo2 sow tutox tkow kow sore,,, #amiiiiiiin,,,. [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: الفايسبوك عندي بحال شي Class# نفس العناصر لي كايشاركو ديما...xD [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: An karbo daga Anas bin Malik (Radi-Allahu 'anhu): Annabi (Alaihi Salatu Wa Salam) yace, "Idan aka dauki Dan Adam izuwa kabarin sa, abubuwa uku keyi masa rakiya, guda biyu na dawowa su barshi da abu daya, (bayan an bunne shi): yan uwan shi, da kuma dukiyar shi, su barshi acan, ayukansa ne kawai ke kasancewa tare da shi; yan uwa da dukiya sun rabu da shi kenan, su kuma ayukan sa nanan tare da shi." Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 521 Nov 9 near Chennai, India [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: ALLAHUAKBAR..! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Kay One "Bürgerlich Kenneth Glöckler" (* 7. September 1984 ; † 22. November 2013) [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: DUA KHUBUL KYUN NAI HOTI hamari dua khubul nai hoti is liye k humne allah ko pehchana,magar iska haq ada nahin karte hum rasul ka daawah to karte hain magar aapka tareka chod baite hain hum quran padhte hain magar amal nai karte hum shaitan ki dushmani ka dawah to karte hain magar isse dosti khatm nai karte hum gunah to karte hain magar maafi mangte nahin hum maut ko bar haq mante hain magar marne k liye tiyar nai hote hum dosro k ayebon pe nazar rkhte hain magar apne gareban me nai jhankte hum allah ka diya hua rizaq to khate hain magar iska shukr ada nai karte hum apne murdon ko dafan to karte hain magar ibrat nahin pakdte allah hame in tamam baton par amal karne ki taufiq atah farmaye. AMMEEN- [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: لايك لصفحتي الجديدة يا شيوووخ [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:"Apabila roh telah dikembalikan ke tubuhnya maka akan datang dua orang Malaikat yang berwibawa, mereka adalaah Munkar dan Nakir dan akan bertanya:"Siapakah Tuhanmu? hingga akhir".Kemudian keduanya akan bertanya lagi:"Apakah yang kamu kata kepada lelaki ini yang mana ia diutus untuk kamu semua, yakni Muhammad". Mayat akan berkata:"Muhammad adalah utusan Allah dan al-Quran adalah diturunkan kepadanya dan aku mengimaninya, maka akan kedengaran suara dari langit berbunyi"Memang benarlah hambaku itu, maka hendaklah kamu semua menghamparkan hamparan dari syurga dan pakailah pakaian-pakaian dari syurga untuknya serta bukakanlah pintu-pintu syurga untuknya." Maka terbukalah pintu-pintu syurga untuknya dan datanglah bau yang harum dari syurga dan kuburnya menjadi luas sepanjang mata memandang. Setelah itu datang seorang lelaki yang sangat cantik rupanya dengan pakaian yang cantik dan berbau wangi, lalu ia berkata:"Bergembiralah kamu dengan apa yang menyenangkan kamu."Apabila mayat melihat orang yang tidak dikenali itu lalu ia bertanya:"Siapakah kamu!, Allah s.w.t. mengasihi kamu, aku tidak pernah melihat secantik kamu didunia."Berkatalah lelaki itu:"Aku adalah amal kamu yang salih.Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:"Kalau orang yang termasuk dalam golongan yang akan mendapat azab maka apabila telah sampai waktu ajalnya, maka malaikat akan turun dari langit dengan membawa pakaian azab dan mereka akan duduk jauh darinya, lalu datang malaikat maut duduk dekat kepalanya dan berkata:"Keluarlah kamu wahai nafsu yang jahat! dan keluarlah dengan kemurkaan Allah." Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:"Apabila berpisah roh dari badannya maka segala sesuatu yang di langit dan di bumi mengutuknya, semuanya akan mendengar kutukan tersebut melainkan manusia dan jin."Kemudian malaikat akan membawa roh tersebut naik ke langit dunia, apabila mereka telah sampai kepada langit dunia, disebabkan roh tersebut roh jahat maka tutuplah pintu-pintu langit, lalu kedengaran suara yang berbunyi:" Pulangkanlah roh tersebut ketempat tidurnya.Lalu malaikat pun mengembalikannya kekuburnya, setelah itu datanglah munkar dan nakir dengan suara yang garang seperti guruh, matanya seperti kilat yang menyambar, lalu keduanya membakar bumi dengan kedua siongnya. Kemudian keduanya duduk sambil bertanya:"Siapakah Tuhan kamu?.Jawab mayat:"Aku tak tahu".Di waktu yang sama kedengaran suara dari kubur sebelah berkata:"WEahai Munkar Nakir pukul saja orang itu."Maka Mukar dan nakir pun memukulnya dengan palu dari besi dan diterangkan andaikata kalau semua makhluk berkumpul sudah tentu tidak akan dapat mengelak dari pukulan tersebut, dengan pukulan tersebut maka menyalalah kuburnya dengan api dan kuburnya akan menjadi sempit hingga tersepit tulang-tulangnya. Setelah itu datanglah seorang lelaki menghampirinya dengan rupa yang paling buruk dan hina, baunya cukup busuk dan berkata lelaki itu:"Allah s.w.t. telah membalas kejahatanmu, maka demi Allah tidaklah kamu melakukan suatu kebajikan, tapi kamu sentiasa lalai untuk taat dan sentiasa melakukan kemaksiatan kepada Allah s.w.t.". Mayat bertanya:"Siapakah kamu?, Berkatalah lelaki itu:"Akulah amal perbuatanmu yang jahat."Lalu dibukakan pintu nerakaa dan ia pun melihat tempat tinggalnya yang tetap hingga datangnya hari kiamat. Ada diterangkan bahawa orang mukmin difitnah dalam kubur selama 7 hari dan orang kafir pula sampai 40 hari Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:"Sesiapa yang mati pada hari Jumaat Allah s.w.t. akan menyelamatkannya dari fitnah kubur." [1 Aktualisierung] Kuffr - Social Mention: Typicka vakuovka [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: Ayúdanos a encontrar el mejor chancho al palo del Perú [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: . Bismi ALLAH AL RAHMAN AL RAHEEM La il la ha il la Allah Subhana Allah Al Malik Al Qadir. Salaam Al HumduliAllah Share this with as many people you can for (sadaqah jariah) the deed that continues in reward even after you pass on if you truly believe in ALLAH (LORD) The Creator La il la ha il la ALLAH wa (Subhana Allah) theres none worthy of worship except ALLAH (LORD) You may learn how to pray and worship Allah the Lord and creator Prayer being one of the most important aspects of life. Im just here to spread the meassage and introduce ya'll to the Absolute Truth Allah and his Glorious Quran (THE WORD OF ALLAH LORD) ALLAH in Arabic Means (THE GOD) in English. You can read it at you can also listen to the beautiful recitals of it there and learn on how to please the Creator ALLAH (LORD) even more through the teachings of The Prophet Muhammed (Hadith Explorer) also. And if your interested in getting back in touch with Allah(LORD) you can reach him through prayer and if you want to learn how to pray correctly check out prayer being one of the most important aspects of life.You can also learn reciting the Quran for more rewards from Allah at and Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Quran that you can recite for protection By Allah Also you get rewards for reciting the Quran and each letter you recite comes with a Blessing. If you take this route in life when you pass on you get to meet ALLAH (LORD) and then he gives you paradise and everything your heart desires you now isnt that something to think about SUBHANA ALLAH Salaam Alaikum peace be upon you all and may yall strive for ALLAH (LORD) and his paradise through prayer His Glorious Quran and the hadiths of His Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) AllahuAkbar Al Qadir Subhana Allah Al Azeem. (note: All of the Arabic terms you see are just glorification of ALLAH(LORD) or some of his beautiful names. ALLAH is THE LORD true and unique name in Arabic.) AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar Subhana Allah Al Azeem Al Qadir AL Salaam THIS is the path to Jennah Paradise Salaam. [1 Aktualisierung] ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand: بعد قصف شديد على احدى العمارات في #جوبر دخلت ميليشيات #دجال_الممانعة للعمارة ترا... [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: Allayarham ahmad ammar semoga rohmu tng berada di sana...sgt bannga mujahid sepertinya...moga2 si twins mengikut jejkmu...amin....role model yg ptut dicontohi o belia2 zmn skrg....mogaa ank2 ku mnjadi sepertinya...amin p/s:cc Azhan Buscerclubs [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: Showing a smile is charity The Prophet of Allah was reported to be smiling the most. He would always show a smile to the people. The Prophet Muhammad [] said: "Do not abuse anyone, do not look down upon any good work, and when you speak to your brother, show him a cheerful face." [Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1889] The Prophet Muhammad [] said: "Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises." He was then asked: "From what do we give charity every day?" The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many; enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms, all of these are charity prescribed for you." He also said: "Your smile for your brother is charity." [Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 98] Abdullaah ibn Haarith [] said: "I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad []. Prophet Muhammad [] regarded smiling to a brother as an act of charity." [Tirmidhi] Jarir bin Abdullah [] said: The Messenger of Allah [] never refused me permission to see him since I embraced Islam and never looked at me except with a smile (on his face). [Sahih Muslim] [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: كاميرا خفية من كوكب اخر جد مضحكة "فيلم الرعب" هههههه [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: BIG MASSIVE LINE UP!!! 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' - ARE MUSLIMS EXCLUDED? Speakers include Dr Abdul Wahid, Shaykh Haitham Al Haddad, Dr. Uthman Lateef, Shaykh Shams Adduha, Abdurraheem Green, Hamza Tzortzis, Imam Shakeel Beg, Abdullah Al Andalusi and others. ** Thursday 21st November 2013 ** 6PM - 10.30PM More details can be found here: [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: PASAMIN DOGUM GUNU DAYISININ TOSUNU:))))) [1 Aktualisierung] Sharia4Indonesias Facebook-Pinnwand: Dont forget [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: Rukun solat. 1) Niat. Iaitu ingat dalam hati mengerjakan solat, tidak wajib disebut dengan lidah (perkataan) malahan sunat sahaja supaya lidah itu boleh menolong hati. Jika solat itu fardhu, wajib ada daripada 3 perkara, iaitu :- -Qasad : Iaitu dengan ingat mengerjakan solat fardhu (sahaja aku solat) -Ta'arud : Iaitu ingatkan fardhu -Takyin : Menentukan fardhu itu zohor atau lainnya. Bermakna semasa takbir, niat dalam hati "sahaja aku solat fardhu zohor". Tidak wajib disebut Allah Ta'ala tetapi jika disebut bagus supaya tepat makna ikhlas itu. Dan elok juga ditambah mengadap kiblat dan disebut bilangan raka'at demikian jua ditambah ada'an (tunai dalam waktu). Rujukan : Kitab Idaman Penuntut. Jom perbaiki solat. :) [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: Keshalihan Orang Tua Adalah Modal Utama Kebaikan Anak Setiap orang tua tentu memiliki harapan yang sama, yaitu keinginan agar anak- anak mereka menjadi anak yang shalih dan shalihah. Hanya saja perlu dicamkan baik-baik bahwa harapan seperti itu tidaklah hanya dicapai dengan angan-angan atau hayalan-hayalan mimpi. Akan tetapi keshalihan seorang anak itu bergantung pada keshalihan kedua orang tua. Oleh karena itu wahai para orang tua! Mulailah dari diri anda sendiri, anda membangun keimanan dan ketakwaan dihadapan Allah Ta'ala, agar dikemudin hari kebaikan tersebut akan tertular kepada anak-anak anda. Renungkanlah firman Allah Ta'ala berikut, ﻭَﻟْﻴَﺨْﺶَ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﻟَﻮْ ﺗَﺮَﻛُﻮﺍ ﻣِﻦْ ﺧَﻠْﻔِﻬِﻢْ ﺫُﺭِّﻳَّﺔً ﺿِﻌﺎﻓﺎً ﺧﺎﻓُﻮﺍ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻬِﻢْ ﻓَﻠْﻴَﺘَّﻘُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﻭَﻟْﻴَﻘُﻮﻟُﻮﺍ ﻗَﻮْﻻً ﺳَﺪِﻳﺪﺍً "Dan hendaklah takut kepada Allah orang-orang yang seandainya meninggalkan dibelakang mereka anak- anak yang lemah, yang mereka khawatir terhadap (kesejahteraan) mereka. oleh sebab itu hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Allah dan hendaklah mereka


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 22:55
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Abu Bilal - Das Wort "Ahki" hat keinen Wert mehr und Helden des ISLAM [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: Danita Delimont - Temples - Egypt, Luxor, Temple of Karnak, Temple of Luxor - AF14 MGL0057 - Miva Stock - Tile Pen Holders-5 inch tile pen holder -------------------------------------------- Excellent proposition - -------------------------------------------- More: Danita delimont - temples - egypt, luxor, temple of karnak, temple of luxor - af14 mgl0057 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - egypt - egyptian figures on souvenir shop wall, luxor, egypt-af14 aje0256 - adam jones - mouse pads; Danita delimont - sailboats - egypt, aswan, nile river, felucca sailboats - af14 mgl0060 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - temples - china, macau. coils of incense at the a-ma temple - as22 jeg0012 - julie eggers - mouse pads; Danita delimont - temples - screen wall, guoqing buddhist temple, zhejiang, china - as07 ksu1546 - keren su - light switch covers - single toggle switch; Danita delimont - pagodas - japan, kyoto, to-ji temple pagoda at twilight - as15 rti0753 - rob tilley - ornaments - 3 inch snowflake porcelain ornament; Danita delimont - hieroglyphics - egypt, temple of luxor, hieroglyphics, obelisk of ramesses ii-af14 pri0020 - prisma - water bottles; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, luxor, temple of karnak, temple of luxor - af14 mgl0057 - miva stock - flags - 12 x 18 inch garden flag; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, aswan,philae temple, cross -af14 dbr0069 - dave bartruff - coffee gift baskets - coffee gift basket; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, abu simbel, the greater temple, statues - af14 mgl0051 - miva stock - quilt squares - 8x8 inch quilt square; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, abu simbel, greater temple of ramses ii - af14 mgl0056 - miva stock - mouse pads; Danita delimont - egypt - egypt, cairo, museum of egyptian antiquities, papyrus - af14 mgl0050 - miva stock - drawing book - memory book 12 x 12 inch. Tags: christmas, 9948395588440, product, discussions, black friday, special, UA81I4, prices, customers, 50391546514, products, lowest prices, information, BMC91V, sales. [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: Bimar ko duva sai shafa hota hai ya dawa [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: See an angel on top of the kaabah. Allahu Akbar! [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: Ayah meninggal ktika takbir berkumandang :( [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Eine Nasiha an meine edlen Schwester im Islam M.T [1 Aktualisierung] abu z projekt - Social Mention: Projekt 4 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: am 22.11.13 wird am kay one sin labe gfickt vo bushido [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Gabriel Salas Rodrigo Higo G. Eduardo Turner David Villarreal Maldonado David Kalifa Jorge Villa-t Andrés Hayek Jorge A. Garza G. Marcelo Aguilar Gonzalo Margain [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: SW. Zeg me wat er in je op komt als ik dit zeg : TUPAC! [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: -Killuminati all through ya body, Pac knew and if someone killed him because he feared him. [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: "Another 20 children, aged between 4 and 13 and who 'had been completely brainwashed' by al-Shabaab at a local mosque, were placed in a rehabilitation programme, Liwowa told Sabahi. When police found them at Madina mosque, the youngsters possessed exercise books which contained teachings on 'how to kill using a knife [or] a machete, how to fight aggressors with weapons and without [weapons], how to sabotage the economy and how to liberate East Africa from the hands of the kuffar [infidels],' according to Liwowa. Al-Shabaab had brainwashed these children to the point that they disowned their parents as not being true Muslims because they intermingled with non-Muslims, he said." [1 Aktualisierung] Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: So Endstand der Track! [1 Aktualisierung] dawah-news - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Comments Allah Hu akber [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: EDITORIAL Political Crisis in Bangladesh Published: November 20, 2013 FACEBOOK TWITTER GOOGLE+ SAVE E-MAIL SHARE PRINT REPRINTS Since the year began, a series of general strikes have paralyzed Bangladesh, and hundreds have died in violent clashes between rival political factions. Top opposition leaders and human rights activists have been arrested. Courts have delivered guilty verdicts and death sentences that flout the most basic standards of due process. Opinion Twitter Logo. Connect With Us on Twitter For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT. Responsibility for this crisis sits squarely with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the leader of the Awami League party. Ms. Hasina seems determined to hang on to power in advance of general elections scheduled for January and to neutralize her opponents by any means necessary. In 2011, she scrapped a constitutional provision for the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before elections take place. Instead, Ms. Hasina set up an "all-party" government over which she presides. This is not acceptable to Khaleda Zia, a former prime minister who is the leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, or B.N.P. The two are locked in a potentially explosive impasse. Meanwhile, the Jamaat-e-Islami party, an ally of the B.N.P., has been banned from participating in the upcoming elections. Many Bangladeshis who support the Awami League fear that Islamist parties are threatening the foundation of a country that fought bitterly to separate from Pakistan in 1971. But banning Jamaat-e-Islami from participating in the electoral process is only forcing frustrated supporters into the streets. Meanwhile, trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh, which was set up in 2009 to try people accused of committing atrocities during the 1971 war with Pakistan, have targeted opposition leaders. The tribunal appears to be yet another tool to stifle political opponents. If violations of rights continue, Bangladesh could face pressure, including perhaps sanctions, from the international community. Prime Minister Hasina needs to restore autonomy to Bangladesh's judiciary, stop persecuting human rights activists and work with the political opposition to find an acceptable transitional government ahead of next year's election. [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: بالنسبه لاى حد حابب يخطب احب اقوله استنى اياك تخطب دلوقتى !! .. اصلك هتتدبس يا معلم بص يا كبير .. دفعة 1998 دى دفعه البنات فيها جامدين اخر حاجه من الاخر مزز يعنى معاك من 1998 وانت طالع الجيل دا جيل البنات تحس انهم بنات اجانب مع خالص اعتذارى لبنات دفعتى والى اكبر منها والى اصغر شوية بس صدقونى مفيش حد بيعنس وهتتجوزوا بس ممكن تقابلك عقبات زى ( علا عبد الصبور ) فاصبرى وربنا هيراضيك دى نصيحه منى ليكم كدا على الماشى وربنا يقدرنى على فعل الخير ادعولى بقا ههههههههههههههه .. [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ? [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Coordination between Awqaf and Interior [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Since the year began, a series of general strikes have paralyzed Bangladesh, and hundreds have died in violent clashes between rival political factions. Top opposition leaders and human rights activists have been arrested. Courts have delivered guilty verdicts and death sentences that flout the most basic standards of due process. Responsibility for this crisis sits squarely with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the leader of the Awami League party. Ms. Hasina seems determined to hang on to power in advance of general elections scheduled for January and to neutralize her opponents by any means necessary. In 2011, she scrapped a constitutional provision for the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before elections take place. Instead, Ms. Hasina set up an "all-party" government over which she presides. This is not acceptable to Khaleda Zia, a former prime minister who is the leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, or B.N.P. The two are locked in a potentially explosive impasse. Meanwhile, the Jamaat-e-Islami party, an ally of the B.N.P., has been banned from participating in the upcoming elections. Many Bangladeshis who support the Awami League fear that Islamist parties are threatening the foundation of a country that fought bitterly to separate from Pakistan in 1971. But banning Jamaat-e-Islami from participating in the electoral process is only forcing frustrated supporters into the streets. Meanwhile, trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh, which was set up in 2009 to try people accused of committing atrocities during the 1971 war with Pakistan, have targeted opposition leaders. The tribunal appears to be yet another tool to stifle political opponents. If violations of rights continue, Bangladesh could face pressure, including perhaps sanctions, from the international community. Prime Minister Hasina needs to restore autonomy to Bangladesh's judiciary, stop persecuting human rights activists and work with the political opposition to find an acceptable transitional government ahead of next year's election. [1 Aktualisierung] • Every Muslimah Is A Princess •s Facebook-Pinnwand: ツسَبحﺎنً ٱﻟلہّ ツ -ツSubhan'Allahツ- ツGlory be to Allahツ [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: Muzlings in Tanzania being raised to be peaceful humans [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Hayatımda vazgeçemeyeceğim insanlar (BÜŞRA YILMAZ),(ESRA YILMAZ),(GÜL YILMAZ),(GAMZE UĞURLU),(ÖZLEM UĞURLU),(NURTAÇ KARADAŞ),(CANAN YANIK),(KÜBRA CENİK)(DEMET YANIK),(SEMRA ARAZ),(KÜBRA ILBAŞ CENİK),(ŞEYMA YILMAZ),(SEDANUR YILMAZ)daha aklıma kimse gelmir yaz yaz bitmir masallah [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:59AM

    domeus - Neues von


    Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14);jsessionid=C47906E9BB1A1F18D502866A6609D2AD;dom52?gid=156714&mid=34802258
    May 16th 2013, 08:33

    news: Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) (16.05.2013 08:33 CEST)

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    Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Abu Bilal - Das Wort "Ahki" hat keinen Wert mehr und Helden des ISLAM Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:53PM

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention

    Abu Bilal - Das Wort "Ahki" hat keinen Wert mehr und Helden des ISLAM
    Nov 10th 2013, 11:49

    Ermahnungskreis vom 09.11.2013 Themen waren die Helden des ISLAM (Abdullah Ibn Salam r.a.) und das Wort "Akhi" hat keinen Wert mehr. ANMERKUNG: In Bezug auf ...

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    Abu Adam - Social Mention: Danita Delimont - Temples - Egypt, Luxor, Temple of Karnak, Temple of Luxor - AF14 MGL0057 - Miva Stock - Tile Pen Holders-5 inch tile pen holder -------------------------------------------- Excellent proposition - -------------------------------------------- More: Danita delimont - temples - egypt, luxor, temple of karnak, temple of luxor - af14 mgl0057 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - egypt - egyptian figures on souvenir shop wall, luxor, egypt-af14 aje0256 - adam jones - mouse pads; Danita delimont - sailboats - egypt, aswan, nile river, felucca sailboats - af14 mgl0060 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - temples - china, macau. coils of incense at the a-ma temple - as22 jeg0012 - julie eggers - mouse pads; Danita


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 22:28
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: IHED - Social Mention: Ihe unity of allah [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Al-Haqqs Facebook-Pinnwand: Ḫabbāb Ibn Al-Aratt berichtete:"Wir klagten (unsere Notlage) beim Gesandten Al... [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: Allahuakbar result aku sem nie..Kenapa chantek sngt..? Cemerlang sungguh.. Tetibe muncul 1D,nie sbb subjek PLC..Choii...! Pengsan.....! [1 Aktualisierung] quran verteilung - Social Mention: Dr zakir naik vs Dr William Cambell Bible and Quran in the Light of Science (must watch ) [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Saudade [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Louie Belt Match The Chucks (: [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: 416 Exalted Names of the Prophet All praises are due to Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Who created His Beloved Rasool Sayyidunā MuHammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Choicest Salāms and most revered Salutations upon the dazzling manifestation of the Sublime Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala who is the most perfect and independent human created by the Real Absolute Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. I - Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an al-Kareem 1. Muhammad: Praised One. 2. Ahmad: Most Deserving of Praise. 3. al-Ahsan: The Most Beautiful. The Best. 4. Udhun khayr: Friendly Ear. 5. al-A`la: The Highest (in all creation). 6. al-Imam: The Leader. 7. al-Amin: The Dependable. 8. al-Nabi: The Prophet. 9. al-Ummi: Literate without being taught by a Teacher -or- Base / Foundation of the Universe -or- the First & the Foremost.. 10. Anfas al-`arab: The Most Precious of the Arabs. 11. Ayatullah: The Sign of Allah. 12. Alif lam mim ra: A-L-M-R. 13. Alif lam mim sad: A-L-M-S 14. al-Burhan: The Proof. 15. al-Bashir: The Bringer of Good Tidings. 16. al-Baligh: The Very Eloquent One. 17. al-Bayyina: The Exposition. 18. Thani ithnayn: The Second of Two. 19. al-Harîs: The Insistent One. 20. al-Haqq: The Truth Itself. 21. Ha Mim: H-M. 22. Ha Mim `Ayn Sîn Qaf: H-M- ` -S-Q. 23. al-Hanif: The One of Primordial Religion. 24. Khatim al-nabiyyin: The Seal of Prophets. 25. al-Khabir: The Knowledgeable One. 26. al-Da`i: The Summoner. 27. Dhu al-quwwa: The Strong One. 28. Rahmatun li al-`alamin: A Mercy for the Worlds. 29. al-Ra'uf: The Gentle One. 30. al-Rahim: The Compassionate One. 31. al-Rasul: The Messenger. 32. Sabil Allah: The Path to Allah. 33. al-Siraj al-munir: The Light-Giving Lamp. 34. al-Shâhid: The Eyewitness. 35. al-Shahîd: The Giver of Testimony. 36. al-Sâhib: The Companion. 37. al-Sidq: Truthfulness Itself. 38. al-Sirat al-mustaqim: The Straight Way. 39. Tah Sîn: T-S. 40. Tah Sîn Mim: T-S-M. 41. Tah Ha: T-H. 42. al-`Amil: The Worker. 43. al-`Abd: The Slave. 44. `Abd Allah: Allah's Slave. 45. al-`Urwat al-wuthqa: The Sure Rope. 46. al-`Aziz: The Mighty One. The Dearest One. 47. al-Fajr: The Dawn. 48. Fadl Allah: Allah's Grace. 49. Qadamu Sidq: Truthful Ground. 50. al-Karim: The Generous One. 51. Kaf Ha' Ya' `Ayn Sad: K-H-Y- ` - S 52. al-Lisan: Language Itself. 53. al-Mubashshir: The Harbinger of Goodness. 54. al-Mubîn: The Manifest. 55. al-Muddaththir: The Cloaked One. 56. al-Muzzammil: The Enshrouded One. 57. al-Mudhakkir: The Reminder. 58. al-Mursal: The Envoy. 59. al-Muslim: The One Who Submits. 60. al-Mashhud: The One Witnessed To. 61. al-Musaddiq: The Confirmer. 62. al-Muta`: The One Who Is Obeyed. 63. al-Makîn: The Staunch One. 64. al-Munadi: The Crier. 65. al-Mundhir: The Admonisher. 66. al-Mizan: The Balance. 67. al-Nas: Humanity. 68. al-Najm: The Star. 69. al-Thaqib: The Sharp-Witted One. 70. al-Nadhîr: The Warner. 71. Ni`mat Allah: Allah's Great Favor. 72. al-Nur: The Light. 73. Nun: N. 74. al-Hadi: Guidance Itself. 75. al-Wali: The Ally. 76. al-Yatim: The Orphan. The Unique One. 77. Ya Sîn: I-S. II- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam mentioned in the Qur'an as verbs 078. âkhidh al-sadaqat: The Collector of Alms. 079. al-âmir: The Commander. 080. al-Nâhi: The Forbidder. 081. al-Tâli: The Successor. 082. al-Hâkim: The Arbitrator. 083. al-Dhakir: The Rememberer. 084. al-Râdi: The Acquiescent. 085. al-Râghib: The Keen. 086. al-Wâdi`: The Deposer. 087. Rafî` al-dhikr: The One of Exalted Fame. 088. Rafî` al-darajât: The One of The Exalted Ranks. 089. al-Sâjid: The Prostrate. 090. al-Sâbir: The Long-Suffering. 091. al-Sâdi`: The Conqueror of Obstacles. 092. al-Safuh: The Oft-Forgiving. 093. al-`âbid: The Worshipful. 094. al-`âlim: The Knower. 095. al-`Alîm: The Deeply Aware. 096. al-`Afuw: The Grantor of Pardon. 097. al-Ghâlib: The Victor. 098. al-Ghani: The Free From Want. 099. al-Muballigh: The Bearer of News. 100. al-Muttaba`: He Who Is Followed. 101. al-Mutabattil: The Utter Devotee. 102. al-Mutarabbis: The Expectant One. 103. al-Muhallil: The Dispenser of Permissions. 104. al-Muharrim: The Mandator of Prohibitions. 105. al-Murattil: The Articulate. 106. al-Muzakki: The Purifier. 107. al-Musabbih: The Lauder. 108. al-Musta`îdh: The Seeker of Refuge. 109. al-Mustaghfir: The Seeker of Forgiveness. 110. al-Mu'min: The Believer. The Grantor of Safety. 111. al-Mushâwir: The Consultant. 112. al-Musalli: The Prayerful. 113. al-Mu`azzaz: The Strengthened One. 114. al-Muwaqqar: Held in Awe. 115. al-Ma`sum: Immune. 116. al-Mansur: The One With Divine Help. 117. al-Mawla: The Master of Favors and Help. 118. al-Mu'ayyad: The Recipient of Support. 119. al-Nâsib: The One Who Makes Great Effort. 120. al-Hâdi: The Guide. 121. al-Wâ`izh: The Exhorter. [Note: The character denotes a long A or alif.] III- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam in the Hadith and the Ancient Books 122. Ajîr: The Saved One. 123. Uhyad: The Dissuader. 124. Ahhad: The Peerless One. 125. Akhumakh: Of Sound Submission. 126. al-Atqa: The Most Godwary. 127. al-Abarr: The Most Righteous One. The Most Pious One. 128. al-Abyad: The Fairest One. 129. al-Agharr: The Most Radiant One. 130. al-Anfar: The One With the Largest Assembly. 131. al-Asdaq: The Most Truthful. 132. al-Ajwad: The Most Bounteous. 133. Ashja` al-Nas: The Most Courageous of Humanity. 134. al-âkhidh bi al-hujuzât: The Grasper of Waist-Knots. 135. Arjah al-nas `aqlan: The Foremost in Humankind in Intellect. 136. al-A`lamu billah: The Foremost in Knowledge of Allah. 137. al-Akhsha lillah: The Foremost in Fear of Allah. 138. Afsah al-`arab: The Most Articulate of the Arabs. 139. Aktharu al-anbiya'i tabi`an: The Prophet With The Largest Following. 140. al-Akram: The One Held in Highest Honor. 141. al-Iklil: The Diadem. 142. Imam al-nabiyyin: The Leader of Prophets. 143. Imam al-muttaqin: The Leader of the Godwary. 144. Imam al-nas: The Leader of Humankind. 145. Imam al-khayr: The Good Leader. 146. al-Amân: The Safeguard. 147. Amanatu as-habih: (The Keeper of) His Companions's Trust. 148. al-Awwal: The First. 149. al-âkhir: The Last. 140: Ukhrâya: The Last (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 141: al-Awwâh: The One Who Cries Ah. 142: al-Abtahi: The One from Bitah between Mecca and Mina. 143. al-Bâriqlît, al-Barqalîtos: The Paraclete. The Spirit of Holiness. The Innocent One. 144. al-Bâtin: The Hidden One (in his station). 145. Bim'udhma'udh: One of his names in the Torah. 146. al-Bayan: The Exposition. 147. al-Taqi: The One Who Guards Himself. 148. al-Tihami: The One from Tihama (the lowland of the Hijaz). 149. al-Thimal: The Protector. 150. al-Jabbar: The Fierce One. 151. al-Khatim: The Sealer. 152. al-Hâshir: The Gatherer. 153. Hât Hât: His name in the Psalms. 154. al-Hâfizh: The Preserver. 155. Hâmid: Praiseful. 156. Hâmil liwa' al-hamd: Bearer of the Flag of Praise. 157: Habib Allah: Allah's Beloved. 158. Habib al-Rahman: The Beloved of the Merciful. 159. Habîtan: His name in the Injil. 160. al-Hujja: The Proof. 162. Hirzan li al-`ayn: A Barrier Against The Evil Eye. 163. al-Hasîb: The Sufficient One. The Highborn One. 164. al-Hafîzh: The Keeper and Guardian. 165. al-Hakîm: The Wise One. 166. al-Halîm: The Meek One. 167. Hammitâya: Guardian of Sanctity. 168. al-Humayd: The Praised One. 169. al-Hamîd: The Praised One. 170. al-Hayy: The Living One. 171. Khâzin mal Allah: Allah's Treasurer. 172. al-Khâshi`: The Fearful One. 173. al-Khâdi`: The Submissive One. 174. Khatîb al-nabiyyin: The Orator Among the Prophets. 175. Khalil Allah: Allah's Close Friend. 176. Khalifat Allah: Allah's Deputy. 177. Khayr al-`alamin: The Greatest Goodness in the Worlds. 178. Khayru khalq Allah: The Greatest Good in Allah's Creation. 179. Khayru hadhihi al-umma: The Best of This Community. 180. Dar al-hikma: The House of Wisdom. 181. al-Dâmigh: The Refuter (of Falsehoods). 182. al-Dhikr: The Remembrance. 183. al-Dhakkar: The One Who Remembers Much. 184. al-Râfi`: The Exalter. 185. Râkib al-buraq: The Rider of the Buraq. 186. Râkib al-jamal: The Rider of the Camel. 187. Rahmatun muhdat: Mercy Bestowed. 188. Rasul al-rahma: The Emissary of Mercy. 189. Rasul al-raha: The Emissary of Relief. 190. Rasul / Nabi al-malahim: The Emissary / Prophet of Battles. 191. Rukn al-mutawadi`in: The Pillar of the Humble Ones. 192. al-Rahhab: The Most Fearful. 193. Ruh al-haqq: The Spirit of Truth. 194. Ruh al-qudus: The Spirit of Holiness. 195. al-Zahid: The One Who Does-Without. 196. al-Zaki: The Pure One. 197. al-Zamzami: The Heir of Zamzam. 198. Zaynu man wâfa al-qiyama: The Ornament of All Present on the Day of Judgment. 199. Sabiq: Foremost. 200. Sarkhatilos: Paraclete (in Syriac). 201. Sa`id: Felicitous. 202. al-Salam: Peace. 203. Sayyid al-nas: The Master of Humanity. 204. Sayyid walad Adam: The Master of the Children of Adam. 205. Sayf Allah: Allah's Sword. 206. al-Shâri`: The Law-Giver. 207. al-Shâfi`: The Intercessor. 208. al-Shafî`: The Constant Intercessor. 209. al-Mushaffa`: The One Granted Intercession. 210. al-Shâkir: The Thankful One. 211. al-Shakkâr: The One Who Thanks Much. 212. al-Shakur: The Ever-Thankful. 213. Sâhib al-taj: The Wearer of the Crown. 214. Sâhib al-hujja: The Bringer of The Proof. 215. Sâhib al-hawd: The Owner of the Pond. 216. Sâhib al-kawthar: The Owner of the River of Kawthar. 217. Sâhib al-hatîm: The Lord of the Court Before the Ka`ba. 218. Sâhib al-khâtim: The Owner of the Seal. 219. Sâhibu Zamzam: The Owner of Zamzam. 220. Sâhib al-sultan: The Possessor of Authority. 221: Sâhib al-sayf: The Bearer of the Sword. 222. Sâhib al-shafa`at al-kubra: The Great Intercessor. 223. Sâhib al-qadib: The Bearer of the Rod. 224. Sâhib al-liwa': The Carrier of the Flag. 225. Sâhib al-mahshar: The Lord of the Gathering. 226. Sâhib al-mudarra`a: The Wearer of Armor. 227. Sâhib al-mash`ar: The Owner of the Landmark. 228. Sâhib al-mi`raj: The One Who Ascended. 229. Sâhib al-maqam al-mahmud: The One of Glorified Station. 230. Sâhib al-minbar: The Owner of the Pulpit. 231. Sâhib al-na`layn: The Wearer of Sandals. 232. Sâhib al-hirâwa: The Bearer of the Cane. 233. Sâhib al-wasila: The Possessor of the Means. 234. Sâhib la ilaha illallah: The Teacher of "There is no god but Allah." 235. al-Sadiq: The Truthful. 236. al-Masduq: The Confirmed. 237. al-Sâlih: The righteous one. 238. al-Dâbit: The One Given Mastery. 239. al-Dahuk: The Cheerful One. 240. al-Tahir: The (Ritually) Pure One. 241. Tâb Tâb: Of Blessed Memory. His Name in the Torah. 242. al-Tayyib: The Salutary One. The Fragrant One. 243. al-Zhahir: The Prevailer. 244. al-`âqib: The Last in Succession. 245. al-`Adl: The Just. 246. al-`Arabi: The Arabian. The Speaker of Arabic. 247. `Ismatullah: Allah's Protection. 248. al-`Azhim: The Tremendous One. 249. al-`Afif: The Chaste One. 250. al-`Ali: The High One. 251. al-Ghafur: The Frequent and Abundant Forgiver. 252. al-Ghayth: Rain. Help (esp. in the elements). 253. al-Fâtih: The Conqueror. 254. al-Fâriq: The Separator Between Good and Bad. 255. Fârqilîta: The Paraclete. 256. Fartt: The Scout. 257. al-Fasîh: The Highly Articulate One. 258. Falâh: Felicity. 259. Fi'at al-muslimin: The Main Body of the Muslims. 260. al-Qa'im: The One Who Stands and Warns. The Establisher. 261. Qâsim: The Distributer. 262. Qa'id al-khayr: The Leader Who Guides to Goodness. 263. Qa'id al-ghurr al-muhajjalîn: Leader of the Bright-Limbed Ones. 264. al-Qattal: The Dauntless Fighter. 265. Qutham: Of Perfect Character. Gifted With Every Merit. 266. Qudmâya: The First (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 267. al-Qurashi: The One From Quraysh. 268. al-Qarîb: The Near One. 269. al-Qayyim: The Righteous Straightener (of the Community). 270. al-Kâff: The One Who Puts a Stop (to Disobedience). 271. al-Mâjid: The Glorifier. 272. al-Mâhi: The Eraser (of Disbelief). 273. al-Ma'mun: The One Devoid of Harm. 274. al-Mubarak: The Blessed One. 275. al-Muttaqi: The Godwary One. 276. al-Mutamakkin: Made Firm and Established. 277. al-Mutawakkil: Completely Dependent Upon Allah. 278. al-Mujtaba: The Elect One. 279. al-Mukhbit: The Humble Before Allah. 280. al-Mukhbir: The Bringer of News. 281. al-Mukhtar: The Chosen One. 282. al-Mukhlis: The Perfectly Sincere One. 283. al-Murtaja: The Much Anticipated One. 284. al-Murshid: The Guide. 285. Marhama: General Amnesty. 286. Malhama: Great Battle. 287. Marghama: Greater Force. 288. al-Musaddad: Made Righteous. 289. al-Mas`ud: The Fortunate. 290. al-Masîh: The Anointed. 291. al-Mashfu`: Granted Intercession. 292. Mushaqqah / Mushaffah: Praised One. 293. al-Mustafa: The One Chosen and Purified. 294. al-Muslih: The Reformer. 295. al-Mutahhir / al-Mutahhar: The Purifier / The Purified One. 296. al-Muti`: The Obedient One. 297. al-Mu`ti: The Giver. 298. al-Mu`aqqib: The One Who Comes Last in Succession. 299. al-Mu`allim: The Teacher. 300. al-Mifdal: The Most Generous. 301. al-Mufaddal: Favored Above All Others. 302. al-Muqaddas: The One Held Sacred. 303. Muqim al-Sunna: The Founder of The Way. 304. al-Mukrim: The One Who Honored Others. 305. al-Makki: The Meccan One. 306. al-Madani: The Madinan One. 307. al-Muntakhab: The Chosen One. 308. al-Munhaminna: The Praised One (in Syriac). 309. al-Munsif: The Equitable One. 310. al-Munib: The Oft-Repentant One. 311. al-Muhajir: The Emigrant. 312. al-Mahdi: The Well-Guided One. 313. al-Muhaymin: The Watcher. 314. al-Mu'tamin: The One Given the Trust. 315. Mûsal: Mercied. (In the Torah.) 316. Mâdh Mâdh / Mûdh Mûdh / Mîdh Mîdh: Of Blessed Memory. 317. al-Nâsikh: The Abrogator. 318. al-Nâshir: The Proclaimer. 319. al-Nâsih: The Most Sincere Adviser. 320. al-Nâsir: The Helper. 321. Nabi al-marhama: The Prophet of General Amnesty. 322. al-Nasîb: The One of High Lineage. 323. al-Naqiy: The Limpid One. 324. al-Naqîb: Trustee. Guarantor. 325. al-Hâshimi: The One of Hâshim's Line. 326. al-Wâsit: Central in Relation To All The Noble Families. 327. al-Wâ`id: The Harbinger of Terrible News. 328. al-Wasîla: The Means. 329. al-Wafi: Holder of His Promise. 330. Abu al-Qasim: Father of Qasim. 331. Abu Ibrahim: Father of Ibrahim. 332. Abu al-Mu'minin: Father of the Believers. 333. Abu al-Arâmil: Father of Widows. IV- Additional Names of Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam From Al-Jazuli's (d.


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 22:13
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: allahuakbar - Social Mention: ALLAHUAKBAR,ALLAHUAKBAR,ALLAHUAKBAR..ASTAGFIRULLAHALAZIM...AMIN...mmm [1 Aktualisierung] Sheikh Abdellatif - Social Mention: What was the true target of the Beirut bombing? [1 Aktualisierung] khilafah - Social Mention: Masih adalah kedaulatan di Negeri ini? atau semuanya sudah terjual? Mana NKRI Harga Mati-nya? Disinilah pentingnya Negara Khilafah pelindung kehormatan sejati Umat Islam. [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood, The Next Step and The Phantoms Win the Prestigious 2013 Shaw Rocket Prize [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Bravery is one of the Islamic characters and it is part of Iman. However, Islam condemns for us to be from those who are extremely careless under the pretext of being brave, this is known as tahawwur when a person intentionally puts himself into trouble out of carelessness. There are some who their duty to please their Lord with a brave character and as a result are tested by Allah (swt). This is called ibtilaa. So we need to balance the topic. You must be brave in 3 situations: • in front of the enemy for the sake of Allah (swt) • in the battlefield • in front of a tyrant ruler These are three different situations. If we look to the lives of the Sahabah, we can learn a lot about bravery as well as in the Seerah. On the day of Badr, the Messenger (saw) consulted his companions and said, 'O people, tell me what you think?' It was Sa'ad ibn Muadh (ra) who said, 'it is as if you want us to speak ourselves? We are your companions.' The Prophet (saw) agreed and Sa'ad (ra) said, 'We believe in you trust you, and we testify that what u bring is the truth and we give you for that our word and commitment, and our vow to listen and obey go to what you want. we are with you by the one who sent u with the truth, if u want to go to the middle of the sea, we will go with you, no one of us will turn his back.' (ibn Hisham). This is the bravery of all the kinds mentioned above. Ibn Hisham reported that you need to be committed and brave in front of the enemy of Allah (swt). You can encourage yourself to be brave when facing the enemy of Allah (swt) with certain support as it is the driving force behind it that makes you brave. You should remember at all times that supporting the Deen of Allah (swt) is fard upon you as this will take away any fear that you have of the enemy. Rather your Iman and belief will be the driving force behind offering your life for the sake of the Deen to be superior. Zubayr ibn awwam (ra) once carried his sword and started to go around Makkah as if he was looking for something. Whenever he saw a person he would ask them questions until he reached the top of Makkah, where he met the Messenger (saw). He (saw) asked him what he was doing and Zubayr (ra) replied, 'I heard that you had been killed.' The Messenger (saw) asked, 'what would you have done if that had happened?' Zubayr (ra) said, 'I will kill with this sword the one who killed you.' The Messenger (saw) made dua for him and said, 'May Allah bless you and your sword with goodness with barakah.' Here it is so clear that the driving forced behind Zubayr (ra) was that he wanted to support the Deen of Allah (swt) and protect the Messenger (saw). The other cause of bravery in front of the enemy is to learn the bravery from your childhood. You need to have a proper upbringing for that rather than be a person who is coward and does not stand up for the haqq. That is the job of the parent to teach them this so when they grow up they will be brave and firm Insha Allah. The Sahabi, Abdul Rahman ibn Awf (ra) said he was standing on the day of Badr, in the first line, and was looking on the right and the left. He said he found himself between two young men who looked like children. They were from the Ansar. One said to ibn Awf, 'O uncle, do u know who is Abu Jahl?' He (ra) replied, 'yes, what do you want from him?' He said, 'I heard he insulted our Messenger (saw) and by the one whose hand is in my soul, if I find him, I will never let my shade miss him (i.e. will never miss him) until he dies.' Ibn Awf realised the amount of protection the Messenger (saw) had. Any insult against the Prophet (saw) and there will always be people who rise to support him. Ibn Awf (ra) was shocked that these two young men wanted to do what they said; when he saw Abu Jahl he pointed him out to the young boys who went towards him and killed him. They both went to the Prophet (saw) and told him that they had killed Abu Jahl. When the Prophet (saw) asked which one did it, they both said 'me.' The Messenger (saw) asked them if they had wiped clean their swords to which they replied no. The Messenger (saw) smiled and said, 'both of you killed him.' (Bukhari and Muslim). This shows the bravery amongst the companions, they were so young yet so brave and they went forward and never became cowards. This form of bravery in the battlefield is essential and the driving force behind that is the Deen and the tawakkul. The brave one is the one who puts his strength in the right place at the right time. You must always try to imitate the brave and should not take the cowards as your example. Sa'ad ibn abi Waqqas (ra) narrated that Hamza (ra) fought on the day pf Uhud and he would stand in front of the Messenger (saw) and say, 'I am the lion of Allah.' These are the great people we should be trying to imitate as the bravery of Hamza (ra) shone through on the battlefield. There are many fruits of bravery. Allah (swt) promises the one who stands firm in front of the enemy that he will have the best reward in this life and in the hereafter, for Allah (swt) tells us that they are not equal. "And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the Cause of Allah? And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the conquering (of Makkah) (with those among you who did so later). Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to all, Allah has promised the best (reward). And Allah is All-Aware of what you do." (57:10) As Muslims your heart should always burn to defend the Deen. Allah (swt) tells us we will be saved from the hellfire if we persevere in front of the enemy. "If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allah is Able to do all things." (9:39) The brave person will be generous by default, as there is no way for him to be stingy. A person is not generous with money, rather by life. Hence Allah (swt) has informed us that if we are afraid from spending for His sake, then we are stingy. "Behold, ye are those invited to spend (of your substance) in the Way of Allah. But among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls. But Allah is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you." (47:38) People will start to love you because you are brave, the way people love Khattab, Zarqawi, etc, as well as the people before that from the Sahabah (raa), simply because they showed signs or bravery. The Messenger (saw) has also informed us how the strong Muslim is dearer to Allah (swt) than the weak. Ibn Taymiyah also informed us how people would raise in ranks the brave one. We have heard the hadith, "….to speak a word of truth in front of a tyrant ruler." It is not bravery to stand up against something useless, hence there is nothing to justify the Muslim being weak in front of the ruler. You either invite him to Islam or argue with him, but either way you must be brave. The purpose to be brave in front of the rulers is to give advice without fear. If a Muslim gives advice to a ruler without fearing, Allah (swt) will make him have authority and he will always remember Allah's authority. Remember the hadith of the great tabi' Ataa ibn Rabah who entered to Abdul Malik ibn Marwan who was sitting around the noble people of Makkah. When they saw ibn Rabah they stood up and gave him the main seat where the people would sit. They said to him, 'O Abu Muhammad, what do u need?' The leader of the Muslim Ummah stood up for him ibn Rabah said, 'O Amir ul Mumineen, fear Allah in the sacred place and remember the sanctity of Allah and of the Messenger (saw). Fear Allah in the children of the Ansar and the Muhajireen. You sit in that majlis of ruling and fear Allah from those who are outside your door, don't ever hide yourself, go out and deal with them and don't ever close the door.' He said 'indeed I will do that.' Ibn Rabah spoke directly in his face. You should remind the hakim and advise because no one is born a ruler, rather the leadership has been granted to him by the people who choose him to be a leader, therefore he will be accounted with what the people entrusted him with. Abu Hazim and Salamah bin Dinar entered into Muawiyyah bin Abu Sufyan, the Amir ul Mumineen and said, 'Peace be upon you who is a worker.' People said to them, 'You should say peace be upon you O Amir, not ajeer (worker).' They rejected and looked to Muawiyyah and said, 'You are the employee for this Ummah, Allah (swt) hired you to look after them.' This is a strong and brave way to speak in front of the ruler. Hence we know that we should keep advising each other and should keep doing the dawah with the haqq. Khaleefah Sulayman ibn Abdul Malik said to Abu Hazm, 'give me advice Abu Hazm.' We learn from this that the Khaleef sought advice from the people. Abu Hazm said, 'I will give u a summarised naseehah, elevate your lord and purify Allah from seeing you in a place where He forbids you.' Allah (swt) wants us in the dawah field to speak the haqq and on the battlefield to fight for the haqq and in the house to raise the family with the haqq. When you are a fighter, sometimes you fight with the sword, sometimes with the word and sometimes with your energy to be with your family, etc. We have witnessed many brothers who have stood in front of many tyrant rulers and have spoken the truth and the fruit of that is that they will be spreading the haqq and the khayr and this will encourage the people who see that to spread the truth and forbid the evil. Al Izz bin Abdul Salaam, a scholar from Egypt heard that one shop sold alcohol, he said to the ruler of Egypt who was Saleh Ayyub, 'O Ayyub, what will you do on the day of judgement in front of your Lord who will say to you , I made you the leader of Egypt and you made the alcohol permissible?' He replied, 'I never knew that people sold alcohol and this is from the time of my father.' So Al Izz asked 'are you from those who say we are on the religion of our forefathers?' Saleh Ayyub ordered that all the shops be closed down completely. This is the fruit of standing in front of the rulers, it will make you honourable and people will respect you and look up to you. Also after the advice of ibn Rabah to the rulers of his time, he said, 'O Abu Muhammad, you asked me what others need for me to fulfil it now tell me what you need?' He said, 'I am not needy for any creation.' Abdul Malik ibn Marwan said, 'by Allah that is the honour and the izzah.' People will look to the one who is brave as that is the man who has the izzah (honour). The one who keeps doing that will be saved from any harm on the day of judgement. Some people think that if you are coward it may save you and if you are brave it may destroy you. In fact it is the opposite because if you are a coward you will lose and fail and face severe consequences as it will lead you to make the ruler angry with you and Allah (swt) will make that happen. It is the bravery that will save him Abu Ghiyaath was a person who was devoted to Allah (swt) and his Deen. He had no time for the halal dunya even. He took his stick and started to attack the young people of Prince Nasr ibn Ahmed when he saw them coming out of the palace of the leader as they had with them some instruments and singers. He started to hit them with his stick at which point they asked the ameer who had invited him there. The ameer said, 'did you not know that the one who rises against the ruler will get his lunch time in prison?' Abu Ghiyaath replied, 'did you not know that the one who rises against Allah will have his dinner in hellfire? The ameer asked, 'who appointed you to command good?' and he replied, 'the one who appointed you to be ameer,' he said, 'the khaleef appointed me.' Abu Ghiyaath said, 'the one who appointed me to command the good and forbid the evil is the lord of the khaleefah.' The ameer said 'I will appoint you to be in charge of this duty in Samarkand,' and he said, 'if you appoint me I will resign because if you appoint me one day you will throw me out but if Allah appoints me then no one can remove me,' and the ameer said, 'you are a man of bravery, you are a real ameer,' and he asked him to leave. You also need to maintain bravery in the time of hardship and in difficult situations. It may be that a person is brave but some people lose this when things are hard you have to be brave in calamity and hardship. You must first be faithful to Allah (swt) and his Messenger (saw) as that will give u the energy to be brave in hardship. When the Muslim hesitated to send the army of Usama, which was prepared by the Messenger (saw) to go to ash sham when he died, Abu Bakr said, 'by the one whose soul is in his hand, if I think that the lions are going to kill me I will still send the army of Usama. I will not untie the knot that has been done by the Messenger (saw),' meaning that he would never hesitate in any matter that Allah (swt) started. You need to train yourself to be firm and have sabr when you have been separated from your family. Sometimes from your wife and children, students or sheikh, community or something else that you love. That may be the most difficult thing, but you need to be brave in this situation. Sometimes you are separated from someone by death because that is inevitable to happen to any creation. Our beloved one is the Messenger (saw) who when he passed away many people could not accept it. Some even said it was impossible. People presumed that maybe his situation was like Musa (as), who just went to meet his Lord for 40 days and then would return. Even Umar (ra) didn't take it until Abu Bakr came out and said, 'whoever worshipped Muhammad (saw), then he has passed away and whoever worshipped Allah, he is ever living.' That is when the bravery of Abu Bakr was manifested inn that difficult time where he was being brave in hardship; this is where you will earn the love of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) loves those people whom whenever he tests them, they stand firm and are brave and do not compromise. And it is taken from the hadith of the Messenger (saw) where Allah (swt) says He will grant his love to his servant if he becomes brave in front of calamities, not just in front of


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 22:05
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: allahu akbar - Social Mention: BERKHIDMAT PADA SUAMI (Oleh: Ustadzah Ummu Ishaq Zulfa Husein Al-Atsariyyah) Pulang dari bekerja, semestinya adalah waktu untuk beristrirahat bagi suami selaku kepala rumah tangga. Namun banyak kita jumpai fenomena di mana mereka justru masih disibukkan dengan segala macam pekerjaan rumah tangga sementara sang istri malah ngerumpi di rumah tetangga (atau istri kecapean karena bekerja di luar rumah). Bagaimana istri shalihah menyikapi hal ini? Salah satu sifat istri shalihah yang menandakan bagusnya interaksi kepada suaminya adalah BERKHIDMAT KEPADA SANG SUAMI dan membantu pekerjaannya sebatas yang ia mampu. Ia tidak akan membiarkan sang suami melayani dirinya sendiri sementara ia duduk berpangku tangan menyaksikan apa yang dilakukan suaminya. Ia merasa enggan bila suaminya sampai tersibukkan dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan rumah, memasak, mencuci, merapikan tempat tidur, dan semisalnya, SEMENTARA IA (sebagai istrinya) MASIH MAMPU UNTUK MENANGANINYA. Sehingga tidak mengherankan bila kita mendapati seorang istri shalihah MENYIBUKKAN HARI-HARINYA DENGAN MEMBERIKAN PELAYANAN KEPADA SUAMINYA, mulai dari menyiapkan tempat tidurnya, makan dan minumnya, pakaiannya, dan kebutuhan suami lainnya. Semua dilakukan dengan penuh kerelaan dan kelapangan hati disertai niat ibadah kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Dan sungguh ini merupakan bentuk perbuatan ihsannya kepada suami, yang diharapkan darinya ia akan beroleh kebaikan. Berkhidmat kepada suami ini telah dilakukan oleh wanita-wanita utama lagi mulia dari kalangan shahabiyyah, seperti yang dilakukan Asma' bintu Abi Bakar Ash-Shiddiq radhiYallahu 'anhuma yang berkhidmat kepada Az-Zubair ibnul Awwam radhiYallahu 'anhu, suaminya. Ia mengurusi hewan tunggangan suaminya, memberi makan dan minum kudanya, menjahit dan menambal embernya, serta mengadon tepung untuk membuat kue. Ia yang memikul biji-bijian dari tanah milik suaminya sementara jarak tempat tinggalnya dengan tanah tersebut sekitar 2/3 farsakh (1 farsakh kurang lebih 8 km atau 3,5 miL)." (HR. Bukhari no. 5224 dan Muslim no. 2182) Demikian pula khidmatnya Fathimah bintu Rasulillah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di rumah suaminya, Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu 'anhu, SAMPAI-SAMPAI KEDUA TANGANNYA LECET KARENA MENGGILING GANDUM. Ketika Fathimah datang ke tempat ayahnya untuk MEMINTA SEORANG PEMBANTU, sang ayah yang mulia memberikan bimbingan kepada yang LEBIH BAIK: أَلاَ أَدُلُّكُماَ عَلَى ماَ هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُماَ مِنْ خاَدِمٍ؟ إِذَا أَوَيْتُماَ إِلَى فِرَاشِكُماَ أَوْ أَخَذْتُماَ مَضاَجِعَكُماَ فَكَبَّرَا أًَرْبَعاً وَثَلاَثِيْنَ وَسَبَّحاَ ثَلاَثاً وَثَلاَثِيْنَ وَحَمِّدَا ثَلاَثاً وَثَلاثِيْنَ، فَهَذَا خَيْرٌ لَكُماَ مِنْ خاَدِمٍ "Maukah aku tunjukkan kepada kalian berdua apa yang lebih baik bagi kalian daripada seorang pembantu? Apabila kalian mendatangi tempat tidur kalian atau ingin berbaring, bacalah Allahu Akbar 34 kali, Subhanallah 33 kali, dan Alhamdulillah 33 kali. Ini lebih baik bagi kalian daripada seorang pembantu." (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 6318 dan Muslim no. 2727) Shahabat Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Jabir bin Abdillah radhiyallahu 'anhu, menikahi seorang janda untuk berkhidmat padanya dengan mengurusi saudara-saudara perempuannya yang masih kecil. Jabir berkisah: "Ayahku meninggal dan ia meninggalkan 7 atau 9 anak perempuan. Maka aku pun menikahi seorang janda. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bertanya padaku: تَزَوَّجْتَ ياَ جاَبِر؟ فَقُلْتُ: نَعَمْ. فَقاَلَ: بِكْرًا أَمْ ثَيِّباً؟ قُلْتُ: بَلْ ثَيِّباً. قاَلَ: فَهَلاَّ جاَرِيَةً تُلاَعِبُهاَ وَتُلاَعِبُكَ، وَتُضاَحِكُهاَ وَتُضاَحِكُكَ؟ قاَلَ فَقُلْتُ لَهُ: إِنَّ عَبْدَ اللهِ هَلَكَ وَ تَرَكَ بَناَتٍ، وَإِنِّي كَرِهْتُ أَنْ أَجِيْئَهُنَّ بِمِثْلِهِنَّ، فَتَزَوَّجْتُ امْرَأَةً تَقُوْمُ عَلَيْهِنَّ وَتُصْلِحُهُنَّ. فَقاَلَ: باَرَكَ اللهُ لَكَ، أَوْ قاَلَ: خَيْرًا "Apakah engkau sudah menikah, wahai Jabir?" "Sudah," jawabku. "Dengan gadis atau janda?" tanya beliau. "Dengan janda," jawabku. "Mengapa engkau tidak menikah dengan gadis, sehingga engkau bisa bermain-main dengannya dan ia bermain-main denganmu. Dan engkau bisa tertawa bersamanya dan ia bisa tertawa bersamamu?" tanya beliau. "Ayahku, Abdullah, meninggal dan ia meninggalkan anak-anak perempuan dan aku tidak suka mendatangkan di tengah-tengah mereka wanita yang sama dengan mereka. Maka aku pun menikahi seorang wanita YANG BISA MENGURUSI dan MERAWAT MEREKA," jawabku. Beliau berkata: "Semoga Allah memberkahimu," atau beliau berkata: "Semoga kebaikan bagimu." (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 5367 dan Muslim no. 1466) Hushain bin Mihshan berkata: "Bibiku berkisah padaku, ia berkata: "Aku pernah mendatangi Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam karena suatu kebutuhan, beliau bertanya: أَيْ هذِهِ! أَذَاتُ بَعْلٍ؟ قُلْتُ: نَعَم. قاَلَ: كَيْفَ أَنْتِ لَهُ؟ قُلْتُ: ماَ آلُوْهُ إِلاَّ ماَ عَجَزْتُ عَنْهُ. قاَلَ: فَانْظُرِيْ أَيْنَ أَنْتِ مِنْهُ، فَإِنَّماَ هُوَ جَنَّتُكَ وَناَرُكَ "Wahai wanita, apakah engkau telah bersuami?" "Iya," jawabku. "Bagaimana engkau terhadap suamimu?" tanya beliau. "Aku tidak mengurang-ngurangi dalam mentaatinya dan berkhidmat padanya, kecuali apa yang aku tidak mampu menunaikannya," jawabku. "Lihatlah (perhatikanlah) di mana keberadaanmu (sikapmu) terhadap suamimu, karena dia adalah Surga dan Nerakamu," sabda beliau. (HR. Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan selainnya, dishahihkan sanadnya oleh Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullah dalam Adabuz Zifaf, hal. 179) Namun di sisi lain, SUAMI YANG BAIK tentunya TIDAK MEMBEBANI ISTRINYA dengan pekerjaan yang tidak mampu dipikul (istri)nya. Bahkan ia melihat dan memperhatikan keberadaan istrinya kapan sekiranya ia butuh bantuan. Adalah Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam gambaran suami yang terbaik. Di tengah KESIBUKAN MENGURUSI UMAT dan DAKWAH di jalan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, beliau MENYEMPATKAN MEMBANTU KELUARGANYA dan MENGERJAKAN APA YANG BISA BELIAU KERJAKAN UNTUK DIRINYA SENDIRI tanpa membebankan kepada istrinya, sebagaimana diberitakan istri beliau, Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha ketika Al-Aswad bin Yazid bertanya kepadanya: ماَ كاَنَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَصْنَعُ فِي الْبَيْتِ؟ قاَلَتْ: كاَنَ يَكُوْنُ فِيْ مِهْنَةِ أَهْلِهِ –تَعْنِي خِدْمَةَ أَهْلِهِ- فَإِذَا حَضَرَتِ الصَّلاَةُ خَرَجَ إِلَى الصَّلاَةِ "Apa yang biasa dilakukan Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di dalam rumah?" Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha menjawab: "Beliau biasa membantu pekerjaan istrinya. Bila tiba waktu shalat, beliau pun keluar untuk mengerjakan shalat." (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 676, 5363) Dalam riwayat lain, Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha menyebutkan pekerjaan yang Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam lakukan di rumahnya: ماَ يَصْنَعُ أَحَدُكُمْ فِيْ بَيْتِهِ، يَخْصِفُ النَّعْلَ وَيَرْقَعُ الثَّوْبَ وَيُخِيْطُ "Beliau mengerjakan apa yang biasa dikerjakan salah seorang kalian di rumahnya. Beliau menambal sandalnya, menambal bajunya, dan menjahitnya." (HR. Al-Bukhari dalam Al-Adabul Mufrad no. 540, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullah dalam Shahih Al-Adabil Mufrad no. 419 dan Al-Misykat no. 5822) كاَنَ بَشَرًا مِنَ الْبَشَرِ، يَفْلِي ثَوْبَهُ وَيَحْلُبُ شاَتَهُ "Beliau manusia biasa. Beliau menambal pakaiannya dan memeras susu kambingnya." (HR. Al-Bukhari dalam Al-Adabul Mufrad no. 541, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullah dalam Shahih Al-Adabil Mufrad no. 420 dan Ash-Shahihah 671) Wallahu ta'ala a'lam bish-shawab. Sumber: Semoga Allah Ta'ala mudahkan keluarga muslim untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah.... [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand: Səhih Hekayələr: CƏNNƏT BAZARI.Əbu Hüreyrədən (Allah ondan razı olsun!) belə d... [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: 10 JENIS MAYAT YANG TIDAK AKAN BUSUK DI DALAM KUBUR Disebutkan oleh hadits Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam bahwa sepuluh orang yang mayatnya TIDAK BUSUK dan TIDAK REPUT dan akan bangkit dalam keadaan tubuh asal pada hari Kiamat : 1). Para Nabi-Nabi 2). Para Ahli Jihad Fisabilillah 3). Para Alim Ulama menegakkan kalimah ALLAH. 4). Para Syuhada sentiasa memperjuangkan Islam. 5). Para Penghafal Al-Qur'an dan beramal dengan Al-Qur'an. 6). Imam atau Pemimpin yang Adil dalam menegak Syariat Allah. 7). Tukang Adzan yang tidak meminta habuan. 8. Wanita yang mati semasa melahirkan anak serta sentiasa taat pada perintah Allah. 9). Orang mati dibunuh atau dianiaya karena mempertahan Maruah dan Agama. 10). Orang yang mati di siang hari atau di malam Jum'at jika mereka itu dari kalangan orang yang beriman yang sentiasa menjaga hukum agama semasa hidup di atas dunia. (HR. Bukhari Muslim) Subhanallah Ya Allah matikanlah seluruh umat muslim dalam keadaan khusnul Khotimah. Aamiin _______________________ [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: ^ THANKIN' GOD FOR BLESSING ME.....ON DIS DATE,4 YRS. AGO,I GAVE BIRTH TO MY FIRST SON....ANTONIO "MISTER" PERRY!!! I'VE BEEN A PROUD MOTHER OF HIM EVER SINCE! IHE IS VERY MATURE AND HE IS SUCH A BIG HELP @ HOME AND @ SCHOOL,BUT DNT TAKE NO SHT #IJBH...HE DNT PLAY BOUT HIS FAMILY ESPECIALLY HIS SIBLINGS ((WHT CAN I SAY)) HE TOOK AFTER HIS DAD AFTERALL .....HAPPY BDAY SON,LUV U! [1 Aktualisierung] kufar - Social Mention: abdullah bin masood (رضی اللّٰہ تعالٰی عنہم) se riwayat hai k HAZOOR صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ne farmaya k musalman ko gali dena bura bala kahna fasiq hai...or is se larna kufar hai sahih muslim jild 1 hadees 223 Admin T.H [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: Kasih Sayang Ibu. DIA SANG AYAH Memang ayah tak mengandungmu tapi darahnya mengalir di darahmu darinya kau warisi kedermawanan dan kerendahan hatinya.. Memang ayah tak melahirkanmu tapi suaranyalah yang pertama mengantarkanmu pada Tauhid ketika lahir.. Memang ayah tak menyusuimu tapi dari keringatnyalah tiap suapan yang menjadi air susumu. [1 Aktualisierung] Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand: Es treffen sich drei Leute. Einer hat einen extrem kurzen Arm, der andere einen... [1 Aktualisierung] islam fatwa - Social Mention: LUPUS AL-QURAN IKUT SYARIAH Pusat Pelupusan Percetakan Saufi kendali usaha musnah al-Quran, buku teks, surah Yassin dan risalah mengandungi petikan ayat suci DIRIWAYATKAN, seorang sahabat menjumpai al-Quran, menyapukan wangian padanya dan menyimpan di tempat tinggi. Bagi sahabat itu, Allah janjikan syurga. Begitu juga Saidina Umar yang terjumpa keratan al-Quran lalu diambil dan diciumnya, Allah memberikan pahala. Inilah kebesaran untuk mereka yang menjaga serta mengagungkan kalimah Allah yang diwahyukan kepada rasul-Nya, Muhammad SAW, menjadi petunjuk kepada umat sekalian alam, tidak kira bagaimana cara dilakukan. Malangnya, tidak ramai yang tahu cara tepat untuk melupuskan kitab suci ini. Kejahilan ramai inilah yang turut mendorong sebuah syarikat tempatan iaitu penerbitan Al-Quran Mushaf Uthmani, Percetakan Saufi menawarkan khidmat pelupusan al-Quran menerusi Pusat Pelupusan Ayat Al-Quran Percetakan Saufi di Batu 10 Cheras, Kajang, Selangor. Malah, pengalaman Pengerusi Percetakan Saufi, Rahmat Mahdan, menyaksikan sendiri naskhah al-Quran dilonggokkan bersama buku lain di pusat pengumpulan barangan kitar semula miliki bukan Islam, menjadi antara titik tolak kewujudan syarikat itu pada 2008. "Terkejut dan sedih apabila melihat al-Quran dibiarkan bersepah di pusat kitar semula dan ini menyedarkan saya mungkin ramai tidak tahu bagaimana hendak melupuskan al-Quran. Orang dulu akan bakar tetapi timbul juga persoalan selepas dibakar nak buat macam mana pula? "Jika ditanam, perlu dipastikan tempat itu tidak di langkah atau abu hendaklah ditaburkan ke laut. Itu yang terlintas di hati saya untuk membantu mereka yang ingin melupuskan al-Quran terutama yang sudah lama dan koyak. "Selain itu, saya ingin pastikan keagungan ayat Allah dipelihara dan cara saya ialah menyediakan kemudahan mengumpul dan membakar al-Quran supaya umat Islam tidak lagi membiarkan ayat al-Quran begitu saja," katanya ketika ditemui, baru-baru ini. Menurut Rahmat, pihaknya sentiasa mengalu-alukan bantuan orang ramai untuk memastikan al-Quran yang sudah buruk, tidak berkulit dan terkoyak tidak diaibkan dengan dibiarkan begitu saja. Sebagai usaha menyelamatkan serta memelihara kesucian kalimah Allah, beliau dan keluarga memulakan usaha mengumpul al-Quran, buku teks, Yasin, risalah, akhbar mengandungi surah dan cebisan al-Quran. Hatta, kad jemputan kahwin yang ada kalimah Allah turut dikumpulkan. Katanya, bahan terkumpul itu kini dibakar secara berkala menggunakan mesin insinerator dan abunya sama ada ditanam dalam telaga khas yang digali di kawasan pengumpulan dan pelupusan atau dihanyutkan di laut di Negeri Sembilan. Mesin pembakar khas untuk tujuan melupuskan barangan bercetak ayat Al-Quran mengikut prosedur dan syariat Islam iaitu secara pembakaran selaras keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan ke-30 yang bersidang pada 22 Ogos 1992. Rahmat berkata, Percetakan Saufi adalah syarikat percetakan yang telah diberi lesen oleh Bahagian Kawalan Penerbitan Teks Al-Quran Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) untuk membekal, mengganti dan mengambil Al-Quran lama bukan Mushaf Uthmani bagi tujuan pelupusan. Syarikatnya juga mendapat kebenaran Bahagian Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Pelajaran untuk membekal dan memulihara ayat suci di sekolah kebangsaan dan sekolah agama di seluruh negara. Syarikat itu turut mengumpul dan melupuskan Al-Quran lama yang disalah cetak dan tidak mendapat kelulusan Lajnah Tashih Al-Quran KDN terutama yang dicetak sebelum 1990, mengandungi perkataan salah dan jika dibaca membawa maksud salah serta mendatangkan dosa. Tempat pengumpulan al-Quran di Batu 10 Jalan Cheras, Kajang, semakin hari dipenuhi al-Quran dalam pelbagai rupa, buku teks, kertas kerja, malah plet mencetak juga turut dihantar untuk dilupuskan menggunakan bahan kimia. "Kami bersedia menerima jumlah yang lebih banyak dan saya berbangga jika ada yang ingin mengikut jejak langkah Percetakan Saufi memberi khidmat sukarela ini. Ini usaha memelihara ayat suci al-Quran dan saya


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 01:22
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: bushido - Social Mention: Sheisset uf de kay/bushido beef Hüt zobe sinder sicher im Club mit de Gang g g g gaang [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Die Krassesten 2 Tage ! Gestern die Vergewaltigung von Bushido an Gay One die Thai Nutte Heute die Vergewaltigung von Bayern an Dortmund ! ! ! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ich bin dafür den Film Fuck JU Göhte in Fuck JU Götze umzubennene [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: BUSHIDO *-* [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bist du für kay one oder bushido schreib in die kommentare *___* [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: ialis - Trizeps Training [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Wer findet auch dass Bushido Kay einfach auseinander genommen hat ?? Bushido Soldiers [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Beirut blast: Jolt from the past and omen of dark future [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Hat Mario Götze nun denselben Status wie Kay One? [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: BABA SAAD....Morgen in Koblenz im Circus Maximus für jeden echten rap fan ein muss ..Wer kennt die Alten Lieder nicht mit... BUSHIDO ...Freu mich auf euch alle ...Bitte alle Teilen&Liken .......MB [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Macht mal eurer tolles Leben alleine weiter in den After ...war der Spezialist im scheisse mit scheisse zu toppen ...neue Müllmänner und Frauen bieten sich ja dank fb viele...habe soo die Schnauze voll u dank fb erreicht das Spitzen die man privat gar nie erreichen kann...Tee und Yoga und den Weltfrieden...Hass und Gewalt sind ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit ...bald werden einige die gehasst haben und einige die GEWALTÄTIG waren ein böses Erwachen haben...manchmal ist es leichter zu hassen als zu vergeben denn mittlerweile ist mein Hass in Mitleid für die eine Seite gewechselt und in Liebe für die andere ...leider zu spät...denn der 3.weltkrieg den ham ja Bushido und Kayone schon gepachtet für das Jahr 2014...mir wird das also zu dumm das ganze ...ich brauche Frieden...leider sind wir Kämpfer in unserer fam und keiner legt die Waffen nieder ...war aber nie der neverendingtyp...also ...irgendwas unvorhersehbares wird wohl passieren...tut mir im Vorraus leid an dieser Stelle wenn s ungewollt Menschen trifft die zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort waren ...für alle Blinden unter den sehenden ...schämt euch später dass ihr nicht gewichen seid...jeder Krieg hat einen Ursprung einen Anfang den nur die beenden können die ihn angefangen haben...Mies den Krieg für sich entscheiden zu wollen gibt keine Seiten und keine Sieger nur Verlierer ... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido und der Fc Bayern übernehmen Facebook.. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: JAMILA sagte damals: Du wirst nie wieder so eine wie mich finden! ICH sagte: Hab ich auch nicht vor du Schlampe! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bayern hat heut mit Dortmund das gemacht was Bushido gestern mit Kay gemacht hat. RASIERT! FCB [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: King Bushido √ [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido hat für sein diss in 24 stunden mehr klicks als kay on in paar monaten haha #lebenundtoddeskennethgloeckler #sonnyblack [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Welches Thema wollt ihr heute im Chat haben? [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido hat bewiesen das Gay One Metro Sexuell ist ! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Cosimo packt jetzt auch mal seinen Senf über Kay und Bushido dazu ! 󾌸󾌸 .. Es wird immer interessanter.. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bin zwar kein Rapkranker Fan aber Bushido zerlegt Kay eindeutig. Und dieses Geschwätz immer PR und Promozwecke ist doch langweilig. Wenn das der Promo von Bushido seinem nächsten Album dienen soll, muss ich echt zugeben, dass es die beste Promotaktik aller Zeiten im deutschen Rap war. über 2.000.000 Klicks in nicht mal 2 Tagen. Soll erst mal jemand nachmachen. PS: oder würdest du bei dieser Gelegneheit nicht das Veröffentlichungsdatum deines Albums mit ranschreiben ;) Geiler Track !! [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Showing a smile is charity The Prophet of Allah was reported to be smiling the most. He would always show a smile to the people. The Prophet Muhammad [] said: "Do not abuse anyone, do not look down upon any good work, and when you speak to your brother, show him a cheerful face." [Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1889] The Prophet Muhammad [] said: "Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises." He was then asked: "From what do we give charity every day?" The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many; enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms, all of these are charity prescribed for you." He also said: "Your smile for your brother is charity." [Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 98] Abdullaah ibn Haarith [] said: "I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad []. Prophet Muhammad [] regarded smiling to a brother as an act of charity." [Tirmidhi] Jarir bin Abdullah [] said: The Messenger of Allah [] never refused me permission to see him since I embraced Islam and never looked at me except with a smile (on his face). [Sahih Muslim] [1 Aktualisierung] Uploads by habibifloDE: Nicht kritisieren, sondern besser machen! [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: السلام عليكم الي كل رابعاوى المشاركه فى فعليات هذا الاولتراس اولتراس اسوود_الصفحه الرسميه (Y) ادخل و ادعم صفحتنا بى اى كومنتات لا تنسو دعوه الاصدقاء شكرا ليكم [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Ne guzel masallah buna binende guzel rabbini seven cennetlik kul olur inşallah sen bindin bilirim rabbimi aşkla anmanı dilerim [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: 10 AMALAN MURAH REZEKI :) 1. Bangun awal pagi dan bekerja 2. Berzikir - tasbih 33 kali, tahmid 33 kali, takbir 33 kali 3. Lakukan solat sunat Dhuha 4. Banyakkan beristighfar 5. Banyakkan berselawat 6. Tunaikan hajat orang 7. Banyakkan bersedekah 8. Berikan haiwan makan 9. Eratkan dan jalin silaturahim, berlapang dada dan bermaafan 10. Amanah, jujur, dan ikhlaskan niat dalam bekerja dan berniaga... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Sheisset uf de kay/bushido beef Hüt zobe sinder sicher im Club mit de Gang g g g gaang Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Sheisset uf de kay/bushido beef Hüt zobe sinder sicher im Club mit de Gang g g g gaang
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:29

    Bad Boy Album jetzt auf iTunes bestellen: L-Montana -- Club mit de Gang Produced by D....

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    bushido - Social Mention: Die Krassesten 2 Tage ! Gestern die Vergewaltigung von Bushido an Gay One die Thai Nutte Heute die Vergewaltigung von Bayern an Dortmund ! ! ! Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Die Krassesten 2 Tage ! Gestern die Vergewaltigung von Bushido an Gay One die Thai Nutte Heute die Vergewaltigung von Bayern an Dortmund ! ! !
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:32

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    bushido - Social Mention: Ich bin dafür den Film Fuck JU Göhte in Fuck JU Götze umzubennene Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Ich bin dafür den Film Fuck JU Göhte in Fuck JU Götze umzubennene
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:30

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    bushido - Social Mention: BUSHIDO *-* Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    BUSHIDO *-*
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:28

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    bushido - Social Mention: Bist du für kay one oder bushido schreib in die kommentare *___* Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Bist du für kay one oder bushido schreib in die kommentare *___*
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:34

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    bushido - Social Mention: ialis - Trizeps Training Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    ialis - Trizeps Training
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:28

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    bushido - Social Mention: Wer findet auch dass Bushido Kay einfach auseinander genommen hat ?? Bushido Soldiers Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Wer findet auch dass Bushido Kay einfach auseinander genommen hat ?? Bushido Soldiers
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:33

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    jihad - Social Mention: Beirut blast: Jolt from the past and omen of dark future Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:05PM

    jihad - Social Mention

    Beirut blast: Jolt from the past and omen of dark future
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:55

    BEIRUT - Thirty years after the Lebanese capital gave birth to the modern suicide bomber, a killer has again driven his explosive-packed car towards an embassy in Beirut, hurling charred corpses through the street.

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    bushido - Social Mention: Hat Mario Götze nun denselben Status wie Kay One? Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Hat Mario Götze nun denselben Status wie Kay One?
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:28

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    bushido - Social Mention: BABA SAAD....Morgen in Koblenz im Circus Maximus für jeden echten rap fan ein muss ..Wer kennt die Alten Lieder nicht mit... BUSHIDO ...Freu mich auf euch alle ...Bitte alle Teilen&Liken .......MB Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:37PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    BABA SAAD....Morgen in Koblenz im Circus Maximus für jeden echten rap fan ein muss ..Wer kennt die Alten Lieder nicht mit... BUSHIDO ...Freu mich auf euch alle ...Bitte alle Teilen&Liken .......MB
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:36

    Fan-Treffen: MÜNCHEN diesen Samstag 16 Uhr in der neuhauser Straße 39 vorm Saturn! KOBLENZ diesen Sonntag 16 Uhr im Club Circus Maximus!!!

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    bushido - Social Mention: Macht mal eurer tolles Leben alleine weiter in den After ...war der Spezialist im scheisse mit scheisse zu toppen ...neue Müllmänner und Frauen bieten sich ja dank fb viele...habe soo die Schnauze voll u dank fb erreicht das Spitzen die man privat gar nie erreichen kann...Tee und Yoga und den Weltfrieden...Hass und Gewalt sind ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit ...bald werden einige die gehasst haben und einige die


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 00:53
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand: Soo... bin wieder aktiv....:Wie findet ihr Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler??... [1 Aktualisierung] Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand: Rappt ihr selber auch? Schickt uns doch eure Texte als Privatnachricht..... dann... [1 Aktualisierung] Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand: Schaffen wir heute noch die 200 Likes... Helft bitte alle mit; Liket die Seite b... [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ? [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Jose Promis Concert featuring Cantor Juval Porat [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: The Boiled Frog A comparison between Egypt's President Mohammad Morsi and America's President Barack Obama: They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger.But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant,and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late. The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes. This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones. Mohammad Morsi: A member of the Muslim Brotherhood whose credo was and is, "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and dying in the way of Allah is the highest of our aspirations." The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ...ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state." Morsi was endorsed by Obama and became President of Egypt after the overthrow of Mubarak, with Obama's support. Egypt had been a country of free religion throughout the years of Mubarak. Morsi came into power and: As president, Morsi granted himself unlimited powers on the pretext that he would "protect" the nation from the Mubarak-era power structure, which he called "remnants of the old regime" (Arabic: فلول, ALA-LC: Foloul),[8][9] and the power to legislate without judicial oversight or review of his acts. In late November, he issued an Islamist-backed draft constitution and called for a referendum, What this means is: Within one year of taking office, Morsi appointed himself King, tossed out the country's existing constitution on his own and said the Koran would be their constitution. He was immediately turning Egypt into another Saudi Arabia; a Totalitarian ruled state governed by strict Shariah Law where Christianity is illegal. THAT WAS THROWING THE FROG INTO BOILING WATER AND THE FROG LEAPED OUT! The Egyptian people revolted and overthrew Morsi because he took too big of a bite of their liberty at one time. Barack Obama: Has stated his plan to "TRANSFORM AMERICA". Why would a country that enjoys the most freedom and individual personal liberty of any other in the world need transforming? Into what? All good Liberal Socialists know "The Boiled Frog" story. It is an integral part of their doctrine. Change must be gradual, lest the people revolt. People are not willing to give up a large amount of freedom and liberty at one time, but they will willingly give up a little here and a little there if you convince them that it is for the good of public safety(Gun Control) and welfare(Obamacare) of the populace as a whole. So he violates the constitution a little here, a little there; convinces the sheeple that's it's outdated anyway and shouldn't stand in the way of "doing what's right". A good speech giver that comes off appearing as a good hearted compassionate guy, who gives some good "We're all is this together" pep rallies and "I'm looking out for the little guy"(That one really gets the sheeple to follow him into the depths of hell). WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! SOCIALISM IS NOT WHERE WE WANT TO GO! We are a nation proud of our freedom and individual personal liberty. Socialism(one size fits all plan for good of the overall populace) requires forfeiture of your individual personal liberty. THE TWO ARE NOT COMPATIBLE!.............GATOR [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: " Pada pagi hari diharuskan bagi seluruh persendian ϑ̀́ϊ antara kalian untuk bersedekah. Setiap bacaan tasbih (subhanallah) bisa sebagai sedekah, setiap bacaan tahmid (alhamdulillah) bisa sebagai sedekah, setiap bacaan tahlil (laa ilaha illallah) bisa sebagai sedekah, dan setiap bacaan takbir (Allahu akbar) juga bisa sebagai sedekah. Begitu pula amar ma'ruf (mengajak kepada ketaatan) dan nahi mungkar (melarang dari kemungkaran) adalah sedekah. Ini semua bisa dicukupi (diganti) dengan melaksanakan shalat Dhuha sebanyak 2 raka'at " ** [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Awee what a gorgeous stunning adorable little girl :))) ❤❤ with Emre Basar Kadriya Flammea Neslihan Zeybek Dilek Filiz Leah Nalipay Vanessa Jankovska Ramia Taleb Rania Taleb Aman Taleb Nadira Taleb [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: Anyi azumala ahia uwa.... Onye jehuo ahia,ya were ihe ahia yohuo n' uyoo....... [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: lembut mu tak erti tak mudah di jual beli kau mampu menyain9i lelaki dalam berbakti,, lembut bukan hiasan bukan pula ke ban99aan tapi kau sayakiri pada suami y9 sejati,, di sebalik bersih wajah mu di sebalik takbir dirimu ada rahasia a9un9 tersembunyi dalam diri itulah sekepin9 hati y9 takut pada illahi ..¤.. [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Bloque de temas sueltos nuevamente!!! Hoy si!! Ustedes mandan!!! Pilas!! [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers, The light of Those Brought Near, The friend of the poor and destitute, The master of Humans and Jinn, The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries, The Imam of the Two Qiblas, Our Means in the Two Abodes, The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn, The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests, The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn: Abu al-Qasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah, A light from the light of Allah. O you who yearn for the light of his beauty, Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace Upon him and upon his Family. Its not surprising that in light of the crisis of the kuffar, more people than ever are entering the Deen of Islam. Our duty is to renew the Deen, that they may drink from the purest cup. Allah said: Musa said to his people: 'Seek help in Allah and be steadfast. The earth belongs to Allah. He bequeaths it to any of His slaves He wills. The successful outcome is for those who have taqwa. [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: هده صـفحة قديمة ♥ لــم يعطيهـا سكان الفايسبُوك حقها كباقي الصفحـات لدلـك على طريقة ميوت نتاع يُوكيمون _ "انظموا انظموا ... ♥ [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Essay: Islam, Politics and why it matters. [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: Brothers & Sisters Please copy Down this in ur Computer and Read it Inshallah Inshallah it will Help u to Give the Answers TEN MOST COMMON QUESTIONS ASKED BY CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES AGAINST ISLAM by Dr. Zakir Naik 1. QUR'AN PLAGIARIZED FROM THE BIBLE : Question Is it not true that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has copied the Qur'an from the Bible? Answer Many critics allege that Prophet Muhummad (pbuh) himself was not the author of the Qur'an but he learnt it and/or plagiarised (copied or adapted) it from other human sources or from previous scriptures or revelations. 1. MUHUMMAD LEARNT THE QUR'AN FROM A ROMAN BLACKSMITH WHO WAS A CHRISTIAN Some Pagans accused the Prophet of learning the Qur'an from a Roman Blacksmith, who was a Christian staying at the outskirts of Makkah. The Prophet very often used to go and watch him do his work. A revelation of the Qur'an was sufficient to dismiss this charge - the Qur'an says in Surah An-Nahl chapter 16 verse 103: "We know indeed that they say, 'It is a man that teaches him,' The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear." [Al-Qur'an 16:103] How could a person whose mother tongue was foreign and could hardly speak little but of poor broken Arabic be the source of the Qur'an which is pure, eloquent, fine Arabic? To believe that the blacksmith taught the Prophet the Qur'an is some what similar to believing that a Chinese immigrant to England, who did not know proper English, taught Shakespeare. 2. MUHUMMAD (PBUH) LEARNT FROM WARAQA - THE RELATIVE OF KHADIJAH (RA) Muhummad's (pbuh) contacts with the Jewish and Christian Scholars were very limited. The most prominent Christian known to him was an old blind man called Waraqa ibn-Naufal who was a relative of the Prophet's first wife Khadijah (r.a.). Although of Arab descent, he was a convert to Christianity and was very well versed with the New Testament. The Prophet only met him twice, first when Waraqa was worshipping at the Kaaba (before the Prophetic Mission) and he kissed the Prophet's forehead affectionately; the second occasion was when the Prophet went to meet Waraqa after receiving the first revelation. Waraqa died three years later and the revelation continued for about 23 years. It is ridiculous to assume that Waraqa was the source of the contents of the Qur'an. 3. PROPHET'S RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS WITH THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS It is true that the Prophet did have religious discussions with the Jews and Christians but they took place in Madinah more than 13 years after the revelation of the Qur'an had started. The allegation that these Jews and Christians were the source is perverse, since in these discussions Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was performing the roles of a teacher and of a preacher while inviting them to embrace Islam and pointing out that they had deviated from their true teachings of Monotheism. Several of these Jews and Christians later embraced Islam. 4. THE PROPHET LEARNT THE QUR'AN FROM THOSE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS THAT HE MET OUTSIDE ARABIA All historical records available show that Muhummad (pbuh) had made only three trips outside Makkah before his Prophethood: At the age of 9 he accompanied his mother to Madinah. Between the age of 9 and 12, he accompanied his uncle Abu- Talib on a business trip to Syria. At the age of 25 he led Khadija's Caravan to Syria. It is highly imaginary to assume that the Qur'an resulted from the occasional chats and meetings with the Christians or Jews from any of the above three trips. 5. LOGICAL GROUNDS TO PROVE THAT THE PROPHET DID NOT LEARN THE QUR'AN FROM JEWS OR CHRISTIANS The day-to-day life of the Prophet was an open book for all to see. In fact a revelation came asking people to give the Prophet (pbuh) privacy in his own home. If the Prophet had been meeting people who told him what to say as a revelation from God, this would not have been hidden for very long. The extremely prominent Quraish nobles who followed the Prophet and accepted Islam were wise and intelligent men who would have easily noticed anything suspicious about the way in which the Prophet brought the revelations to them - more so since the Prophetic mission lasted 23 years. The enemies of the Prophet kept a close watch on him in order to find proof for their claim that he was a liar - they could not point out even a single instance when the Prophet may have had a secret rendezvous with particular Jews and Christians. It is inconceivable that any human author of the Qur'an would have accepted a situation in which he received no credit whatsoever for originating the Qur'an. Thus, historically and logically it cannot be established that there was a human source for the Qur'an. 6. MUHUMMAD (PBUH) WAS AN ILLITERATE The theory that Muhummad (pbuh) authored the Qur'an or copied from other sources can be disproved by the single historical fact that he was illiterate. Allah testifies Himself in the Qur'an In Surah Al-Ankabut chapter no.29 verse 48 "And thou was not (able) to recite a Book before this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy right hand: in that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted." [Al-Qur'an 29:48] Allah (swt) knew that many would doubt the authenticity of the Qur'an and would ascribe it to Prophet Muhummad (pbuh). Therefore Allah in His Divine Wisdom chose the last and final Messenger to be an 'Ummi', i.e. unlettered, so that the talkers of vanity would not then have the slightest justification to doubt the Prophet. The accusation of his enemies that he had copied the Qur'an from other sources and rehashed it all in a beautiful language might have carried some weight, but even this flimsy pretence has been deprived to the unbeliever and the cynic. Allah reconfirms in the Qur'an in Surah Al A'raf chapter 7 verse 157: "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures) in the Law and the Gospel" The prophecy of coming of the unlettered Prophet (pbuh) is also mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12. "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned." [Isaiah 29:12] The Qur'an testifies in no less than four different places that the Prophet (pbuh) was illiterate. It is also mentioned in Surah A'raf chapter 7


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 00:43
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: LIES Projekt Speyers Facebook-Pinnwand: Empfehlt unsere Seite weiter, unterstützt die Da'wa sowohl regional als auch bun... [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Every Islamist living here is a terrorist in waiting. There is no peace in them. [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: KEUTAMAAN UMAT ISLAM ADALAH DENGAN MENJAGA TAUHIDNYA وَلِابْنِ مَاجَهْ عَنِ الطُّفَيلِ أَخِيْ عَائِشَةَ لِأُمِّهَا قَالَ: (رَأَيْتُ كَأَنِّي أَتَيْتُ عَلَى نَفَرٍ مِنَ الْيَهُودِ، فَقُلْتُ: إِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: عُزَيْرٌ ابْنُ اللهِ. قَالُوا: وَإِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ. ثُمَّ مَرَرْتُ بِنَفَرٍ مِنَ النَّصَارَى فَقُلْتُ: إِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ اللهِ، قَالُوا: وَإِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ. فَلَمَّا أَصْبَحْتُ أَخْبَرْتُ بِهَا مَنْ أَخْبَرْتُ، ثُمَّ أَتَيْتُ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَأَخْبَرْتُهُ. قَالَ: ( هَلْ أَخْبَرْتَ بِهَا أَحَدًا؟) قُلْتُ: نَعَمْ. قَالَ: فَحَمِدَ اللهَ وَأَثْنَى عَلَيْهِ، ثُمَّ قَالَ: أَمَّا بَعْدُ فَإِنَّ طُفَيْلاً رَأَى رُؤْيَا، أَخْبَرَ بِهَا مَنْ أَخْبَرَ مِنْكُمْ، وَإِنَّكُمْ قُلْتُمْ كَلِمَةً كَانَ يَمْنَعُنِي كَذَا وَكَذَا أَنْ أَنْهَاكُمْ عَنْهَا. فَلَا تَقُولُوا: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ، وَلَكِنْ قُولُوا: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ). (Diriwayatkan) oleh Ibnu Mâjah dari Ath-Thufail, saudara seibu dengan Aisyah, bahwa (Ath-Thufail) berkata, "Aku bermimpi seakan-akan aku mendatangi sekelompok orang Yahudi. Aku berkata (kepada mereka), 'Sungguh, kalian adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Uzair adalah putra Allah.'.' Mereka menjawab, 'Sungguh, kalian pun adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad.'.' Lalu, aku menjumpai sekelompok orang Nashara maka aku berkata (kepada mereka), 'Sungguh, kalian adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Isa adalah putra Allah.'.' Mereka menjawab, 'Sungguh, kalian pun adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad.'.' Ketika pagi hari, aku menceritakan mimpiku tersebut kepada kawan-kawanku, kemudian aku mendatangi Nabi shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam dan menceritakan kepada beliau. Nabi bertanya, 'Apakah engkau telah menceritakan hal itu kepada seseorang?' Aku menjawab, 'Ya.' Lalu, Rasulullah bertahmid dan memuji Allah, kemudian bersabda, 'Amma ba'du, sesungguhnya Thufail telah bermimpi tentang sesuatu yang telah menceritakan kepada orang-orang di antara kalian, dan sesungguhnya kalian telah mengucapkan suatu perkataan yang, ketika itu, begini dan begitu telah menghalangiku untuk melarang kalian terhadap (perkataan) itu. Oleh karena itu, janganlah kalian mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad,' tetapi katakanlah, 'Atas kehendak Allah semata.'.'." Thufail radhiyallâhu 'anhu mengabarkan bahwa ia melihat dalam mimpinya, bahwa dirinya melewati sekelompok orang dari pemeluk dua millah (Yahudi dan Nashara), lalu ia mengingkari mereka atas apa yang ada pada mereka dari kesyirikan kepada Allah dengan menisbahkan anak kepada-Nya -Maha Tinggi Allah dari hal tersebut-, maka mereka membantahnya dengan menyebutkan apa yang sebagian kaum muslimin berada di atasnya berupa syirik kecil yang datang pada sebagian ucapan-ucapan mereka. Pada pagi hari, Thufail mengabarkan mimpinya kepada Rasulullah shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam maka Rasul shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam pun mengumumkan hal tersebut dan mengingkari orang-orang yang berkata dengan kalimat kesyirikan tersebut, serta memerintahkan mereka untuk berucap dengan lafazh yang bersih dari kesyirikan. Hadits tersebut memberi faedah bahwa lafazh, "Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad," dan yang semisalnya tergolong sebagai lafazh-lafazh syirik kecil sebagaimana (penjelasan) yang telah berlalu. Faedah Hadits 1. Perhatian akan mimpi, dan bahwasanya (mimpi) menjadi sebab pensyariatan sebagian hukum pada masa hidup Rasul shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam. 2. Bahwa ucapan "Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Fulân" dan yang semisalnya tergolong sebagai syirik kecil. 3. Pengetahuan orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani tentang syirik kecil, dalam rangka mencela kaum muslimin, padahal mereka sendiri berada di atas syirik besar. 4. Perihal mendahulukan pujian kepada Allah dan sanjungan kepada-Nya dalam berbicara, juga adanya ucapan "amma ba'du" dalam berbicara. 5. Disukainya untuk mencukupkan kehendak hanya kepada Allah saja, meskipun dibolehkan untuk mengatakan, "Atas kehendak Allah kemudian kehendak Fulân." [Diringkas dari Kitab Penjelasan Ringkas Kitab Tauhid karya Syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan] [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: 4 Amazing Podcasts That Independent Musicians Need [1 Aktualisierung] Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: Retweeted DJ DESUE (@DJDESUE): @Bushido78 aynen dicka 100 pro ! Lag nur die Woc... [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: تعالى يا امى على قبرى واقفى وسمعينى احلا دعوه ليه ولخويا ابنك الشهيد ال كان جمب منى واقف خدله رصاصه بدالى عشان اعيش وحلفت مسيب حقه يضيع ورجعت تانى على كتبتى ومعيا سلاحى حالف احمى بلادى واجيب حق الشهيد افرحى يا امى اليوم بقا عندك اتنين شهيد قتلونى فى نفس مكان اخويا وابويا وابنى من بعدى شهيد حسبى ربى فى العايز خرابك يا بلدى خليكى يا امى زى منتى ام الشهيد قوتك تهز كيان العدو ال عايز يفرح بيكى مكسوره افرحى يا امى انا لشهادة بطالب من يوم مكنت لسه واقف تحت العلم بقول بلادى بلادى لكى حبى واعتزاى اتمنيت اكون شهيد وربى كتبلى الشهاده يا امى [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: 55 Ways to Maintain a Happy Marriage~*~ Marriage is a highly recommended Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The purpose of marriage in Islam is to increase the Muslim community and not only to enjoy pleasure as Muhammad (saw) said; "Multiply your wives, multiply your children and I shall be proud of you on the Day of Judgement." Although marriage is encouraged in Islam, Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (saw) haven't left us to our rationality to discover what marriage entails and what things make a successful marriage. The following few pages highlight what makes a happy marriage based on the Qu'ran and Sunnah and how the husband and wife can gain each others heart. Hadith: [Collected in Bukhari, Muslim and Musnad Imam Ahmed]. Abdullah ibn Masud narrated: "We used to sit with the Prophet (saw) and we didn't have much money. He (saw) said 'Whoever can marry should marry, it will help him lower his gaze or he should fast." [Al-Qur'an 4:03] "And if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls then marry (other) women of your choice, two, three or four; but if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice." [Al-Qur'an 24:32] "And marry those among you that are single and (also marry) the Salihun (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people)." 1 Short separation (days) will strengthen the marriage but long separation can weaken the relationship. • As they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' 2 Understand each others fitrah (The fitrah is the natural disposition of a person e.g. Allah has created man and women with certain qualities that are innate in them). • The hadith of Muhammad (saw) states that "Every person is born on a state of fitrah, it is their parents that change them to a Jew, Christian or Fire worshipper." Both the husband and wife must realise not to challenge each others fitrah but can account each other by their fitrah. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said to his daughter Fatima; 'O Fatima , Allah has made Ali on a certain fitrah that you should know about." 3 Try and solve disputes on the same day. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Don't let disputes stay until the next day but solve it the same day." • Shaytan is always there to cause fitna for people especially between the husband and wife so its important not to let disputes last longer than a day otherwise small issues will seem very big. 4 Don't speak about your past! • Islam forbids speaking about your jahilliyah (days of before practising Islam). 5 Stay away from idealism and live your lives naturally. • Hadith: A couple came to Prophet (saw) and said 'we make mistakes' and He (saw) said 'you are not perfect'. • Always evaluate the problem and don't pretend or expect miracles. 6 Convey your love and warm feelings to each other. • Hadith: "You must express yourself to your partners" • The wife of Muhammad (saw) said: "The Prophet (saw) never let a day pass without showing his affection." 7 Fight against your own problems and don't share anger with your partner. 8 Do not be critical of each other. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Do not be critical". All type of criticism is forbidden in Islam. • Islam allows certain type of lying in order to maintain a good relationship e.g. complementing on the wife's cooking even if it doesn't taste nice! 9 When disputing with your partner don't expand the argument by adding all other previous disputes. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Dare any of you who sleeps with his wife in the night and then critises her in the morning." 10 Never doubt your partner, • Doubting each other can lead to the destruction of the marriage 11 Trust your partner and show you have full confidence in them. 12 Pick a suitable partner for yourself but also make sure that you are also compatible for your partner. • Hadith: A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) after seeing a woman for the purpose of marriage and said 'She is of good Deen but her father refuses' He (saw) replied 'did you look to yourself?' (This man never went for jihad or was see among the men of Medina ). The man replied 'Ya Rasuallah, verily you have spoken the truth". 13 The main pillar to maintain good relationship between the husband and wife is purity hence cleanliness of body and house etc is important. • Once a woman complained to the Prophet (saw) about her husband's bad odour. • Hadith: The Messenger Muhammed (saw) said "None of you who believe in Allah, spits and covers it." 14 You need to sacrifice to maintain relationship. • Hadith : The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Sacrifice is the best gift between the husband and wife." 15 ADVISE FROM A SAHABIYAT TO HER DAUGHTER; • "Care about your husband like you care about yourself and love for your partner what you love for yourself." • The Messenger Muhammad (saw) will never eat before his wives as mentioned in a hadith " The best amongst you is the one who raises the food and feeds his wife." 16 Give your partner gifts. • Exchanging gifts will cause more inclinations towards each other and strengthen the relationship. 17 Don't be selfish! • Give and take, don't always take. 18 Don't accuse your partner for problems e.g. by saying 'You did it' or 'it's your fault.' 19 Live for the day and don't worry about tomorrow. • Allah knows whether or not you are going to wake up in the morning! 20 Always remember that marriage is a divine bond, so think twice before doing something on the impulse which you will regret later. • Hadtih: The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Three things that are serious; marriage, divorce and freeing the slave." 21 Although love is an essential part of marriage, do not take it for granted and abuse each other thinking that your partner will always love you regardless of ill treatment. 22 Be an example to your partner and let your actions tell and convey your personality. • Hadith: Muhammad (saw) said; "To change your partner the way you wish, be the model for them." • Hadith: "Pray Qiyaam with your wife." • Hadith: Once Fatima (ra) the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked 'How can I be closer to Ali (ra)?' He (saw) replied 'Pray Qiyaam ul-Layl with him and whenever he wakes up, wake up with him.' 23 Do not let parents, relatives or neighbours interfere with your marriage. • Try to reconcile between yourselves as much as you can and if that's not possible than allow a trustworthy Muslim to arbitrate. 24 Don't rush into correcting differences which you perceive in your partner. There are some matters that can only be changed with time. 25 The couple must both accept the consequences and responsibilities that marriage brings and be satisfied. 26 Do not embarrass or humiliate your partner especially in the presence of other people. 27 Participate in collective activities together. • Co-operating with each other will bring a sense of family life e.g. Picnics, BBQ, dawah projects etc. • The Prophet Muhammad used to do collective things with his wives. 28 Do not look down to your partner or ridicule their capability rather let your partner express themselves. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw); "The good husband is the one when the speaks he listens and when she complains he is concerned." 29 The financial right (Naafaqah) of the wife is something serious and her husband must fulfil it. 30 Do not share your sadness and misery with your partner rather exchange jokes and laughter. 31 Do not allow your friends to interfere in your marriage. • Aisha (ra) the wife of Muhammad (saw) once said to the women of the Ansar "Watch out! Do not give room for your friends to interfere in your own privacy." • Part of a man's fitrah is that he has the right of authority in the family as the head of


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 00:00
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: takbir - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: ALSO GIB MIR DEINE BESCHISSENE BANK KARTE BUSHIDO UND EKKO!!!!!! NE! DASS ISS ECHT KEIN WITZ DAM! SO LÄUFTS. [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: PLZ READ - LAST REMINDER DEAR RIGHTEOUS AHL AL SUNNAH BROS/SISTERS BANNED MEMBERS Nadeem Khawar Meryem Ozril Asim Khan Haider Abbas Junior Umair Saleem Sayed Mohammad Mehdi Umm Hamzah Umar Ahmed Tijani Syeda Hurab Zeeshan Nisar James Alfredo Elyaseen Elmasry Indrit Ferra Malik Arsalan Zahid Awan Sayed Elias Langari SO FAR THIS IS THE LIST OF BANNED MEMBERS (MOST OF THEM BLOCKED FOR THR UNNECESSARY COMMENTS) OTHER R SHIA KUFFAR & MUNAFIQEEN. IF U WILL NOT FOLLOW THE RULES THN WALLAHI I DONT CARE FOR MY LIKES, B'CZ SOME BROS/SISTERS DONT REPLY WHN I COMMENT ON THEIR USELESS COMMENTS. NOW I WILL BLOCK U RIGHTAWAY.. I WILL NOT ASK. SO NOW ITS UP TO U... admin Tears Of Ummah & Shia Kafir Back & Tears Of Ummah & Shia Kafir Back 2 [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: Two new Jabhat al-Nusrah statements:435| #جبهة_النصرة : استهداف تجمعات لشبيحة... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: The Islamic Front's chief of Sharia Office is Ahrar al-Sham's Abu al-Abbas al-Sh... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: #Syria: video including massive explosion in ISIS operation in #Hama: http://www... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: Islamic Front Secretary General: Liwaa al-Haq's Sheikh Abu Ratib. #الجبه_الإسلامية [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: Islamic Front's chief of Military Operations: Jaish al-Islam's Zahran Alloush. #... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: New video message from Himam News Agency: "Report (43) on a gas field run by Con... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: #Afghanistan: - US terrorist bomb out Masjid; 7 civilians martyred: NANGARHAR... [1 Aktualisierung] Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand: #Syria: Liwaa al-Qadisiya al-Islaami fighters in Deraa, ideologically aligned w/... [1 Aktualisierung] Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Sometimes people accept the message of Islam right away. Sometimes people need m... [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: ⚑ Ninis Héroes ⚑ 1er. Acto - Cadenas 00:00 a 04:36 Música por ℌEXOℜℭℑSMOS 2do. Acto - Adiós Campo Marte / Pesadillas de la Patria 04:37 a 10:50 Música por Los Macuanos 3er. Acto - Ninis Héroes 10:50 a 16:35 Música por DJ NOMBRE APELLIDO Animación 3D por Pecco Con participación de Erick Tovar y Val Anzaldo Producido por Benjamín Ocaranza Dirgido por Joey Muñoz Gracias a Crater Invertido, Mexican Jihad y NAAFI Comenten y compartan DISTOPÍA FEDERAL 2013 WWW.DISTOPIAFEDERAL.COM estará arriba en unas horas. [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Surah At Takathur - Deutscher Untertitel die Beerdigung, das Grab - Jalal ibn Saeed [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Dari Abu Said al-Khudri RA katanya Rasulullah SAW adalah seorang yang sangat pemalu, lebih pemalu dari gadis pingitan dan apabila baginda tidak menyenangi sesuatu, kami dapat mengetahuinya dari wajah baginda (Riwayat Muslim). [1 Aktualisierung] street dawa - Social Mention: Kerry Sees Common Ground With Tehran's Barbaric Terror Regime [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Les Amis j'aime [1 Aktualisierung] dawah-news - Social Mention: I always knew this weed smoking Ahmed raza khan as a Shia pretending to be a Sunni, the evidence confirm my suspicions, a Shia in disguise!!! AHMED RAZA KHAN BROLLY EXPOSED!!! [1 Aktualisierung] Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Did the U.S. undermine democracy in the Maldives because it wants to set up military bases there? [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: Dawa betyder att man ger råd och kallar andra till den rätta vägen [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: Ob Sunniten oder Schiiten Hamdullah wir sind alle Moslems also bitte ich euch solche Diskussionen nicht auf diese Art hier zu führen diese Respektlosigkeit in eurer Wortwahl was das Thema betrifft ist nicht angebracht und ich glaube in einer Sache sind wir uns alle einig Religion und Facebook ist nicht miteinander vereinbar und es ist absolut die falsche Plattform für solche Diskussionen und ein Tipp man kann eine Mannschaft mögen oder leidenschaftlich die spiele verfolgen aber wenn man anfängt einzelne Personen ANZUGÖTZEN dann ist alles zu spät Good Night !!! Danke [1 Aktualisierung] Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: Bismillah ! Neues Video ! [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: leadership occasions luxor... VJG4, UX478JE, S2BRH. Good offers ===>>> Other products /FVWM/: Artcarved palladium wedding band; Dining with terrorists; Turning point: the arab world's marginalization and international security after 9/11 (praeger security international); Luxor rubberized clip collection - bobby pin / assorted colors / 10 pack card (ny308a); Luxor 6" bread and butter plate [set of 6]; Leadership: essential selections on power, authority, and influence; Heroic leadership: best practices from a 450-year-old company that changed the world; Leadership occasions luxor; War without end: the rise of islamist terrorism and global response; Leadership occasions stardom. Tags: deals, discussions, K143, hot, best buy, blog, AHCY, christmas, daily deals, CD93, best price, website, JS2LU13OV, where to buy. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:35AM

    takbir - Social Mention

    Nov 21st 2013, 02:13

    بسْـــــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اللَّـــــــــــــــــهِ الرَّحْـــــــــمَنِ الرَّحــــــــــــــــيمِ Sholat tahajud merupakan sholat sunnah yang dilakukan pada waktu malam hari dalam satuan dua rakaat satu kali sala, pada waktu malam hari yaitu pada sepertiga malam akhir, atau setengah malam akhir, atau mendekati dua pertiga malam hingga waktu menjelang sholat subuh. Sholat sunnah tahajud dalam bahasa arab disebut Sholatun Lail yang artinya sholat di malam hari. Mengenai waktu pelaksanaan sholat tahajud para ulama memiliki pendapat yang berbeda ada yang mengatakan bahwa sholat tahajud mesti setelah terbangun dari tidur di malam hari, namun ada juga yang berbendapat bahwa sholat tahajud tidak mesti harus tidur terlebih dahulu. Niat Sholat Tahajud Untuk niat sholat tahajud tidak jauh berbeda atau hampir sama dengan sholat sunnah lainnya, cukup pendek dan mudah untuk diingat. Niat sholat tahajud adalah sebagai berikut : bahasa latin : Ushollii sunnatat tahajjudi rak'ataini lillaahi ta'aalaa. arti dalam bahasa Indonesia-nya : Aku (niat). shalat sunat tahajud 2 rakaat, karena Allah Ta'ala Tata Cara Sholat Tahajud Mengenai cara sholat tahajud tidak jauh berbeda dengan sholat sunnah umumnya yaitu sebagai berikut : 1. Membaca niat sholat tahajud seperti yang terlah tertulis di atas dengan suara yang pelan saja, diikuti dengan artinya di baca dalam hati. 2. setelah membaca niat dilanjutkan dengan membaca takbir, (membaca Allahhuakbar) sambil tangannya di angkat ke atas 3. Kemudian membaca doa iftitah (sunah) 4. Lalu membaca surat alfatihah, setelah alfatihah membaca surat pendek yang ada dalam Al Qur'an yang telah dihafal, seperti surat Al Ikhlas, Annas, Alfalaq, dan lain-lain 5. Kemudian lanjutkan seperti pada langkah langkah sholat pada umumnya. Seperti rukuk, sujud, hingga salam. Setelah salam disunahkan membaca bacaan wirid, tasbih, tahmid, takbir, sholawat, istigfar, kemudian membaca doa sholat tahajud. Doa Sholat tahajud Di bawah ini merupakan bacaan sholat sholat tahajud dalam bahasa Arab Apabila belum bisa membaca bahasa Arab, silahkan baca Doa sholat tahajud dalam teks latin di bawah ini ALLAAHUMMA LAKAL HAMDU ANTA QAYYIMUS SAMAA WAATI WAL ARDHI WA MAN FIIHINNA. WA LAKAL HAMDU ANTA MALIKUS SAMAA WAATI WAL ARDHI WA MAN FIIHINNA. WA LAKAL HAMDU ANTA NUURUS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARDHI WA MAN FIIHINNA. WA LAKAL HAMDU ANTAL HAQQU, WA WA'DUKAL HAQQU, WA LIQAA'UKA HAQQUN, WA QAULUKA HAQQUN, WAL JANNATU HAQQUN, WANNAARU HAQQUN, WANNABIYYUUNA HAQQUN, WA MUHAMMADUN SHALLALLAAHU 'ALAIHI WASALLAMA HAQQUN WASSAA'ATU HAQQUN. ALLAAHUMMA LAKA ASLAMTU, WA BIKA AAMANTU, WA 'ALAIKA TAWAKKALTU, WA ILAIKA ANABTU, WA BIKA KHAASHAMTU, WA ILAIKA HAAKAMTU, FAGHFIRLII MAA QADDAMTU, WA MAA AKH-KHARTU, WA MAA ASRARTU, WA MAA A'LANTU, WA MAA ANTA A'LAMU BIHIMINNII. ANTAL MUQADDIMU, WA ANTAL MU'AKHKHIRU, LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA, WA LAA HAULA WA LAA QUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAH Arti Doa Sholat Tahajud Di bawah ini merupakan arti doa sholat tahajud dalam bahasa Indonesia "Wahai Allah! Milik-Mu lah segala puji. Engkaulah penegak dan pengurus langit dan bumi serta makhluk yang ada di dalamnya. Milik-Mu lah segala puji. Engkaulah penguasa (raja) langit dan bumi serta makhluk yang ada di dalamnya. Milik-Mu lah segala puji. Engkaulah cahaya langit dan bumi serta makhluk yang ada di dalamnya. Milik-Mu lah segala puji. Engkaulah Yang Hak (benar),janji-Mu lah yang benar, pertemuan dengan-Mu adalah benar, perkataan-Mu benar, surga itu benar (ada), neraka itu benar (ada), para nabi itu benar, Nabi Muhammad saw itu benar, dan hari kiamat itu benar(ada). Wahai Allah! Hanya kepada-Mu lah aku berserah diri, hanya kepada-Mu lah aku beriman, hanya kepada-Mu lah aku bertawakkal hanya kepada-Mu lah aku kembali, hanya dehgan-Mu lah kuhadapi musuhku, dan hanya kepada-Mu lah aku berhukum. Oleh karena itu ampunilah segala dosaku, yang telah kulakukan dan yang (mungkin) akan kulakukan, yang kurahasiakan dan yang kulakukan secara terang-terangan, dan dosa-dosa lainnya yang Engkau lebih mengetahuinya daripada aku. Engkaulah Yang Maha Terdahulu dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Terakhir. tak ada Tuhan selain Engkau, dan tak ada daya upaya dan kekuatan kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah." Jumlah Rakaat sholat Tahajud Jumlah rakaat rakaat sholat tahajud minimal adalah dua rakaat dua kali salam, dan paling banyak atau maksimal bisa sebanyak-sebanyaknya sesuai dengan kemampuan. Nabi Junjungan kita yaitu Muhammad SAW saw, beliau pernah mengerjakan shalat tahajud sebanyak 10 rakaat ditambah 1 rakaat sunat witir, pernah juga 8 rakaat ditambah 1 rakaat sunat witir, dan dan pernah juga 8 rakaat ditambah 3 rakaat sunat witir. Jadi dalam melaksanakan shalat tahajud sebaiknya ditambah dengan shalat sunat witir. Shalat tahajud ini hendaknya dikerjakan dua rakaat satu salam, sementara itu untuk shalat sunat witirnya, jika dikerjakan lebih dari satu rakaat, misalnya 3 rakaat, boleh dikerjakan sekaligus dengan satu salam, boleh pula dikerjakan 2 rakaat dahulu kemudian salam, dilanjutkan 1 rakaat lalu salam Waktu Sholat Tahajud Untuk waktu pelaksanaan shalat tahajud adalah ketika setelah bangun dari tidur dan setelah shalat isya, baik di awal malam (sepertiga malam pertama antara waktu Isya dan pukul 22.00 WIB), tengah malam (sepertiga malam kedua, antara pukul 22.00 dan pukul 01.0.0 WIB), maupun akhir malam (sepertiga malam yang terakhir, antara pukul 01.00 dan menjelang subuh). Sepertiga malam yang terakhir inilah waktu yang paling utama untuk melaksanakan shalat tahajud. Karena menurut hadits nabi, pada waktu itu rahmat Allah turun, sehingga barang siapa berdoa akan dikabulkan, barang siapa meminta akan diberikan, dan barang siapa memohon ampun akan diampuni oleh Allah. Aamiin Itulah ulasan kami mengenai Panduan sholat Tahajud lengkap dengan bacaan niat, doa sholat tahajud dan artinya. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi kamu yang membutuhkan. perliharalah sholat tahajud pada tengah malam, Selain semakin dekat dan disayang Allah, ada banyak sekali manfaat yang didapatkan dari sholat Tahajud. Semoga Allah senantiasa menjaga iman kita, melindungi diri kita dari godaan syetan yang terkutut, dan semakin dekat kepada-Nya. Aamiin. Keutamaan Sholat Tahajud Sholat Tahajud merupakan salah satu sholat malam yang memiliki banyak keutamaan, baik keutamaan untuk dunia maupun akhirat. Keutamaan sholat tahajud antara lain sebagai berikut 1. Dikabulkannya doa-doa kita Dari Jabir radliyallahu'anhu, ia berkata, "aku mendengar Rasulullah sholallahu 'alaihi wassalam bersabda : Sesungguhnya pada malam hari itu benar-benar ada saat yang seorang muslim dapat menepatinya untuk memohon kepada Allah suatu kebaikan dunia dan akhirat, pasti Allah akan memberikannya (mengabulkannya); dan itu setiap malam" (HR Muslim dan Ahmad) 2. Shalat yang paling utama Bersabda Rasulullah Sholallahu 'alaihi wasaalam, "seutama-utama shalat sesudah shalat fardu ialah shalat sunnat di waktu malam (HR Muslim) 3. Allah menjanjikan surga bagi orang-orang yang melakukan qiyamul lail Abdullah bin salam mengatakan, bahwa nabi Muhammad sholallahu 'alaihi wa salam bersabda, "Hai sekalian manusia, sebarluaskanlah salam dan berikanlah makanan serta sholat malamlah di waktu manusia sedang tidur, supaya kamu masuk surga dengan selamat" (HR Tirmidzi) 4. Akan mendapatkan tempat yang terpuji Pada malam hari, hendaklah engkau shalat Tahajud sebagai tambahan bagi engkau. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan mengangkat engkau ke tempat yang terpuji (qs. Al Isra: 79) Melihat begitu tingginya nilai sholat tahajud sudah sepatasnya jika kita membiasakan diri untuk sholat tahajud setiap malam. Bagi yang belum terbiasa, cobalah dengan sungguh-sungguh. Mungkin pada awalnya akan sulit, tapi lama kelamaan jika sudah sudah terbiasa akan terasa ringan untuk dijalankan. Semoga Artikel islami mengenai panduan sholat tahajud di atas bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua. semoga Allah memberi kita kekuatan agar lebih mudah dalam menjalankan ibadah sholat tahajud. ☼ آمِّينَ...آمِّينَ يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْ.

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    bushido - Social Mention

    Nov 20th 2013, 21:03

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 23:54
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Fluxo Do Funk [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: Mujahid Ali الواحد قبل النوم بقعد يحاسب نفسو ويشعر بألم شديد لو زعل زول بقصد او بدون وده من فطرت الانسان بدون اي نسب لدين او نوع او لون ( كده بس الله خلقنا كلنا) ويقعد الليل كلوا يتألم المحيرني عمر البشير و نافع وقوش وعطا وعبد الغفار الشريف والخضر والمتعافي وغيرهم من منسوبي الموتمر الوطني من (صغيرهم لكبيرهم )لا يمر عليهم يوم الا وقتلوا هذا وعزبوا هذا وسرقوا هذا وسفكوا دماء اولائك وكذبوا علي هولاء وانتهكوا حرمة تلك أسألكم بالله كيف تنامون وعين الله لا تنم [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: Ich bin schockiert :( und in tiefer Trauer... schlaf gut akhi [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: Hadis Rasulullah SAW terkait Shalat Dhuha/Awwaabiin antara lain : "Barang siapa salat Dhuha 12 rakaat, Allah akan membuatkan untuknya istana disurga" (H.R. Tirmiji dan Abu Majah) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan salat duha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (H.R Tirmidzi) "Dari Ummu Hani bahwa Rasulullah SAW salat dhuha 8 rakaat dan bersalam tiap dua rakaat." (HR Abu Daud) "Dari Zaid bin Arqam ra. Berkata,"Nabi SAW keluar ke penduduk Quba dan mereka sedang salat dhuha. Ia bersabda? Salat awwabin (dhuha') berakhir hingga panas menyengat (tengah hari)." (HR Ahmad Muslim dan Tirmidzi) "Rasulullah bersabda di dalam Hadis Qudsi, Allah SWT berfirman, "Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat salat duha, karena dengan salat tersebut, Aku cukupkan kebutuhanmu pada sore harinya." (HR Hakim & Thabrani) "Dari Abi Zar r.a. dari Nabi SAW, beliau bersabda, "Setiap pagi ada kewajiban untuk bersedekah untuk tiap-tiap persendian (ruas). Tiap-tiap tasbih adalah sedekah, riap-tiap tahlil adalah sedekah, tiap-tiap takbir adalah sedekah, dan menganjurkan kebaikan serta mencegah kemungkaran itu sedekah. Cukuplah menggantikan semua itu dengan dua raka'at salat Dhuha." (HR Muslim) [1 Aktualisierung] Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Tu es mon allié ici bas et dans l'au delà Allah ta'ala mentionne le fait que s... [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Love Your Life : What Do You See? [1 Aktualisierung] khilafah - Social Mention: Telah terbit buku baru "100 Soal Jawab Seputar Negara Khilafah" Karya Syabab Inggris: Adnan Khan Semi Hard Cover 144 hal, bookpaper Ukuran 13,5 x 21 cm Harga Rp 40.000. Pemesanan di 085.7766.275.66 (sms/whatsapp) Negara Khilafah adalah satu model pemerintahan yg unik, memiliki prinsip dan nilai-nilai yg khas. Sistem ini pernah dipraktikkan lebih dr 1000 th oleh kaum muslim. Dimulai sejak wafatnya Rasulullah dimana kaum muslim saat itu memilih dan mengangkat Khalifah yg pertama, yaitu Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq ..... hingga dilengserkannya Khalifah terakhir yaitu Abdul Majid II (dr Kekhilafahan Islam Ustmani), oleh kaum nasionalis Turki pd awal abad ke 20 M. Negara Khilafah amat berbeda dg negara republik dlm sistem demokrasi. Negara Khilafah jg bukan seperti kerajaan ataupun kekaisaran. Negara Khilafah adalah sistem primerintahn Islam, yg menerapkn seluruh hukum Al Quran dan as Sunnah. Kr keunikannya dan tidak ada persamaannya sedikitpun dg sistem pemerintahn apapun dan manapun yg ada didunia mk banyak kaum Muslim yg tidak mengetahui ihwal negara Khilafah. Buku ini memaparkn berbagai perkara yg sering ditanyakn seputar negara Khilafah dr persoalan jengot sampai pengunaan senjata nuklir, dr masalah pendidikn bg kaum wanita hingga perlakuan negara Khilafah terhadap warga non muslim. Semua bisa Anda temukan jawabanya di dalm buku ini. [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: abi yoldayım geliyorum radyoyu açtım habire gergedan reklamı .. bi kadın olarak erkeklere güldüm yani satılıyoki adamlar bu kadar para kazanıp reklam veriyolarr ay çok alemsinizzzz hahahhaha isimsiz admine [1 Aktualisierung] ansaar international - Social Mention: Sixpoint Promotion at Bier International [1 Aktualisierung] quran verteilung - Social Mention: And the Contest Winner is [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Jika seorang muslim menghabiskan umurnya berdiri di samping Ka'bah sementara dia lupa apa yang dibutuhkan oleh masa depan Islam berupa jihad ilmu, ekonomi dan kemiliteran, maka apa yang dia lakukan tidak ada apa-apanya di sisi Allah. Sungguh, membangun pabrik sama pentingnya dengan membangun masjid. -Syekh Muhammad al-Ghazali- [1 Aktualisierung] Hijabi Blogs Facebook-Pinnwand: Kennt ihr schon MENSCH!WESTEND? Die multikulturelle Stadteilzeitung aus Wiesbad... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: The Year in Fu: BUSHIDO MAN (2013) "It gets really silly when the bullet punching appears, before a servant's arm is torn off and used as nunchakus." [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: jajaj lo veo y no lo creo.... >. [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: KRITERIA PRIA IDAMAN " Wahai orang-orang yang beriman bertaqwalah kamu kepada Alloh Ta'ala dan katakanlah perkataan yang benar ". (Q.S. Al-Ahdzhab: 70). " Dan tolong-menolonglah kamu dalam (mengerjakan) Kebaikan dan Taqwa, dan jangan tolong-menolong dalam berbuat dosa dan pelanggaran ". (Q.S. Al-Maidah:2). ### Pria (Ikhwan) Idaman Umat Islam Adalah Pria (Ikhwan) yang : € Bertauhidnya benar (Shohiihul 'Tauhid). € Berbakti kepada orang tua (Birrul Walidain). € Aqidahnya bersih (Saliimul 'Aqidah). € Akhlaknya solid (Matiinul Khulqi). € Ibadahnya benar (Shohiihul 'Ibaadah). € Pikirannya intelek (Mutsaqqoful Fikri). € Tubuhnya sehat dan kuat (Qowiyyul Jismi). € Jiwanya bersungguh-sungguh (Mujaahadatun nafsi). € Mampu berusaha mencari nafkah (Qaadirun 'Alal Kasbi). € Efisien dalam memanfaatkan waktu (Haarisun 'Alal Wakii). € Bermanfaat bagi orang lain (Naafi'un Lighoirihi). € Selalu menghindari perkara yang samar-samar (Ib'aadun 'Anisy Syubuhat). € Senantiasa menjaga dan memelihara lidah & mulut (Hifdzul Lisaan Wal 'Ghibah). € Selalu Istiqomah dalam kebenaran (Istiqoomatun Filhaqqi). € Senantiasa menundukkan pandangan dan memelihara kehormatan (Aghoddhul Bashor Wahifdzul Hurmat). € lemah lembut dan suka memaafkan (Latiifun Wahubbul 'Afwa). € Benar, Jujur dan Tegas (Al-Haq, Al-Amanah, – Wasyaja'ah). € Selalu yakin dalam tindakan (Mutayaqqinun Fil' Amal). € Rendah hati (Tawadhu'). € Berpikir positif dan membangun (Al-Fikru Wal-Bina'). € Senatiasa siap menolong (Mutanaashirun Lighoirihi). € Bersikap keras terhadap orang kafir (Asyidda'u 'Alal Kuffar [1 Aktualisierung] Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz Facebook-Pinnwand: Eine Schulklasse in Japan :) [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: JUST IN: Representative Trey Radel will hold a news conference around 10:30 p.m. Trust WINK News to be there and bring you the latest. [1 Aktualisierung] koran infostand - Social Mention: Essay: Islam, Politics and why it matters. [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: MEGA HOM & STS TANGERANG Minggu, 24 NOVEMBER 2013 THE AGATHON Jl. Raya Boulevard Gading Serpong Serenade Center Blok B1-6 Gading Serpong - Tangerang #SPECIAL GS : Ahmad Rivai Tauhid & Bunda Iin ( Senior Executive President's Team Member 20K) Awalnya sangat skeptis dengan Herbalife, tapi akhirnya beliau malah jatuh hati dgn Herbalife, income beliau selama 15tahun berada di Herbalife tdk kurang dari 15jt perhari #Nutrisi : Dr.Dhedy M + Ebeth Nina (Active World Team Member otw GET )Masih aktif bekerja di RSUD Serang & RS Swasta di Daerah Serang, istrinya seorang pengusaha material sukses, sangat fokus&serius dgn hasil produk diabetes dg gula darah terkontrol tanpa insulin, fungsi liver kembali Normal, istrinya turun 17kg dlm 3bulan gannguan maag kronis, migrain dan nyeri haid sdh tidak dirasakan kembali.. #CMB : Frans+Sherly (New GET Member) Pedagang mobil bekas rumahan, turun 30kg dlm wkt 5bln, sang istri ibu RT trn 16kg krn dpt hsl product yg luar biasa skrg sgt fokus dengan income >30jt/bulan # Etika : Rivatia Fauza Uzma ( Active Mill team ) siapa tak kenal beliau? orang yang sangat pendiam (kalau lagi tidur) mari sama-sama belajar mematuhi etika yang ada, income beliau bulan ini lebih dr 150jt/bulan #Marketing Plan : Dadang & Dian Nasution (New GET Member) mau tahu hitung-hitungannya mereka bisa diposisi GET cepat? yuk dengarkan sharing pasangan ini dengan income terbaik bulan ini 42jt rupiah #MC : Duet maut 2 artis Herbalife Dian Isabella + Nadia Ita AGENDA : 10:45 - 11:45 Mega HOM 12:30 - 17:00 STS Reservasi Tiket Hub : Prodco. : Ani ☎081519349787 Waprodco. : Neneng ☎087886005759 Reg 100.000/tiket (21 Nov13 jam 21) Onsite Rp. 150.000 ( 22 Nov ) Free ticket please Inbox or add 29 d2 bb 94 atau 76 6C 16 DB Dr Dhedy M Nutrition Consultant & Personal Wellness Coach 081935055999 - 081282738511 [1 Aktualisierung] We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Peaceful life for Palestinians under the Khilafah! Born in 1888 and still alive... [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: Mujahidin Al Shabaab Serbu Markas Polisi, 41 Musuh Tewas, Allahu Akbar! Mujahidin Harakah Shabaab al Mujahidin menewaskan sedikitnya 12 orang pada Selasa (19/11/2013) dalam serangan bom mobil dan serbuan terhadap sebuah kantor polisi dan pasukan UNISOM di Somalia, kata pihak berwenang seperti yang dikutip dari Harar24. Setidaknya empat orang Mujahid gugur syahid ketika polisi dan pasukan AU Somalia melakukan serangan balik terhadap kantor polisi di Beledweyne, terletak sekitar 200 km sebelah utara dari ibukota Somalia, Mogadishu. Kata Abdi Farah Laqanyo, gubernur wilayah Hiran. "Sebuah mobil penuh muatan bahan peledak menabrak pintu gerbang Kantor polisi dan meledak 'menjadi bola api besar ' sekitar pukul 11 pagi," kata Laqanyo. Penyerang kemudian memasuki kompleks kantor dan terlibat baku tembak dengan polisi dan pasukan AU Somalia. Kantor tersebut merupakan basis bagi tentara Djibouti sebagai bagian dari pasukan Kuffar penjaga perdamaian untuk Misi Uni Afrika di Somalia, yang dikenal sebagai AMISOM, dimana memberikan support bagi rezim pemerintah Somalia untuk memberagus Mujahidin al Shabaab. Sementara itu, Juru Bicara Operasi Militer Al Shabaab, Syaikh Abu Musab Abdiaziz mengatakan bahwa serangan itu menewaskan 18 tentara AMISOM dan 23 pasukan Somalia. Seorang saksi mata yang berjarak 200 meter dari lokasi mengatakan Mujahidin menyerang dengan menggunakan senapan serbu, senapan mesin dan roket RPG setelah mobil meledak. Gumpalan asap hitam menyelimuti langit di atas kantor polisi. [fadhil/ harar24] Sumber: Shoutussalam [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Test Bank and Solutions Manual email [1 Aktualisierung] street dawa - Social Mention: Liebe Geschwister im Islam, ich möchte euch nochmal aufrufen sich zahlreich bei uns zu melden!!! Wir suchen noch Brüder , die Lust haben im Namen Allahs uns zu unterstützen! Sei es bei den Infoständen oder bei Street Dawa, oder aber auch finanziell!! As salam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu Jasir Siddiq Abdel Sahid [1 Aktualisierung] El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhanallah <3 El - Hamdulillah [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: [::] Solat Sunat Dhuha [::] ==================================== Rasulullah SAW Bersabda : " Wahai anak Adam, janganlah engkau sampai tertinggal untuk mengerjakan solat empat rakaat pada permulaan siang (waktu Dhuha), nescaya Aku akan memberi kecukupan kepadamu sampai akhir siang." (Hadis Riwayat Imam Abu Dawud) ==================================== -Jom sahabat2 smua kita solat sunat dhuha #ShiroArts ==================================== [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry,


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 00:16
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: dawa - Social Mention: Ye marz nahi na hi dawa hai na hai dukhon ka deera..... bus RAJAN KE DARSHAN Hojaye" to mit jaye gi zindagi ki har peera.... [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Excerpts from my lengthy piece today about the militia problem in today's Libya: "Libyans and the international community are scrambling to solve the security crisis and halt the country's drift toward the abyss – and quickly. The aim is no longer simply to revive the oil industry that could turn Libya into a regional powerhouse. It is also to save the vestiges of national spirit generated by the 2011 uprising against Muammer Gaddafi's regime. Not only do the militias run Libya, but different configurations of militias oversee towns and cities across the country, raising the spectre of fragmentation. A splintered nation would make it almost impossible to protect borders, shipping lanes and national infrastructure – including oil installations that are increasingly being seized by local political figures. Outside the big cities, the already volatile mix has another element: deep tribal and ethnic animosity. In parts of southern Libya, for example, ethnic Tebu militias largely oversee Tuareg districts. These two ethnic minorities sometimes run into conflict with militias of Arab tribes that have long viewed them with suspicion. Disillusioned by the post-Gaddafi state's dysfunction and emboldened by its weaknesses, movements for autonomy have sprung up in the country's oil and gas-rich east and south. The collapse in security has reduced oil production from 1.4m barrels a day at the beginning of the year to as little as 200,000. The Nato-backed armed groups that overthrew Gaddafi's regime were supposed to dissolve after the dictator's ousting. Many predicted the militias' members would join the ranks of Libya's new army and police forces, or simply return to their old lives. But the opposite happened. The young men liked their guns, which became wedded to their identities – they were a source of respect denied to them under the regime. "Thuwar", or revolutionaries, is a word now used only to describe young men carrying AK-47s, not poets or politicians. The militias grew in size and power, aided by looted troves of Gaddafi's weaponry and shipments of guns from abroad they seized at ports they controlled. Rather than melt away, many "katayeb", or brigades, remained intact and received official recognition under either the interior or the defence ministry. To keep them from turning their guns on the government, the government granted them licences to brandish weapons. As for the allure of their old lives as welders or civil servants, holding a gun proved more lucrative. A twenty-something "revolutionary" manning a checkpoint three days a week earns about 1,500 dinars ($1,200) a month; a schoolteacher with 30 years experience makes about 800 dinars a month. The militias, which number in the hundreds, also often pursue hardline social or regional agendas at odds with both the will of the Libyan people, who overwhelmingly supported a relatively liberal list of candidates in last years's elections, and the interests of the central government. Solving Libya's security puzzle means unlocking a series of paradoxes. There can be no security without a thriving economy, but no economic growth without security. Police cannot impose security without dismantling the militias, but militias refuse to be dismantled because they do not trust the uniformed security forces. The rise of tribal and local powers is about the only thing keeping Libya from descending into chaos, but it is also undermining the authority of the state. The government led by Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, a former human rights activist and diplomat, finds itself crippled, reliant on the same armed groups that are the primary source of its weakness. After Mr Zeidan's abduction last month by militiamen nominally under the authority of the interior ministry, it was not the police but a rival force of militiamen under the same ministry that freed him a few hours later. Last month 1,000 new police cadets graduated from the academy, many of them former militiamen. That is perhaps the best solution to resolve the militia problem: use Libya's oil revenues to lure young men away from the militia, either by coaxing them into the regular security forces, getting them into other jobs or sending them abroad to study. But many of the militiamen, especially those who adhere to a hardline Islamist ideology, consider the police, army and judiciary corrupted instruments of the Gaddafi regime; they simply do not trust them. Many of the obstacles to building a force are erected by the militias because they do not want to be replaced. "The Islamists see in the former army and police the creeping hand of the former regime," says Claudia Gazzini, Libya researcher for the International Crisis Group. "What is striking about the Islamist attitude is the total defiance of public sentiment. To them, the people are all counter-revolutionaries because they're brainwashed by 40 years of Gaddafi."' [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Koi Ro Ke DiL Bahlata Hai, Koi Has kar Dard chhupata Hai, Kya Karamaat Hai Kudrat Ka, Zinda Insaan Paani Me Dub Jaata Hai, Or Murda Tair Ke DiKhata Hai.. ▪▫▪▫▪▫▪▫ Har Baat ka Koi Jawab Nahi Hota… Har Ishq ka Naam Kharab Nahi Hotaaa.. Yuh to Joom Lete Hai Nashe me Pine Wale Magar Har Nashe ka Naam Sharab Nahi Hota… ▪▫▪▫▪▫▪▫ Khamosh Chehre Par Hazaro Pehre Hote Hai .. Hasti Aankho Me Bhi Zakham Gehre Hote Hai .. Jinse Aksar Rooth Jaate Hai Hum .. Asal Me Unse Hi Rishte Gehre Hote Hai .. ▪▫▪▫▪▫▪▫▪ Kisi ne khuda se dua mangi, Dua mein usne khud ki maut mangi, Khuda ne kaha, maut to tuje de du magar, Usse kya kahu jisne teri zindagi ki dua mangi. ▪▫▪▫▪▫▪▫▪ Har insaan ka dil bura nahi hota Har ek insaan bewafa nahi hota.., Buj jate hai diye kabhi tail ki kami se.., Har bar kusoor hawa ka nahi hota..!! ▪▫▪▫▪▫▪▫ [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: menakutkan...melawan kuasa ALLAH..byk jin kafir nie sbb 2 leh buat kan? [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: Dadipada Korang BOom WAll Budak HOT Lebih Baik Korang Boom Wall Fiqz Ada Status Baru Awesome+Rare :* [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Yeranian talks about the escalating Sunni-Shi'ite conflict from Iran to Lebanon and the Islamist militant attack in Egypt's Sinai with CBS Radio affiliate WDEL in DE + Egypt attack [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Comments Allah Hu akber [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: violent killuminati [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Jesus humilhas satanás ♫ [1 Aktualisierung] LIES Projekt Speyers Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Die Helden des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: -Papa, ich habe Angst! Was ist das schreckliche Geräusch? - Es ist eines von... [1 Aktualisierung] Die Helden des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "If you deal in usury (riba) and hang onto the tails of cows, being satisfied with cultivation and ceasing to take part in Jihad, Allah will inflict a humiliation upon you which will not be removed until you return to your religion." [Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud and graded as authentic by Al-Qattan. Al-Hafiz states in Al-Bulugh that the chain of narrators is trustworthy and reliable.] This hadith lists three practices of the Muslim community that will result in their being humiliated in the world. The first one mentioned is dealing in riba. Taking or paying interest, witnessing it or writing up a contract involving it are all major sins condemned in the Quran. When dealing in riba becomes a common malaise, Muslims should expect to be disgraced in this world and the next. Hanging ono the tails of cows imples not only agriculture but involvement in all trades and transactions which occupy the Muslims to such an extent that they abandon Jihad as a result of this involvement. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) is warning us against abandoning the commands of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Keeping clear of riba and participating in Jihad has been described in this hadith as "returning to your religion". Jihad is "Fardh-ul-Kifayah" (collective duty) in normal conditions, while it becomes "Fardh-ul-Ain" (individual obligation) in some special circumstances. When something becomes Fardh-ul-Ain, each man and woman has to do it, and no-one is required to take permission from anyone else to perform the duty, e.g. the five daily prayers, or fasting in Ramadhan. According to the Fuqaha (Islamic Jurists) Jihad becomes Fardh-ul-Ain when any one of the following conditions exists: 1. The occupation of any "hand span" of Muslim territory by the Kuffar. Should this happen, Jihad becomes Fardh-ul-Ain. 2. All the Fuqaha have mentioned in their compilations that if a single Muslim man or woman is imprisoned by the Kuffar, Jihad becomes Fardh-ul-Ain until the captive is delivered. 3. If the ruler of the Muslims apostasizes from Islam (becomes a murtad), Qitaal (fighting) to remove him becomes Fardh-ul-Ain. The fuqaha state that a ruler becomes a murtad (apostate) if (i) he implements the systems of kufr in place of the Islamic systems (Shariah law) in the state or, (ii) in the battle of the Kuffar against Muslims he sides with the Kuffar. [1 Aktualisierung] Ahmad Abul Baraa - Social Mention: Ahmad Brooks' fine is excessive [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: hukuk 2.lerle takıldığı için o sınıfta oldqunu düsündqüm qeçen qün radyo sekilli çanta takmıştı esmer bi kız var, ya aynı gün 3 kez qördüm kızı ve her seferinde baska bi ünlüye benzettim. Kız Özgü Namal-Beren Saat-Adriana Lima mixed bişeyy.Cok qüzelsin masallah ablacım (alt donemin oldugum ıcın abla dedım) , bi de yanlıs anlasılmasın bu hoslanma falan mesajı deqL ben de bayanım ama hakedene hakkını vermek lazım şimdi kıskançlık ypıp bok atmann alemi yokk! Rumuz : Taze Hukukcu [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: At least 11 Egyptian military personnel have been killed and dozens more wounded in a car bomb attack near the North Sinai city of el-Arish. A convoy of buses carrying infantry soldiers was hit by a roadside bomb as it moved through the Kharouba area, the newspaper Al-Masri al-Youm reported. Attacks on security forces in the Sinai have increased since Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted in July. No group has yet admitted carrying out the bombing. Orla Guerin reports from Cairo. [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: PROF. DANIELLE E SUANNE [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: Ahley tashi kafir nahi hen Fatwa Jari [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: unbedingt anschauen !2:40 gefällt mir sehr [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: Syrien ist sehr am Bluten wirst du weiter nur so tun als ob wir nicht existie... [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: Ehemaliger Anti Islam Filmemacher Arnoud Van Doorn konvierte zum Islam . [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: ALLAHUAKBAR ! Putus asa :( Kuat kn lhaa ana ntuk terus laksanakan Hajat ana :/ #ALLAHUAKBAR [1 Aktualisierung] Ansaar International - Social Mention: Global TV Features SAFE International Melbourne Women's Self Defense Parties [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: SSS parades lecturer, four others for terrorism [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: Ye marz nahi na hi dawa hai na hai dukhon ka deera..... bus RAJAN KE DARSHAN Hojaye" to mit jaye gi zindagi ki har peera.... Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:53PM

    dawa - Social Mention

    Ye marz nahi na hi dawa hai na hai dukhon ka deera..... bus RAJAN KE DARSHAN Hojaye" to mit jaye gi zindagi ki har peera....
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:45

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    islamist - Social Mention: Excerpts from my lengthy piece today about the militia problem in today's Libya: "Libyans and the international community are scrambling to solve the security crisis and halt the country's drift toward the abyss – and quickly. The aim is no longer simply to revive the oil industry that could turn Libya into a regional powerhouse. It is also to save the vestiges of national spirit generated by the 2011 uprising against Muammer Gaddafi's regime. Not only do the militias run Libya, but different configurations of militias oversee towns and cities across the country, raising the spectre of fragmentation. A splintered nation would make it almost impossible to protect borders, shipping lanes and national infrastructure – including oil installations that are increasingly being seized by local political figures. Outside the big cities, the already volatile mix has another element: deep tribal and ethnic animosity. In parts of southern Libya, for example, ethnic Tebu militias largely oversee Tuareg districts. These two ethnic minorities sometimes run into conflict with militias of Arab tribes that have long viewed them with suspicion. Disillusioned by the post-Gaddafi state's dysfunction and emboldened by its weaknesses, movements for autonomy have sprung up in the country's oil and gas-rich east and south. The collapse in security has reduced oil production from 1.4m barrels a day at the beginning of the year to as little as 200,000. The Nato-backed armed groups that overthrew Gaddafi's regime were supposed to dissolve after the dictator's ousting. Many predicted the militias' members would join the ranks of Libya's new army and police forces, or simply return to their old lives. But the opposite happened. The young men liked their guns, which became wedded to their identities – they were a source of respect denied to them under the regime. "Thuwar", or revolutionaries, is a word now used only to describe young men carrying AK-47s, not poets or politicians. The militias grew in size and power, aided by looted troves of Gaddafi's weaponry and shipments of guns from abroad they seized at ports they controlled. Rather than melt away, many "katayeb", or brigades, remained intact and received official recognition under either the interior or the defence ministry. To keep them from


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 23:39
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: khilafah - Social Mention: 4:00. U.S. kalah Perang di Iraq? Ini bermakna semua orang yang uprise Khilafah adalah pengganas & yang ada matlamat untuk mengisytiharkan mereka PENGGANAS dengan bantuan media. Tuhan saya, takut hancur rumah sana. [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Ne guzel okuyor masallah.. [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: #1647 23 India Female 2 years ago I met a boy we became frnds den very good frnds den we was in relationship.he told me abt his clg gf jisne use cheat kiya tha .everything wz going gud den khi se mje pta chla he has a gf jisko vo bht pyaar krta h ,usne mje kch ni btaya tha uske liye m bht hurt Hui n usse breakup kr liya uski vo gf bhi mere jaise uske sath long distance relationship m thi ,so for 1 month hmne baat nhi ki but i luv him so much to use maf kr diya n fir se as a frnd rehne lge nw vo apni us gf ki baate mjse share krta tha n use pta tha n btaya bi tha meko ki usi gf ki shaadi usse ni ho skti bcz uske parents ise psnd nhi krte h ,so fir voi hua shyd use emotional support chahiye tha to vo mere sath fir voi reltnship m aaya n mene bhi use as my bf accept kr liya ,n den usne fir cheat kiya is bar bhi usko maaf kr diya n baat bht km kr di bcz usse baat krna bht hurt krta h but jb bhi hoti to vo sirf apni us gf k liye baat krta n mje sirf itna chahiye tha ki vo n uski vo 1st gf sath ho jaye taki vo kush rhe i tried alot ki uski gf k parents man jaye but kch ni hua bt jb vo apni gf k liye sad hota h uski vjh se drink krta h bht hurt hota h meko ab uski gf ki shaadi fix ho gai h n 2 din bad uski engagment h he is sad too much ,n mjse bht rude behav krra h i knw 2 din bad uski halt bht jada khrab ho jayegi i still want ki vo dono mil jaye but meri koshish k bad bhi kch ni hua but uske rude behav se mn krra h baat bilkul hi bnd kr du usse but fir jb vo akela h n sad h to chodna shi nhi hoga use vo sad hota h to usse jada tensn mje ho jati h but i knw uski yhi help nhi kr pa rhi m kya kru ????? #Repicurus: Apne pehle ek bande se pyar kiya, usne apko dhokha diya, fir apne use maaf kiya, fir relationship me gaye, fir usne dhokha diya, fir vi ap usse baat karte ho, jabki wo kisi aur se pyar karta hai. And to add ice on the cake you even tried to get them married! Wow! Hats off! Kalyug ke ap SITA MAA ho, actually unse vi zyada, unhone vi ek baar agni pariksha di thi, fir chor ke chale gaye the aur ap to, masahallah! Btw you are one of those gals who 5 years down the line will tyrn into a typical feminist and crib about MALE sex 24X7..but honey that wont do any good to you. Gal no doubt that boy is an asshole, but what about you? Brains, logics, common sense.. Ye sab words kya subha subha daily wash kar dete ho? Aisa hai to fir aj se nahana band karo, waise vi thand hai, and make sure BRAINS, LOGICS, COMMON SENSE.. Ye sab apni zagah par hi rahe! #BeRational [1 Aktualisierung] kalifat - Social Mention: Mich hat gerade der letzte Satz eines Artikels sehr stutzig gemacht: "Der Merkez - Moscheeverein unterhält die derzeit größte Moschee Deutschlands. Er ist dem Dachverband Ditib und damit dem türkischen Staat unterstellt." Mir kommen da irgendwie ganz komische Gedanken, wenn ich diesen Satz bedenke - ich war wohl in den vergangenen Tagen zu viel in einer Stadt unterwegs, vor der der die Türken einst standen und in der sie heutzutage das Stadtbild teils massiv prägen. Vermutlich wollte wollte Kemal A. nicht auf Umwegen das Kalifat wieder aufleben lassen. Wie das bei seinen Nachfolgern ist, weiß ich aber eher nicht. Es soll ja selbst in Kölle schon mal einen gegeben haben, der Träume hatte. Der Satz ist zitiert nach dem Artikel [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: It's sad when your follow Muslim brothers call you Kufr/kafir, just because you don't support Al-Qaeda in Syria and you don't pay donations to support them or the people they massacred. [1 Aktualisierung] ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Doku für die Nacht:Lizens zum Töten - Wie Israel seine Feinde liquidiertIn d... [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: pemerintah indonesia tidak pernah tegas sama malaysia aja yo gk tegas apalagi ama australia dan AS AS negara biadab, negara kafir Anti Amerika [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Bester Spieler ^^ [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: Barbad Kar Gaye Wo Zindagi Pyar k Naam Se Bewafai Mili Sirf Wafa k Naam Se Zakhm He Zakham Diye us ne Dawa k Naam Se Asman Bhi Ro Para Meri Muhabat k Anjam Se. [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: SelLalu tersenyum untuk menqhadapi masalLah :) [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: Maka berperanglah kamu pada jalan Allah, tidaklah kamu dibebani melainkan dengan kewajiban kamu sendiri. Kobarkanlah semangat para mukmin (untuk berperang). Mudah-mudahan Allah menolak serangan orang-orang yang kafir itu. Allah amat besar kekuatan dan amat keras siksaan(Nya). فَقٰتِلْ فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰـهِ لَا تُكَلَّفُ إِلَّا نَفْسَكَ ۚ وَحَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۖ عَسَى اللّٰـهُ أَن يَكُفَّ بَأْسَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ ۚ وَاللّٰـهُ أَشَدُّ بَأْسًا وَأَشَدُّ تَنكِيلًا [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: كاميرا خفية من كوكب اخر جد مضحكة "فيلم الرعب" هههههه [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: ro0zi ke fekr kardi ye chiziyo az tahe del do0s dari hich vaght velesh nakon,momkene 2bare tekrar nashe... [1 Aktualisierung] kafir - Social Mention: Hukum Mengucapkan Salam Kepada Orang Kafir adalah HARAM Karena Hukum Mengucapkan Salam Kepada Orang Kafir sudah jelas disebutkan dalam hadits nabi. Keharaman mengucapkan salam kepada orang kafir bukan fiqh lagi,hal itu bisa dikatakan qad'iyah. Sabda Rasulullah Shallahu 'alaihi wa alihi sallam: 40.12/4030 . Telah menceritakan kepada kami Qutaibah bin Sa'id; Telah menceritakan kepada kami 'Abdul'Aziz yaitu Ad Daraawardi dari Suhail dari Bapaknya dari Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Janganlah kalian mendahului orang- orang Yahudi dan Nasrani memberi salam. Apabila kalian berpapasan dengan salah seorang di antara mereka di jalan, maka desaklah dia ke jalan yang paling sempit. " Dan telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al Mutsanna; Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Ja'far; Telah menceritakan kepada kami Syu'bah; Demikian juga diriwayatkan dari jalur yang lain; Dan telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Bakr bin Abu Syaibah dan Abu Kuraib keduanya berkata; "Telah menceritakan kepada kami Waki' dari Sufyan; Demikian juga diriwayatkan dari jalur yang lain; Dan telah menceritakan kepadaku Zuhair bin Harb; Telah menceritakan kepada kami Jarir seluruhnya dari Suhail melalui sanad ini. Dan di dalam Hadits Waki' disebutkan; 'Apabila kalian bertemu dengan orang Yahudi.' Sedangkan dalam Hadits Ibnu Ja'far dari Syu'bah dia berkata mengenai ahlu kitab juga di dalam Hadits Jarir dengan lafazh; 'Apabila kalian bertemu dengan mereka.' (tanpa menyebutkan salah seorang di antara mereka). Dari hadits di atas sudah sangat jelas hukumnya mengucapkan salam kepada orang kafir,dan hal ini juga bisa di ilhaqkan kepada hukum mengucapkan selamat natal atau ucapan selamat selamat yang lain yang berkenaan dengan ibadah dan keagamaan agama lain selain agama islam. Sekian sedikit penjelasan semoga bermanfaat Sugeng Morning n Met pagi All Wassalam [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: NEU! SABRIFILMS.DE [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: 47 Ronin – Keanu Reeves Vs Ogre A Universal colocou online um novo trailer de 47 Ronin (Os 47 Ronins (br) 47 Ronin – A Grande Batalha Samurai (pt)), onde vemos Keanu Reeves (The Matrix, A Scanner Darkly, Johnny Mnemonic) lutar contra um Ogre. O filme vai estrear nos cinemas japoneses a 6 de Dezembro de 2013, nos americanos a 25 de Dezembro e nos brasileiros e portugueses a 27 de Dezembro. A longa-metragem baseia-se numa história verdadeira e popular que reconta o mais célebre caso que envolve o código de honra dos samurais, Bushido. A história acompanha um grupo de samurais que ficaram sem líder após o seu daimyo (lorde feudal) ter sido forçado a cometer seppuku (suicídio ritual) pelo assalto a um oficial corrupto chamado Kira Yoshinaka. Após dois anos de espera e planeamento os samurais vingaram o seu mestre e mataram Kira. Em consequência também eles foram todos obrigados a cometer seppuku pelo crime de assassinato. Os samurais foram então enterrados em Sengaku-ji, à frente do túmulo do seu mestre. Os túmulos tornaram-se tão famosos que são agora um local de peregrinação atraindo pessoas de todo o Japão, podem ver aqui ( )uma foto do local. Com algumas variações esta história tornou-se muito popular no Japão simbolizando a lealdade, sacrifício, persistência e honra que devemos manter ao longo da nossa vida. Yuna-chan [1 Aktualisierung] khilafah - Social Mention: hati2 terhadap kebijakan pemerintah yg baru, krn ini semakin mmbuat pemerintah lepas tangan terhadap kewajibannya dalam mengayomi rakyat Mboi: 177,84 Juta Penduduk Telah Miliki Jamkes Jakarta: SEBANYAK 177,84 juta penduduk Indonesia saat ini telah memiliki jaminan sosial kesehatan (Jamkes), termasuk masyarakat miskin dan tidak mampu. Hal itu disampaikan Menteri Kesehatan Nasfiah Mboi dalam sambutan tertulisnya yang dibacakan Bupati Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Hugua pada peringatan Hari Kesehatan Nasional (HKN) ke-49 di Wangiwangi, Minggu (10/11). Pada HKN yang dirangkaikan dengan Hari Pahlawan Nasional ke-68 itu, Menkes mengatakan rumah sakit yang melayani kesehatan penduduk yang sudah memiliki Jamkes telah mencapai 2.186 buah. Selain itu kata dia, juga tersedia 9.599 Puskemas, 23.225 Puskemas Pembantu, 54.704 Pos Kesehatan Desa, dan 276.688 Pos Pelayanan Kesehatan terpadu (Posyandu). "Dari waktu ke waktu kita akan terus berupaya meningkatkan akses masyarakat pada pelayanan kesehatan yang komprehensif dan bermutu. Sehingga disparitas pelayanan kesehatan antarwilayah, antarkelompok dan antartingkat sosial ekonomi bisa terhapus," katanya. Ia mengatakan pemerintah saat ini tengah melakukan upaya-upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dan berhasil mencapai beberapa sasaran dan keberhasilan. Beberapa sasaran tersebut, katanya, antara lain eradikasi polio, eliminasi malaria, eliminasi kusta, penanganan HIV/AIDS, meningkatkan gizi dan mempercepat upaya pencapaian tujuan milenium. (Jakarta., 11/17/2013) Komentar: Beberapa bulan ke depan pada tanggal 1 Januari 2014, pemerintah Indonesia akan menerapkan hukum Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional. Melalui undang-undang ini, secara bertahap setiap warga negara akan dipaksa untuk menjadi partisipan asuransi sosial untuk perawatan kesehatan. Ini merupakan mekanisme mengumpulkan dana dari iuran wajib untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap risiko sosial dan ekonomi yang menimpa partisipan dan / atau anggota keluarga mereka. Hal ini jelas menunjukkan kebijakan yang meninggalkan tanggung jawab untuk menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Laporan dari Menteri Kesehatan hanya menekankan bahwa pemerintah memberikan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat yang mampu membayar, jika tidak, anda tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa. Kita harus bertanya, apa fungsi dari sebuah institusi bernama negara? Hal ini berbeda dengan apa yang Islam atur dalam fungsi negara. Terutama pada penyediaan layanan kesehatan bagi semua orang. Islam mewajibkan negara untuk menjalankan prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut: Pertama, kesehatan masyarakat merupakan kebutuhan dasar., siapa pun dia, miskin-kaya, Muslim maupun non-Muslim. Pemenuhan langsung harus dijamin oleh negara. Rasulullah saw bersabda, yang artinya, "Siapa saja yang memasuki pagi hari dalam kondisi aman, tubuh yang sehat dan memiliki makanan untuk hari itu, seolah-olah dunia telah menjadi miliknya." Kedua, pemerintah memiliki kewajiban untuk mengambil tanggung jawab penuh menjamin kualitas pelayanan kesehatan gratis bagi setiap individu masyarakat. Rasulullah saw bersabda, "… فالأمير الذي على الناس راع، وهو مسئول عن رعيته…" "Imam (Khalifah) yang menjadi pemimpin, adalah (seperti) gembala. Dan ia sendiri yang bertanggung jawab atas rakyat." (HR. al-Bukhari) Pemerintah dilarang berperan hanya sebagai regulator dan fasilitator. Prinsip pertama dan kedua selaras dengan cita-cita kesehatan manusia yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkannya, tanpa memprioritaskan imbalan materi. Pada zaman peradaban Islam, prinsip ini benar-benar dilaksanakan. Seperti di rumah sakit al-Mansur al-Kabir di Kairo. Dengan kapasitas 8.000 tempat tidur, dilengkapi dengan masjid untuk pasien Muslim dan kapel bagi pasien Kristen. Rumah sakit ini dilengkapi dengan terapi musik untuk pasien yang menderita gangguan mental. Setiap hari melayani 4.000 pasien. Layanan diberikan tanpa membedakan ras, warna dan agama pasien, tanpa batas waktu, sampai pasien benar-benar sembuh. Selain memperoleh perawatan, obat-obatan dan makanan gratis, pasien juga diberi pakaian dan uang saku yang cukup untuk pengobatan. Rumah sakit ini melayani lebih dari 7 abad. Ketiga, baik (ihsan) dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan pelayanan kesehatan, sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw, yang artinya, "Sesungguhnya Allah menetapkan (mewajibkan) berbuat ihsan atas segala hal. Maka, jika kalian membunuh (dalam peperangan) maka lakukanlah dengan cara yang baik, jika kalian menyembelih maka lakukanlah sembelihan yang baik, hendaknya setiap kalian menajamkan parangnya, dan membuat senang hewan sembelihannya." (HR. Muslim) Dalam hal ini, Khalifah dan lembaga-lembaganya harus didasarkan pada tiga prinsip: aturan kesederhanaan, kecepatan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, dan dilaksanakan oleh orang-orang yang mampu dan profesional. Tiga prinsip tersebut memberikan konsekuensi pada ketersediaan sumber daya manusia untuk media, infrastruktur kesehatan yang memadai dan lebih mudah diakses. Ada jumlah dokter yang memadai dari berbagai spesialisasi, bidan dan perawat. Dan juga tersedia dalam berbagai macam peralatan medis, obat-obatan dan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dengan standar pelayanan terbaik, sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip etika kedokteran dalam Islam. Prinsip-prinsip kewajiban negara untuk memberikan pelayanan publik


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 03:21
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for ummah - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Muslim Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: An alle die es wegen Fussball verpasst haben. [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Nimm niemals die Hand eines Mädchens, wenn du genau weißt, dass du sie bald wied... [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: So schön <3#z [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: "ISLAM" sebenar benar islam,iman,tauhid dan mari,fat ialah Tachir kepada Allah,ikrar kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Yaitu syahadah. Iman itu pancaran cahaya Allah yg bersemayam didalam Ruh,Tauhid dan Ma,rifat Allah karena Tauhid Nur Allah dari pada Allah tempat melihat, Marifat yg syah didalam tubuh dan didalam Ruh yg tersempurna pada islam tauhid dan marifat [1 Aktualisierung] Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Putra-Moschee in Malaysia️️️ <3 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: I versteh euch nit, zerst seit "RichKidz" drausen war alle lei mehr nur : Keep Calm ... usw. , und seit bushido diss kemmen is alle :" r.i.p. kay one" jungs und mädls des woa lei a lied alter wie viele Leute haben kay gedisst aba koAner hat irgend a zeachen bewegt und alle kay's album gefeiert und jetzt aufoamal sagts es alle :" kay is gefickt" usw blablabla fakt ist keiner von uns weis wie di geschichte wirklich war lei bushido und am meisten kay selber was sie zu uns schreiben und posten und lieder machen und interviews geben muss nit die wahrheit sein! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: ich verspotte die zwei jungs mit migrations hintergrund und ihren abgefahrenen bushido frisuren, weil sie bis spät in die nacht in der sparkasse in bad bentheim auf der heizung rumsitzen, habt ihr kein zuhause. ihr belästigt die menschen die zur bank gehen wollen. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ganz ehrlich... Kay One und bushido... Jeder pusht im Endeffekt den anderen ... Im Prinzip n Thema für ne Zeitschrift für die Damen Ü60... Aber nicht mal die interessiert sowas peinliches.... Jetzt merken manche das sie ihren Status verlieren und klammern sich mit primitiven Mitteln daran.... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: so letztes mal bushido gehört. hab den kayone diss nur durchgeskippt und es ist eine billige "das urteil"-kopie. nur ohne flow, ohne reime ohne sinn und verstand. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Hää ist kay one gestorben oder was???hahahah hab mal gefragt weil alle das posten €:-) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Morgen kommt unser Statement zu Kay One und bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: R.I.P kay one .... haha 11 min diss ---- KING BUSHIDO [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Hier ist das erste Deutsche Fernsehen mit den MOMONEWS Daaadaaadaadaadaam Guten Abend meine Damen und herren , Herzlich Willkommen zu den Momonews. Gestern gegen 18 uhr veröffentlichte Bushido seinen Disstrack gegen Kay one. Wie sie sicherlich wissen war das ein Armagedon Track. Wissenschaftler vermuten das Kay one immer noch heult und seine Tränendrüse noch 2 Tage flutet. Wir haben ein Interview mit Arafat klar machen können und haben unseren Reporter Sami aka Afrika Schwanz dorthingeschickt , es verlief so : Sami : ,, Arafat wie finden sie den Disstrack von Bushido? " Arafat : ,, Eig wollte ich Kay One töten aber der disstrack hat es getan! Haha spaß töten werde ich ihn auch so noch haha :) " Sami: ,, Wissen sie wo sich Kay One befindet ?" Arafat: ,, Ach ich hab gehört er ist in Thailand , aber ihn dort zu unterscheiden wird schwierig.." Sami : ,,Wie wollen sie ihn umbringen?" Arafat: ,, BRUTAL!!! :@ , also hmm mal sehen :) Sami : ,, ok danke fuers Interview.." Recherchen zu folge wurde Kay One im China Box (Frankfurt am Main) zuletzt gesichtet. Er solle da ein Nebenjob als Tellerwäscher 2 Wochen lang gemacht haben. Doch er ist dann wieder abgehauen. Kay one's Grund " Die Tellerwäscher handeln mit Persil drogen , und ich muss immer die Hälfte abdrücken.." , das Verhalten von Kay One ist nur für eine Person zu identifizieren , Chiko aus der Mülltonne muss hier ran. Wir haben ihn gefragt und er meint : ,,Kay One sieht die Welt halt bissen Enger als wir.. Deswegen verläuft er sich wahrscheinlich immer , oder er hat seine Liebe gefunden die 14 ahre ist und die zsm Vanilla feiern gehen , wo er ihr dann sushi-cocktail ausgibt.." Die Tage werden uns noch mehr über das Thema bringen. Nun weiter mit den Wettervorhersagen , Harald was sagt uns das Wetter für Morgen? Harald : ,, Und wenn ich Kay boxxe bin ich dann ein Thaiboxxer?" Herr Momo: ,,Nein du bist Wettermann" Harald : ,, -.- , Heute Abend herscht ein Tiefdruckgebiet , über den Alpen bis Vorpommern.." Momonews Seite ---> Liken Teilen Verbreiten [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: BUSHIDO ♡♥♡ [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Wegen der ganzen Kay one & Bushido Sache hat jeder vergessn zu posten dass es schneit *_* haha [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Mal ganz ehrlich den ganzen tag lese ich entweder nur bushido un kay one oder bayern gegen dortmund Ganz ehrlich ein samstag hat noch mehr zu bieten ...! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Fakt ist bushido hat Kay One zerstört ! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido kann es echt nicht sein lassen erst disst er Zigeuner auf CCN und Vom Bordstein bis zu Skyline und jetzt muss er wieder heimlich auf dem Kay One Diss Kenny Sagen obwohl der Name nichts mit Kay One zu tun hat so eine Schwule Sau aus Berlin echt. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Die gute Alternative zu Bushido, Kay One & co. :-D [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido is !! King !! ♥.♥ [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Game over GAY ONE ! - Bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Jeder hat heute mindestens einmal "Bushido" gelesen... :3 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ich bin für Bushido [1 Aktualisierung] MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand: Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:59PM

    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand

    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand

    Nov 23rd 2013, 21:29

    Shaykh Abu Sufyan As-Sulami Sagt:

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    Your 2 hourly digest for ummah - Social Mention Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:58PM

    ummah - Social Mention

    100 Proofs Salaf us Saliheen were not Muqallideen Bismillahir rahmaanir Raheem, Were the Salaf us saliheen muqallideen? Did they do taqleed? Did they blindly follow one imam like the modern day muqallideen Deobandi Sufis and Barelvi Sufis claim? Today are times of Great Fitnah, specially when we have so many deviants sects and each and every one of these deviant sect claims to be upon Quran and Sunnah. Amongst them is a group of innovators that is of the view that we have to blindly follow One imam out of the 4 imams instead of Quran and Sunnah. They even go to the level of saying that that the doors of Ijtihad have been closed about a 1000 years ago and every scholar, mufassir, muhaddith, faqeeh, imam and historian etc, that has come after the doors of Ijtihad were closed, he has done taqleed of one of the four Imams. And these are the same people who also say that "And Taqleed is only for a Jaahil, who is unfamiliar with ahkaam and Dalaail" [Al-Kalaam ul-Mufeed fi Ithbaat ut-Taqleed: Pg 234 by Sarfaraz Khan Safdar Deobandi] According to that statement from the same sect, all the great scholars of this Ummah that have came after Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal, they were Jaahil (Na Audhubillahi min Dhaalik). In reality they are the ones that are the Jaahil. In Another attempt to deceive their public, they say: "The Rejection of Taqleed-e-Shakhsi started in the era of Queen Victoria. Before this there was no Rejection (of taqleed e shakhsi) infact Every one used to do taqleed-e-Shakhsi" [Tajalliyaat-e-Safdar (Faisalabad version) Vol 2 Pg 410 by Amin Okarvi Deobandi] Their hate for the People of Quran and Sunnah is also very obvious with titles such as "Wahabi/Ghair Muqallid/La Madhab". All these lies are only due to their hate towards the followers of Quran and Sunnah upon the Manhaj of the Salaf us Saaliheen i.e Ahlul hadeeth. No wonder Ahmed Bin Sanaan Al Waasiti (Died 259 Hijri) said that: "There is not an Innovator in this world that does not have Bughz (enmity) for the Ahlul hadeeth" [Ma'arifatu Uloom Al-hadeeth of Haakim Pg 4 with Authentic Chain] In this article inshaAllah we will share with you 100 references from the Salaf us Saliheen that Indeed they were not Muqallideen as the Blind followers of today claim. Note: This tahqeeq of 100 references doesn't mean at all that the Scholars who haven't been mentioned in this tahqeeq, used to do taqleed, in fact there is the Ijmaa of Khayr ul-Quroon on the prohibition of taqleed. [See: Ar-Radd Ala Man Akhlad Ilal Ard: Pg 131-132] Note: This article is a translation of an Article by Shaykh Zubair Ali zai and it has been translated by brother Raza Hasan. May Allah reward them and every one involved in this great work for the sake of Allah, Ameen. Refer to the following 2 articles for a more deobandi muqallid proofs that the Muhadditheen did not do taqleed: 1) Muhadditheen were not Muqallid Part 1: 2) Muhadditheen were not Muqallid Part 2: Allaah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala said: Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not? [Al-Zumar: 9]" From this Ayah, we come to know that there are two kinds of People on Earth: 1. The Scholars (There are many types of Scholars based on their levels, and it also includes students of knowledge) 2. The Awaam - Common Public (There are many types of Awaam, and they also include illiterate, non-knowledgeable people). The ruling for the Awaam is that they should ask from the People of Dhikr (knowledge). [See: Surah Nahal: 43] Asking scholars about any issue of Islam is not taqleed. See: Muntaha al-Wusool by Ibn al-Haajib al- Nahwi (Pg 218-219) and the book: Deen main taqleed ka mas'ala (Pg 16). If asking from the Scholars were taqleed then the awaam of Deobandis and Brailwis would be considered the muqallideen of their present Deobandi and Brailwi Scholars, and they would never have called themselves Hanafi, Maatureedi, or Naqshbandi etc. Everyone would have been something else such as: Some would be Sarfarazi, some would be Ameeni, some Taqwi, while some Ghumni (!) whereas no one holds such an opinion. Therefore, declaring Mutlaq Asking to be taqleed would be wrong and Baatil. Taqleed is not permissible for the Scholars, rather it is necessary for them to follow Quran, Sunnah and Ijma through their sayings and actions as much as they can, and if they do not find a mas'ala in Adillah Thalathah (The Three Proofs) then Ijtihaad (e.g. taking evidence from the agreed upon and ghayr Mukhtalifah Athaar of Salaf as-Saaliheen and Qiyaas Saheeh etc) is permissible. Haafidh Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimhullah) said: "..Muqallid is not counted among the Ulama (Scholars), as is (proven) from the Ittifaaq (Consensus) of Scholars, therefore, he is not included in these dalail (The proven Fadhaail from the verses and ahadeeth)"[I'laam al-Mawqa'een Vol 2 Pg 200] We come to know from the meaning of this saying that a Scholar can never be a Muqallid. Haafidh Ibn Abdul Barr al-Andalusi (rahimahullah) said: "And they (the Scholars) said: And a Muqallid does not have any knowledge (Jaahil), and there is no difference of them (Scholars) in it."[Jaami Bayaan ul-Ilm Vol 2 Pg 231, Chapter: Fasaad ut-Taqleed] This Ijmaa also proves that a Scholar cannot be a Muqallid. In fact it is written in the Haashiah of the Hanafi book al-Hidayah that: "….What they meant from Jaahil is Muqallid because they have mentioned it against Mujtahid." [Hidayah: Pg 132 Hashiah 6, Kitaab Adab al-Qaadhi After this introduction, in this tahqeeqi article, we are going to mention hundred (100) references of Scholars, regarding whom it is proven that they did not use to do taqleed: #1 Sayyidunah Abdullah bin Mas'ood (radiallah anhu) said: "Do not do the taqleed of men in your deen" [Al-Sunan al-Kubra by Bayhaqi: 2/10, Chain Saheeh] Sayyidunah Abdullah bin Mas'ood also said: "Either become an Aalim (Scholars) or a Muta'allim (Student of knowledge), but in between both of them, do not become a Muqallid (Imma'atan)" [Jaami Bayaan al- Ilm: 1/71,72 H. 108, Chain Hasan] One of the meaning of Imma'atan is also Muqallid. [See: Taaj ul-Uroos Vol 11 Pg 4, Mu'jam ul-Wasiyat (Pg 26), and Al-Qamoos ul-Waheed of Deobandis (Pg 134) According to Abdullah bin Mas'ood (radiallah anhu) there are three types of people: a. Aalim b. Student of Knowledge c. Muqallid He prohibited people from becoming a Muqallid, and ordered them to become an Aalim or a Student. # 2 Sayyidunah Mu'aadh bin Jabal (radiallah anhu) said: "Even if an Aalim in upon guidance, do not do his taqleed in your deen."[Jaami Bayaan al-Ilm: 2/222 H. 955, Chain Hasan] Note: The clear permissibility of taqleed, either from the sayings or from the actions, is not proven from a single Sahaabi (Companion) from among all the Sahaabah. On the contrary Haafidh Ibn Hazam al-Andalusi said: "It is the proven Ijmaa of all the Sahaabah from beginning till the end, and all the taabi'een from beginning till the end that accepting all the sayings of a person from amongst them or from the people before them is prohibited and impermissible." [Al-Nabazat ul-Kaafiyah by Ibn Hazam Pg 71, Ar-Radd ala man Akhlad ilal ard lil Suyooti Pg 131-132, Deen Main Taqleed ka mas'ala Pg 34-35] #3 Imaam Maalik bin Anas al-Madani (rahimahullah) (D: 179 H) – Imaam Daarul Hijrah, was a very big Mujtahid. Tahaawi Hanafi said regarding the Aimmah Arba'ah (The four Imaams – Imaam Abu Hanifah, Imaam Maalik, Imaam Shaafi'ee, and Imaam Ahmed) that:"they are Ghayr Muqallideen" [Haashiah al-Tahawi Ala ad-Durr ul-Mukhtaar Vol 1 Pg 51] A Hanafi named, Muhammad Hussain has written that: "Aimmah Arba'ah all were Ghayr Muqallid" [Mu'ayyin ul-Fiqh Pg 88] Master Ameen Okarvi Deobandi said: "Ijtihaad is waajib upon a Mujtahid, and taqleed of a mujtahid like him is Haraam upon him" [Tajalliyaat Safdar Vol 3 Pg 430] Sarfaraz Khan Safdar Gakhrawi Deobandi said: "And Taqleed is only for a Jaahil, who is unfamiliar with ahkaam and Dalaail, or does not


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 02:55
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: bushido - Social Mention: Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (HD) Eure Meinung [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Das gliche was bushido mit kay one gmacht hat, hat bayern hüt mit dortmund gmacht !!! Hahahaha [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido vs. Kay One [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ich hab zwar nix gegen Kay ich mag Prince Kay aber KING BUSHIDO mag ich mehr ;) Kay er hat dir eindeutig gegeben du bist ein Toter man ! Fang lieber an dein Grab zu graben ! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Like Für Bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Recuerden que hoy es el gran regreso de la banda Orgullo Tarasco a BUSHIDO BAR a partir de las 8 pm, tendremos muchas sorpresas y el mejor ambiente ademas grandes promociones para los cumpleañeros !!! no te se lo pueden perder!!! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ist bei auch die ganze Startseite voll mit Seiten die über den disstrack von Bushido an Kay one reden ? -Miriton:) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Leute das ist eine Botschaft von Kay One : Diese Seite ist nur für meine Fans die mit mir durch dick und dünn gehen ! Der Rest kann gehen und Bushido liken also Leute entscheidet euch. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Champagne for the pain , cocaine für dein brain!!... Bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ich habe so eine Fragen... wenn ich kay schlage bin ich dann ein Thai - Boxer?! hahaha... Bushido einfach King! #kingbushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: FUCK BUSHIDO [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: letze mal alle kay one am feierm jetzt feiern alle bushido was ist los , richtige fans seid ihr [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Dobra pora wyłączyć Bushido i jego diss na Kay One bo już znowu przesiąkam tym Niemieckim rapem a Tragikomedia to nie Deutsche Welle. Zaczynamy sesje z długopisem czyli - "Kiedy byłem małym chłopcem" już wkrótce w waszych głośnikach :) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: - Kay?! + Ja? - Heul leise! #FackJuGöhte #FackJuKay [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: An alle Kay One Fans Entfernt mich mal alle Bitte #Bushido !!! 󾌧 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Zir Flax édition جــيم ليـزوووم [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Mujahidin Al Shabaab Serbu Markas Polisi, 41 Musuh Tewas, Allahu Akbar! Mujahidin Harakah Shabaab al Mujahidin menewaskan sedikitnya 12 orang pada Selasa (19/11/2013) dalam serangan bom mobil dan serbuan terhadap sebuah kantor polisi dan pasukan UNISOM di Somalia, kata pihak berwenang seperti yang dikutip dari Harar24. Setidaknya empat orang Mujahid gugur syahid ketika polisi dan pasukan AU Somalia melakukan serangan balik terhadap kantor polisi di Beledweyne, terletak sekitar 200 km sebelah utara dari ibukota Somalia, Mogadishu. Kata Abdi Farah Laqanyo, gubernur wilayah Hiran. "Sebuah mobil penuh muatan bahan peledak menabrak pintu gerbang Kantor polisi dan meledak 'menjadi bola api besar ' sekitar pukul 11 pagi," kata Laqanyo. Penyerang kemudian memasuki kompleks kantor dan terlibat baku tembak dengan polisi dan pasukan AU Somalia. Kantor tersebut merupakan basis bagi tentara Djibouti sebagai bagian dari pasukan Kuffar penjaga perdamaian untuk Misi Uni Afrika di Somalia, yang dikenal sebagai AMISOM, dimana memberikan support bagi rezim pemerintah Somalia untuk memberagus Mujahidin al Shabaab. Sementara itu, Juru Bicara Operasi Militer Al Shabaab, Syaikh Abu Musab Abdiaziz mengatakan bahwa serangan itu menewaskan 18 tentara AMISOM dan 23 pasukan Somalia. Seorang saksi mata yang berjarak 200 meter dari lokasi mengatakan Mujahidin menyerang dengan menggunakan senapan serbu, senapan mesin dan roket RPG setelah mobil meledak. Gumpalan asap hitam menyelimuti langit di atas kantor polisi. [fadhil/ harar24] Sumber: Shoutussalam [1 Aktualisierung] khilafah - Social Mention: Mengenal Penemu Angka Nol, Al-Khawarizmi Sebelumnya para ilmuwan menggunakan daftar yang membedakan satuan, puluhan, dan seterusnya. Jangan sepelekan angka nol. Bayangkan, apa jadinya jika deret angka hanya ada sembilan angka (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, dan 9) saja tanpa nol? Tentu akan muncul permasalahan-permasalahan, misalnya, dari mana muncul angka puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, jutaan, atau puluhan juta? Nah, dengan adanya nol, semua permasalahan itu pun terpecahkan. Berkat angka nol, deret hitung menjadi semakin luas dan berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Selain fungsinya yang penting, angka nol juga mempunyai sejarah panjang. Dari manakah sebenarnya angka ini berasal? Dan, siapa pula penemunya? Mungkin banyak yang mengira, ilmuwan Eropalah penemunya. Sejatinya, angka nol justru ditemukan oleh ilmuwan Muslim. Dia adalah Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Musa al-Khawarizmi. Ia lahir di Khawarizmi (sekarang Khiva), Uzbekistan, pada 194 H/780 M. Tak banyak informasi yang menjelaskan secara mendalam mengenai sosok dan riwayat hidup Al-Khawarizmi. Tetapi, sejarah singkatnya terdapat dalam kitab Al-Fihrist Ibn an- Nadim, yang juga menjelaskan karya-karya tulisnya. Di situ disebutkan, Al-Khawarizmi menekuni hampir seluruh pekerjaannya antara tahun 813 hingga 833. Setelah Islam masuk ke Persia dan Baghdad menjadi pusat ilmu serta perdagangan, banyak pedagang dan ilmuwan dari Cina dan India mendatangi kota tersebut, termasuk Al-Khawarizmi. Di sana, ia menjadi bagian dari para ilmuwan yang bekerja di Bayt al-Hikmah (Rumah Kebijaksanaan), sebuah lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang didirikan oleh Ma'mun Ar-Rasyid, khalifah ketujuh Dinasti Abbasiyah. Oleh guru besar studi Islam Temple University AS, Mahmoud Ayoub, Bayt al-Hikmah disebut sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi pertama di dunia Islam dan juga Barat. Di lembaga ini, AlKhawarizmi belajar ilmu alam dan matematika, juga terjemahan manuskrip Sanskerta dan Yunani. Dulu, sebelum Al-Khawarizmi memperkenalkan angka nol, para ilmuwan menggunakan semacam daftar yang membedakan satuan, puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, dan seterusnya. Daftar yang dikenal sebagai abakus itu berfungsi menjaga setiap angka dalam bilangan agar tidak saling tertukar dari tempat atau posisi mereka dalam hitungan. Sistem tersebut berlaku hingga abad ke-12 M, ketika para ilmuwan Barat mulai memilih menggunakan raqm al-binji (angka Arab) dalam sistem bilangan mereka. Raqm albinji menggunakan angka "nol" yang diadopsi dari angka India, menghadirkan sistem penomoran desimal yang belum pernah digunakan sebelumnya. Nah, lewat buku pertamanya, AlMukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa alMuqabalah (Ringkasan Perhitungan Aljabar dan Perbandingan), Al-Khawarizmi memperkenalkan angka nol yang dalam bahasa Arab yang disebut shifr. Karya monumental itu juga membahas solusi sistematik dari linear dan notasi kuadrat. Buku itu diterjemahkan di London pada 1831 oleh matematikawan Inggris, Fredrick Rosen, dan selanjutnya diedit dalam bahasa Arab pada 1939 oleh dua matematikawan Mesir, Ali Mustafa Musyarrafa dan Muhammad Mursi Ahmad. Sebelumnya, pada abad 12, karya tersebut juga diterjemahkan oleh seorang matematikawan asal Chester, Inggris, Robert (Latin: Robertus Castrensis), dengan judul Liber Algebras et Al-mucabola. Masih pada abad yang sama, buku berbahasa Latin itu kemudian diedit oleh matematikawan asal New York, LC Karpinski. Versi keduanya, De Jebra et Almucabola, ditulis oleh Gerard da Cremona (11141187), matematikawan dan penerjemah asal Italia. Buku yang ditulis Gerard itu disebut-sebut lebih baik dan bahkan mengungguli buku Fredrick Rozen. Dengan demikian, meski telah diperkenalkan pada pertengahan pertama abad ke-9, angka nol baru dikenal dan digunakan oleh kalangan ilmuwan Barat dua setengah abad kemudian. Menyusul diperkenalkannya angka nol oleh AlKhawarizmi maka untuk pertama kalinya nol digunakan sebagai pemegang tempat dalam notasi berbasis posisi. Dunia perlu berterima kasih pada ilmuwan yang satu ini karena dengan angka nol yang diperkenalkannya, bilangan 2012 dan 212 dapat dibedakan. Pada abad ke-12, matematikawan Muslim asal Spanyol, Ibrahim ibn Meir ibn Ezra, menulis tiga risalah mengenai angka yang membawa simbol-simbol India dan pecahan desimal ke Eropa hingga mendapatkan perhatian dari sejumlah ilmuwan di sana. Risalah berjudul The Book of The Number itu menjelaskan tentang sistem desimal untuk bilangan bulat dengan nilai tempat dari kiri ke kanan. Ibn Ezra menggunakan nol dengan sebutan galgal (yang berarti roda atau lingkaran). Selanjutnya, pada 1247, matematikawan Cina, Ch'in Chiu-Shao, menulis Mathematical Treaties in Nine Sections yang menggunakan simbol O untuk nol. Dan pada 1303, Zhu Shijie menggunakan simbol yang sama untuk nol dalam karyanya Jade mirror of the Four Elements. Sistem angka tersebut selanjutnya juga berkembang di Eropa. Al-Khawarizmi, ilmuwan yang berada di balik penemuan besar matematika abad ke-9 itu, wafat di Baghdad pada sekitar 850 M. Sistem Angka India Pada sekitar 500 M, matematikawan India, Aryabhata, merancang sistem angka yang belum memiliki nol. Sistem tersebut adalah sebuah sistem posisional dan Aryabhata menggunakan kata `kha' untuk menyebut sebuah posisi, yang kemudian mungkin digunakan sebagai nama untuk nol. Penjelasan lain tentang nol pada masa yang sangat awal ini adalah keberadaan bukti yang menunjukkan penggunaan titik dalam naskah-naskah lama India untuk menunjukkan tempat kosong dalam notasi posisi tersebut. Menariknya, di dalam dokumen-dokumen tersebut juga ditemukan simbol titik yang menunjukkan sesuatu atau bilangan yang tidak diketahui, yang kini biasa digambarkan dengan simbol "x". Para ilmuwan dan matematikawan India pada periode selanjutnya memiliki sejumlah nama untuk nol dalam angka-angka posisional, tetapi tetap tidak memiliki simbol untuknya. Catatan pertama tentang penggunaan nol di India ditulis pada abad ke-9. Tertulis pada sebuah prasasti dari lempengan batu, catatan tersebut berisi keterangan yang menunjukkan tahun 876 M. Prasasti itu berkaitan dengan Kota Gwalior, 400 km sebelah selatan Delhi, di mana (menurut prasasti tersebut) orang-orang India membuat taman berukuran 187x270 hasta. Taman tersebut menghasilkan bunga yang dapat dirangkai hingga menjadi 50 karangan bunga setiap harinya untuk dipersembahkan ke kuil setempat. Dalam prasasti tersebut, baik angka 270 maupun 50, ditulis dalam bentuk hampir sama dengan angka yang kita kenal sekarang. Hanya, angka nol berukuran lebih kecil dan diletakkan sedikit lebih tinggi dari angka lainnya. Hingga titik itu, menurut JJ O'Connor and EF Robertson dalam artikel A History of Zero, perkembangan itu tidak menunjukkan bahwa nol serta-merta menjadi kandidat alami sebuah angka. Terlebih, sejak periode-periode sebelumnya, angka adalah kata-kata yang mengacu pada sekumpulan objek. Permasalahan kemudian muncul ketika ilmuwan tertentu mencoba memperhitungkan nol dan angka angka negatif sebagai angka dalam interaksinya dengan operasi aritmatika, penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian. Tiga orang matematikawan India, Brahmagupta, Mahavira, dan Bhaskara, berusaha menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Mereka mencoba menyelesaikannya dalam tiga buku berbeda yang menjadi karya penting di bidang matematika kala itu. Sementara itu, matematika India berkembang dengan pencarian status nol, sebuah kerajaan Islam, Dinasti Abbasiyah, berjaya. Kejayaan itu semakin lengkap dengan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang luar biasa, yang diawali pada masa pemerintahan khalifah kelima Abbasiyah, Harun al-Rasyid. Dari kota Baghdad, Al-Rasyid memerintah kerajaan yang membentang luas dari Laut Tengah ke India itu. Ia membangun disiplin intelektual yang waktu itu belum berkembang di dunia Arab. Ketika ia wafat pada 809 M, dua putranya, yakni al-Amin dan alMa'mun, terlibat konflik bersenjata. Al-Ma'mun memenangi peperangan, sementara al-Amin tewas terbunuh pada 813 M. Al- Ma'mun lalu menjadi khalifah dan melanjutkan gerakan pembelajaran yang yang telah dilakukan ayahnya. Ia mendirikan sebuah akademi yang disebut Bayt al-Hikmah atau Rumah Kebijaksanaan, di mana karya-karya filsafat dan ilmiah Yunani diterjemahkan. Dia juga membangun sebuah perpustakaan manuskrip sebagai tempat pengumpulan dan penyimpanan karya-karya penting Byzantium. Ia juga membangun sejumlah observatorium, tempat para astronom Muslim membangun pengetahuan dari apa yang mereka peroleh dari masyarakat pendahulu mereka. Ketika Al-Rasyid memimpin khilafah Abbasiyah, Al-Khawarizmi lahir. Selanjutnya, pada masa pemerintahan Al-Ma'mun, Al-Khawarizmi dan rekan-rekannya dari Banu Musa ikut ambil bagian di Bayt al-Hikmah. Di sana, Al-Khawarizmi menyumbangkan pikirannya untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Ia mendedikasikan dua naskahnya, sebuah risalah aljabar dan satu risalah astronomi, pada Khalifah al-Ma'mun. Risalah aljabar Hisab al-jabr w'alMuqabala menjadi karya terpenting Al-Khawarizmi yang menyumbangkan istilah "aljabar" bagi matematika. Al-Khawarizmi juga menulis sebuah risalah tentang angka Hindu-Arab. Teks Arab yang ditulisnya telah hilang, tetapi terjemahannya dalam bahasa Latin, Algoritmi de numero Indorum berhasil memunculkan istilah matematika lainnya, "algoritma", yang berasal dari latinisasi nama AlKhawarizmi. Karya tersebut menjelaskan tentang sistem nilai tempat Hindu yang didasarkan pada angka-angka 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, dan 0. GJ Toomer dalam Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York, 19701990) mengatakan, "...sistem nilai tempat desimal merupakan temuan yang (kala itu) cukup baru di India dan karya Al-Khawarizmi adalah yang pertama kali menjelaskannya secara sistematis. Jadi, meskipun sangat dasar, karya Al-Khawarizmi menjadi satu dari temuan penting yang akan terus berkembang..." Selain di bidang matematika, pengaruh naskah-naskah India bagi Al-Khawarizmi juga terlihat pada karyanya di bidang astronomi, Sindhind Zij. JJ O'Connor dan EF Robertson menjelaskan, naskah India yang menjadi dasar bagi karya tersebut merupakan satu pemberian dari sebuah misi politik India ke Istana Abbasiyah di Baghdad sekitar 770 M. Dari Matematika Hingga Astronomi Berawal dari matematika, Al-Khawarizmi memberi kontribusi bagi kemajuan banyak ilmu lain. Seperti satu dayungan yang melampaui beberapa pulau, sumbangan Al-Khawarizmi di bidang matematika berdampak positif bagi ilmu lainnya, seperti astronomi, geografi, bahkan komputer. Bahkan, selain menyumbangkan karya dan temuan monumental, ia juga menulis sejumlah karya kecil mengenai berbagai topik, seperti astrolabe, jam matahari, kalender Yahudi, juga sejarah politik berisi horoskop orang-orang penting. Mengenai ilmuwan Muslim yang satu ini, AA al'Daffa (1978) dalam The Muslim Contribution to Mathematics mengatakan, peringkat terdepan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 03:17
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: bushido - Social Mention: Die Altersbeschränkung wurde aufgehoben!!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Jeder schwätzt i.was über den bushido und kay one.....häää??? Ich weis net mal um was es da eig geht un was da war... ??!!.hahahaha :P ;) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: bushido bringts wieder mal auf den punkt. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Jeder einzelne Klick soll ihm weh tun!!! Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler: #sonnyblack (Twitter) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Üffft!!! Jetzt möchte jeder durch Bushido und Gay Ones streit profitieren. Erst dieser Hund von Anhalt und dann noch Marsmensch Cosimo, jetzt fehlt nur noch Merkel oder Obama. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Falls Bushido je Niveau, hatte, hat er es inzwischen vollkommen verloren! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Key One und Bushido haben Bitch kampf hier video dazu [1 Aktualisierung] Faktastisch-Islamischs Facebook-Pinnwand: Ein Muslim muss auf seine Gesundheit achten. Aufgrund dessen, werden wir ab jetz... [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: GECECİLER :) :) BAHAR [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: ***Asuu member recruiting cordinator of Bokos*** The Department of State Services, DSS, Wednesday, announced the arrest of a university lecturer, Dr. Muhammad Nazeef Yunus, who allegedly acts as Recruitment Co-ordinator of the Boko Haram sect and four other members as they were plotting to launch violent attacks in Igalaland, Kogi State. Dr. Muhammed Nazeef Yunus Photo by Gbemiga Olamikan. Moer details soon Zaria city fears Islamist cells after hostage drama Meanwhile – Zaria city which has not been known as an Islamist stronghold but revelations that a French engineer was kept hostage there by militants before dramatically escaping have shocked locals. Francis Collomp managed to flee on Saturday while his captors were praying, walking four to five kilometres (2.5 to three miles) before flagging down a motorcycle taxi that took him to a nearby police station. Police said the 63-year-old, who was abducted at gunpoint in Katsina state last December, had been held for nine months in the city of Kano then brought to Zaria, 163 km away by road to the southwest, two months ago. "We find it quite frightening that a high-profile hostage like this could be brought into this area and kept for two months without anyone ever knowing," said Sadiq Mahmud, who lives in the quiet Danmagaji neighbourhood of Zaria. Student Bello Lemu, 28, described the news as a "rude shock" and expressed concern that the historic city had apparently been infiltrated by an active cell of militants from the banned group Ansaru. "I still find it hard to believe we have Islamist insurgents around us. It is worrisome," he told AFP. Zaria, which is home to some 400,000 people and predominantly Muslim, developed as a city in the 15th century and is one of the oldest in northern Nigeria, priding itself on a reputation as a centre for Islamic and Western scholarship. In the fortified old part of the city, traditional mud houses and mazes of alleyways can still be seen, contrasting with the more modern suburbs beyond. Religious violence between Muslims and minority Christians in the city has occasionally flared but not to the same extent or intensity as elsewhere in the north, where emergency rule has been imposed in three states. In June last year, bomb blasts ripped through two churches, killing several worshippers and injuring many others in attacks claimed by the banned Islamist group Boko Haram, of which Ansaru is an offshoot. Three months later, Nigerian troops raided what they said was a Boko Haram hideout in the Gaskiya area of the city. Two militant fighters were killed in a gun battle while arms and explosives were later recovered. Danmagaji is about six kilometres from Gaskiya and on the northern fringes of the city. Collomp's account of his escape, as revealed by police and the former hostage's brother in France, suggests that he was held outside Zaria itself. "No-one in this area saw the Frenchman on the day he escaped. We have been asking ourselves if anyone saw him and the answer has always been, 'No'," said Mahmud outside his furniture shop. One reason could be that the residential neighbourhood, home to civil servants and business people, is always deserted at night and locals stay indoors, he added. Muntari Kwarbai, who also lives in the area, added: "If he (Collomp) trekked four kilometres to get a motorcycle, it means he was kept in another area and he only trekked to this neighbourhood where motorcycles are easy to find." Police in Kaduna state have begun an investigation to track down the location where Collomp was held in both Zaria and the city of Kano. "We are working on the information the French hostage could supply us to locate where he was held in both Zaria and Kano to get to his kidnappers," Kaduna state police spokesman Aminu Lawan told AFP. But he refused to go into details, saying to do so could compromise their efforts. [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: Pakistan: Taliban answer 'most commonly asked questions' via social media [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: اختبر معلوماتك هل يصح الدعاء أثناء الجنابة؟ [1 Aktualisierung] Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: - Kay?! + Ja? - Heul leise! hahahahahaha [1 Aktualisierung] Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78): Jeder einzelne Klick soll ihm weh tun!!! Bushid... [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: Intisari Tauhid [152] KEUTAMAAN UMAT ISLAM ADALAH DENGAN MENJAGA TAUHIDNYA وَلِابْنِ مَاجَهْ عَنِ الطُّفَيلِ أَخِيْ عَائِشَةَ لِأُمِّهَا قَالَ: (رَأَيْتُ كَأَنِّي أَتَيْتُ عَلَى نَفَرٍ مِنَ الْيَهُودِ، فَقُلْتُ: إِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: عُزَيْرٌ ابْنُ اللهِ. قَالُوا: وَإِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ. ثُمَّ مَرَرْتُ بِنَفَرٍ مِنَ النَّصَارَى فَقُلْتُ: إِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ اللهِ، قَالُوا: وَإِنَّكُمْ لَأَنْتُمُ الْقَوْمُ، لَوْلَا أَنَّكُمْ تَقُولُونَ: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ. فَلَمَّا أَصْبَحْتُ أَخْبَرْتُ بِهَا مَنْ أَخْبَرْتُ، ثُمَّ أَتَيْتُ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَأَخْبَرْتُهُ. قَالَ: ( هَلْ أَخْبَرْتَ بِهَا أَحَدًا؟) قُلْتُ: نَعَمْ. قَالَ: فَحَمِدَ اللهَ وَأَثْنَى عَلَيْهِ، ثُمَّ قَالَ: أَمَّا بَعْدُ فَإِنَّ طُفَيْلاً رَأَى رُؤْيَا، أَخْبَرَ بِهَا مَنْ أَخْبَرَ مِنْكُمْ، وَإِنَّكُمْ قُلْتُمْ كَلِمَةً كَانَ يَمْنَعُنِي كَذَا وَكَذَا أَنْ أَنْهَاكُمْ عَنْهَا. فَلَا تَقُولُوا: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَشَاءَ مُحَمَّدُ، وَلَكِنْ قُولُوا: مَا شَاءَ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ). (Diriwayatkan) oleh Ibnu Mâjah dari Ath-Thufail, saudara seibu dengan Aisyah, bahwa (Ath-Thufail) berkata, "Aku bermimpi seakan-akan aku mendatangi sekelompok orang Yahudi. Aku berkata (kepada mereka), 'Sungguh, kalian adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Uzair adalah putra Allah.'.' Mereka menjawab, 'Sungguh, kalian pun adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad.'.' Lalu, aku menjumpai sekelompok orang Nashara maka aku berkata (kepada mereka), 'Sungguh, kalian adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Isa adalah putra Allah.'.' Mereka menjawab, 'Sungguh, kalian pun adalah sebaik-baik kaum seandainya kalian tidak mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad.'.' Ketika pagi hari, aku menceritakan mimpiku tersebut kepada kawan-kawanku, kemudian aku mendatangi Nabi shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam dan menceritakan kepada beliau. Nabi bertanya, 'Apakah engkau telah menceritakan hal itu kepada seseorang?' Aku menjawab, 'Ya.' Lalu, Rasulullah bertahmid dan memuji Allah, kemudian bersabda, 'Amma ba'du, sesungguhnya Thufail telah bermimpi tentang sesuatu yang telah menceritakan kepada orang-orang di antara kalian, dan sesungguhnya kalian telah mengucapkan suatu perkataan yang, ketika itu, begini dan begitu telah menghalangiku untuk melarang kalian terhadap (perkataan) itu. Oleh karena itu, janganlah kalian mengatakan, 'Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad,' tetapi katakanlah, 'Atas kehendak Allah semata.'.'." Thufail radhiyallâhu 'anhu mengabarkan bahwa ia melihat dalam mimpinya, bahwa dirinya melewati sekelompok orang dari pemeluk dua millah (Yahudi dan Nashara), lalu ia mengingkari mereka atas apa yang ada pada mereka dari kesyirikan kepada Allah dengan menisbahkan anak kepada-Nya -Maha Tinggi Allah dari hal tersebut-, maka mereka membantahnya dengan menyebutkan apa yang sebagian kaum muslimin berada di atasnya berupa syirik kecil yang datang pada sebagian ucapan-ucapan mereka. Pada pagi hari, Thufail mengabarkan mimpinya kepada Rasulullah shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam maka Rasul shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam pun mengumumkan hal tersebut dan mengingkari orang-orang yang berkata dengan kalimat kesyirikan tersebut, serta memerintahkan mereka untuk berucap dengan lafazh yang bersih dari kesyirikan. Hadits tersebut memberi faedah bahwa lafazh, "Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Muhammad," dan yang semisalnya tergolong sebagai lafazh-lafazh syirik kecil sebagaimana (penjelasan) yang telah berlalu. Faedah Hadits 1. Perhatian akan mimpi, dan bahwasanya (mimpi) menjadi sebab pensyariatan sebagian hukum pada masa hidup Rasul shallallâhu 'alaihi wa sallam. 2. Bahwa ucapan "Atas kehendak Allah dan kehendak Fulân" dan yang semisalnya tergolong sebagai syirik kecil. 3. Pengetahuan orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani tentang syirik kecil, dalam rangka mencela kaum muslimin, padahal mereka sendiri berada di atas syirik besar. 4. Perihal mendahulukan pujian kepada Allah dan sanjungan kepada-Nya dalam berbicara, juga adanya ucapan "amma ba'du" dalam berbicara. 5. Disukainya untuk mencukupkan kehendak hanya kepada Allah saja, meskipun dibolehkan untuk mengatakan, "Atas kehendak Allah kemudian kehendak Fulân." [Diringkas dari Kitab Penjelasan Ringkas Kitab Tauhid karya Syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan] Fb: Dzulqarnain M. Sunusi - Twitter: @DzulqarnainMS Pin BB 5: 764CD30C [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: Was ich von Morgens bis Abends sehe ( Abends sind sie noch schlimmer wie die Motten ) : Nacktbilder Schlampen die Schlampen beleidigen Nacktbilder Schlampen die denken sie wären keine Nacktbilder Wäre ich mal auf SchülerVZ geblieben alter Kranke Welt [1 Aktualisierung] I am a Muslim, Dont Panics Facebook-Pinnwand: Selamualeykum meine lieben Geschwister :) Ich biete euch an,dass ihr vin mir tä... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Die Frau ist eine wunderschöne Perle, die von ihrem Mann wie ein Panzer - ähnlic... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Wenn dir jemand auf Facebook sagt: FACEBOOK IST HARAM :-) ( I.D.) [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Wehe jenen Menschen die die Gesetzgebung Allahs für Regenten aufgeben und sie au... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Wer kann Deine Tränen, besser Verstehen als Derjenige der diese Tränen erschaffe... [1 Aktualisierung] Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Prophet hat gesagt: "Wenn einer von euch betet, führt er ein vertrauliches G... [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah.. [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Golden Luxe [1 Aktualisierung] salafist - Social Mention: Mmmhh.. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Die Altersbeschränkung wurde aufgehoben!!!!!! Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:38PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Die Altersbeschränkung wurde aufgehoben!!!!!!
    Nov 23rd 2013, 21:36

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    bushido - Social Mention: Jeder schwätzt i.was über den bushido und kay one.....häää??? Ich weis net mal um was es da eig geht un was da war... ??!!.hahahaha :P ;) Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:38PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Jeder schwätzt i.was über den bushido und kay one.....häää??? Ich weis net mal um was es da eig geht un was da war... ??!!.hahahaha :P ;)
    Nov 23rd 2013, 21:34

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    bushido - Social Mention: bushido bringts wieder mal auf den punkt. Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:38PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    bushido bringts wieder mal auf den punkt.
    Nov 23rd 2013, 21:34

    Brutal !! Ich glaube jetzt kann kay One einpacken ;))

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 02:40
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: M.T [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: SRES aqui de la mano directa de SENSEI GABRIEL GIMENEZ tiene la INVITACION OFICIAL, DEL EVENTO..!! LES ESPERAMOSA TODOS...SEAN BIENVENIDOS...! BUSHIDO EXTREME..!! [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: An important matter for Muslims to realize is that Dawah is an obligation upon them. Allah (subhanahu wa Ta`ala) says in the Quran: "Invite to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided." (Quran, an-Nahl: 125) "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al-ma`roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are successful." (Quran, Aal Imraan: 104) The second verse may seem to be restricting the general obligation given in the first verse, but a close look at the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) reveals that calling to Allah is an individual obligation, rather than a collective one. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said: "Convey from me, even one verse." (Bukhari) Conveying the message therefore does not require a high level of scholarship, it is in fact a responsibility of each and every Muslim, according to his or her ability. The obligation is further emphasized by the following verse which explains that not conveying the message - hiding knowledge - is disobedience to Allah that causes Allah's curse to descend upon such people, which shows that such a sin leads to the Hellfire. "Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers." (Quran, al-Baqarah: 159) In the same connection, the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has stated, "Whoever hides knowledge, Allah will brand him with the branding iron from the hellfire." (Ahmad) Calling people to Allah also means completing our own worship, the reason for which we are created. It is one of the noblest acts that entails a high reward. "And who is better in speech than he who (says: 'My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness),' and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and) invites (men) to Allah (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: 'I am one of the Muslims.'" (Quran, Fussilat: 33) With regards to the reward, the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said: "Whoever guides (another) to a good deed will get a reward similar to the one who performs it." (Sahih Muslim) Also, "By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man through you it would be better for you than the best type of camels." (Bukhari, Muslim) [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Nasilsin mehmet ben dilek ablan sen anca oglumusun yoksa kardesimmi cikaramadim yigenim kocaman olmus cok tatli masallah allah bagislasin herkese slm soyle kendinize iyi bakin. [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: sometimes prayer seems to be boring wen things are perfect to you.we jst bcum too busy for God. the moment we face challanges we go bck to him and on top of that we complain thru out our prayer.jst a reminder let us dedicate ourselvs to prayer and we shuld stand firm to prayer always. [1 Aktualisierung] No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: Ask #Muslims #deen or dunya they would choose deen. See them in action and they'... [1 Aktualisierung] salafisten - Social Mention: Deso Dogg bei Luftangriff in Syrien GETÖTET?! +VIDEO [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Sikap Dan Perilaku Istri kepada Suami Yang Dilarang Menurut Islam Ada beberapa perkara yang dilarang untuk dilakukan seorang istri kepada suaminya sebagai berikut ini: Tidak mentaati perintah suaminya tanpa alasan yang sesuai syariat Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Apabila seorang isteri telah mendirikan sholat lima waktu dan berpuasa bulan Ramadhan dan memelihara kehormatannya dan mentaati suaminya, maka diucapkan kepadanya: Masuklah Surga dari pintu surga mana saja yang kamu kehendaki." (Riwayat Ahmad dan Thabrani) Menunda / menolak permintaan suaminya untuk berhubungan suami-istri Sabda Rasulullah SAW, "Apabila seorang suami mengajak istri ke tempat tidur (untuk berjima'), dan istri menolak (sehingga membuat suaminya murka), maka si istri akan dilaknat oleh malaikat hingga (waktu) subuh." (Diriwayatkan Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, ad-Darimi dan al-Baihaqi, dari Abu Hurairah ra) Dalam haditsnya yang lain Rasulullah bersabda, "Demi Allah, yang jiwa Muhammad berada di tangan-Nya, seorang wanita tidak akan bisa menunaikan hak Allah sebelum ia menunaikan hak suaminya. Andaikan suami meminta dirinya padahal ia sedang berada di atas punggung unta, maka ia (istri) tetap tidak boleh menolak." (Ibnu Majah, Ahmad, Ibnu Hibban dari Abdullah bin Abi Aufa ra) Menghabiskan harta suami / tidak menjaga harta suami Sayidina Ali k.w.j. berkata: "Seburuk-buruk sifat bagi kaum laki laki itu adalah sebaik-baik sifat bagi kaum perempuan yaitu kikir dan bersikap keras dan takut. Karena sesungguhnya perempuan itu jika kikir, maka ia memelihara harta suaminya dan jika bersikap keras, maka ia menjaga diri dari berbicara kepada setiap orang dengan perkataan yang halus (mesra) yang menimbulkan sangkaan yang buruk, dan jika penakut. maka ia takut dari segala sesuatu, oleh karena itu ia tidak berani keluar dari rumahnya dan ia menjauhi tempat-tempat yang menimbulkan kecurigaan yang buruk karena takut kepada suaminya". Pergi dari rumah tanpa seizin suaminya Dalilnya adalah perkataan Sayidina Ali kwj di atas Meremehkan/menganggap kecil kebaikan yang dibuat suami kepada istri Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Jika seorang isteri berkata kepada suaminya: Tidak pernah aku melihat kebaikanmu sama sekali, maka hancur leburlah pahala amal kebaikannya." Minta cerai tanpa alasan yang sesuai syariat Islam Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda, maksudnya: "Siapa saja isteri yang meminta cerai dari suaminya tanpa sebab-sebab yang sangat diperlukan, maka haramlah bau Surga ke atasnya." Tidak bersyukur atas segala pemberian suami Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat kepada seorang isteri yang tidak bersyukur kepada suaminya." Ucapan jahat kepada suami, memperlihatkan aurat kepada orang selain suami, tidak berbakti pada suami Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Empat perempuan yang berada di Neraka ialah: Perempuan yang kotor mulutnya terhadap suaminya. Jika suaminya tidak ada di rumah ia tidak menjaga dirinya dan jika suaminya bersamanya ia memakinya (memarahinya). Perempuan yang memaksa suaminya untuk memberi apa yang suami tidak mampu. Perempuan yang tidak menjaga auratnya dari kaum laki-laki dan memperlihatkan kecantikannya (untuk menarik kaum laki laki). Perempuan yang tidak mempunyai tujuan hidup kecuali makan minum dan tidur, dan ia tidak mau berbakti kepada Allah dan tidak mau berbakti kepada Rasul-Nya dan tidak mau berbakti kepada suaminya." Demikianlah beberapa perkara yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh seorang istri kepada suaminya, semoga bermanfaat. [1 Aktualisierung] islam fatwa - Social Mention: BIRD "surveillance Scrutinized" EYES{The SPOILS of WAR}ROUT{The ROMANS}Watch ON Enslaved MUSLIMS shias PLUS sunnies USA'S cannibal Tribes' CANNIBALISM earth MIDGET power's WORLD sophisticated SLAVERY Bloodshed{FREE Servant & LOVER Of God...< Laq'd>..< *33-62.Armageddon JIHAD Formation OF Muslims' FORCES.*85-17-18-19THE Big STARS..Unislamic SAUDI King OF Pigions. Family OF Darwin"Fasad LAND *30-41 SEA Fasad"..< 666 Go "OGLE" google "INSANITY" self-Addicted self-Inflicted BIPOLAR Bibble PLURAL BibleBIBLE singular BIBBLESHIA Killing sunnies Murdering SHIAS"SECTARIAN"*2-78-79USA barking DOGS these ARE family OF Darwin< Al Quran *20-14>THE GREAT NEWS *78-2PAKISTAN Armed FORCES Executives CROOKS Cunnings CRIMINALS Crimes DEVIL'S DOGS & Donkeys OF Devil {BLAME & ACCUSATION & BLAME} LAND & PROPERTY DAMANGED 40,000 LIVES "MERE MOHAFIZ" THE FORT OF ISLAM {ENTIRE DISGRACED} THE NATION OF PAKISTAN UNDER SIEGE "THE truth DARD to DIGEST easy TO vomit">{ISI Detective}Warden PAKISTAN civil DEFENSE "wamiq HUSSAIN sheikh" Who's TO Blame 40000 LIVES & Destroyed Pakistan LAND & Properties INVITED criminals' NATO'S crimes POCKET $$$$ US aid IN Exchange OF muslims' DEAD Bodies FUCK yo MOTHERS fuckers FUCK supporters NATO"S allies FUCK you ZAMEER Faroosh HARRAMI don't HIDE Cover Up white HOUSE criminals' CRIMES The WHOLE world's WITNESSED It's TURNING Point HANG on CROSS for MUSLIMS' Genocide YOU Bastards> 666 BIPOLAR narcissism ATHIESTS mammonsmamons FUCK yo MOTHERS fuckers FUCKGET cracking TRUMPET mamons IDIOLS athiests Hones SECULARS Mormons WORSHIPERS Idiols' PUPPET chief JUSTICE Discovery PEACE channel HE WHO KNEW, KNEW NOTHING>I DON'T CARE fuck YO mothers FUCKERS yo FUCK worry JAILStop NATO Supply>MUSLIMS' Genocide IN Exchange " $$$$ " IN Exchange MUSLIMS' Dead BODIES Fuck YO Mothers Fuckers YO Fuck COWARDS Harrami CORRUPT Aalam-E-Soo $$$$ DIE'SEL BEY Begharato YO Mothers FYO Fuck MUFAD Perast COMPROMISES Horse TRADERS Zanies Aalam-E-Soo $$$$ DIE'SEL BEY Begharat LO'TEYSSNT ?ALM ?>*2-26 ?SPIRIT (of inspiration)*17-85 ?BIBBLE> "SNT" ? "Anti CHRIST" ? "ALM" ?firqaism* 2-208-209Taliban-E-Alam "OCCULT" Anti CHRIST *Syrian REBELS Hired NATO'S Forces< Ghair RAM Stray RUMI Run "SUPPER Sonic SENSITIVE Speed" TAQWA Run "DESTROY Flush OUT>"O'UR Sheateen JAKARR Diyeey JAEEN Ghey" Ramy STONE Ancient BURMIES' Modernization CANNIBALISM Oldest WESTERN Cult CULTURAL Veneration TOAIVA Blood LIBEL" CUT Crush B'O B'o FILTH Cruel IRONIES Western CULTURE Martyr CULT Veneration MONKS Catholic Pope BUDDHISTS Monks FLUSH Out TOAIVATHE ROMANS Babtised POPE 666 "Fake CHRIST 666 POPE Babtise SECULARS Monks BUDDHISTS Monks ENJOYMENTS Celebrations JUBILATIONS On MUSLIMS' Genocide FUCK Batised 666 THE ROMANS< AL Isra' *17-81 And SAY: "TRUTH Has (NOW) Arrived AND Falsehood IS (by it's nature) BOUND To PERISH"> Free UNISLAMIC Harrami Molvi MUSHTANDAYS On PAYROLL $$$ Paid CIA'S Agents INCHARGE Darooghas MASAJID>REPLACE With FI sabeel IL ALLAH ImamsPOPE Leading BLOODSHEDLISTEN Loud BABTISED Pope MURTD LEADING BloodshedBY ATTACKING inside THE TERRITORIES reciprocalTHE nation OF lot 313 THUNDER 313>Iraqi airspace was closed because of a potential threatAL RA'DLAND*41-30 SEADISOBEYING QURAN AND DISOBEYING THE MESSANGER OF Godballies FILLED with HELL fire Fuck YOU BABTISED missile ATTACK Syria PAKISTAN flop 9/11 Muslims' GENOCIDE like wise CLOCK WISE another JEWISH' holocaust FUCK you 9/11 flop Babtised USA terrosimNerve GAS supplied TO rebels BY white HOUSE criminals*43-36-37-38TRANSGRESSING tyrant*11-59 obstinate TYRANTCAST down FILTH*10-100>*74-50 DONKEYSThe SPOILS of WAR *8-24 INTERVENE>*7-26 TAQWA< ALLAH>SSSS super SONIC sensitive SPEED>HUMALM Alif Laam Meem ALMfailed ASSISSINATION attempt WAMIQ Hussain SHEIKH over DOSE probe NDP jack LAYTON election 2008 CANADA mercy KILLINGS ban T.V. program CANADIAN death MOLANA Dr. ISRAR ahmed ASSASSINATION Sammy YATIM ProbeEmpty WHITE House' CRIMINNALS' Christian CRIMESBe HANEEFUN>Be UNITED Where AMONG No DIFFERENCESBECOME Haneefun< AL GORE climate CHANGE>GRAB life TIME opertunity GRANTEED "ever LASTING peace"P.M. NETHANYAHU Step IN remove UN atomic AGENCY will BE Nailed DOWN very SHORTLY World's MOST wanted CRIMINAL dead OR alive PRESIDENT Obama MUSLIMS' genocide USA @ BRINK of BANKRUPTCY arrest PRESIDENT Obama BOUNTY $ 1.00 CANADIAN< Greatest 666 CRIMINALS' puppet P.M. Stephen HARPER>*42-25*42-24>Cell: 647 965-9870 Wamiq's ON death BED on HOSPITAL palliative LIST> 13 years LATER probe THE truth DARD to DIGEST easy TO vomit>Kosovo REFUGEES mysterious DISAPPEARANCE kept IN military CAMPS barrie HWY 400 NORTH of TORONTO< IMF International MONSTERS' Filth IMF>"OUSTING Hurrami BASTARD Al-sissi AND Bringing HIM to JUSTICE Televised EXECUTIONS"NO cover UP back UP white HOUSE criminals' CRIME bring OUR canadaian ARMED forces BACK home< DONALD Trump "NEW YORK Attorney GENERAL Is A Political HACK"> Pak ISRA Al GORE CANADIAN New MILLENNIUM Power POLITICAL Party. See More Giant Mike Duffy Balloon Will Haunt Your Dreams OTTAWA - It's part Goodyear Blimp and part Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, all rolled into one enormously inflatable symbol of Senate >{()} World On watchTame THE untamed WHITE House CRIME free SINS free EXEMPTED idiots' IMPASSIONED plea OF urgent STRIKE on SYRIAseculars PERSUADERS conspiracy HARRAMI sheas"Monafiqeen SECTARIN harami CH'WALS sunnies"Monafiqeen FIRQA perast SLEEPING dogs ENCOURAGED muslims' BLOODSHEDnudism NAKED merry BASTARDS western BAPTISED vogabonds GAYS & lesbians PRODUCTION of ADULTERY fathers UNKNOWN fakeBaptism Unborn CHRICH 69 CATHOLlic seculars' JUBILATION on MUSLIMS' genocide< BISMILLAH>{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}< God>{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}< TIME>{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()}{()} [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: KESİNLİKLE İZLEYİN ( DAHA 17 YAŞINDA LİSELİ KIZ SADECE ) > > [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Hum ne to mohabbat k nashe me use Khuda bana diya.... Hosh tab aya jab us ne kaha Khuda kisi aik ka nahi hota... [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: Urdu Book ---- The Terrorist Prince ----- Zulafqar Ali Bhutto, Nusrat Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Murtaza Bhutto & Al-Zulafqar ---- Written by, Raja Anwar ------ اردو کتاب ----- بھٹو فیملی کی سیاسی زندگی کے بارے میں راجہ انور کی اردو میں لکھی گئی نئی کتاب [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: " SECANGKIR KOPI " "Angan-Angan Orang Yang Telah Tiada (1) " Angan-angan mereka yg telah mati ialah kembali ke dunia meski sejenak untuk menjadi orang shalih. Mereka ingin taat kepada Allah, dan memperbaiki segala kerusakan yg dahulu mereka perbuat. Mereka ingin berdzikir kepada Allah, bertasbih, atau bertahlil walau sekali saja. Namun mereka tidak lagi diijinkan untuk itu. Kematian serta-merta memupuskan segala angan-angan tersebut. Allah ta'ala berfirman mengenai mereka حَتَّى إِذَا جَاءَ أَحَدَهُمُ الْمَوْتُ قَالَ رَبِّ ارْجِعُونِ لَعَلِّي أَعْمَلُ صَالِحًا فِيمَا تَرَكْتُ كَلا إِنَّهَا كَلِمَةٌ هُوَ قَائِلُهَا وَمِنْ وَرَائِهِمْ بَرْزَخٌ إِلَى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ "Hingga apabila datang kematian kepada seorang dari mereka, dia berkata, "Ya Rabbku kembalikanlah aku (ke dunia) agar aku beramal shalih terhadap yang telah aku tinggalkan. Sekali-kali tidak. Sesungguhnya itu adalah perkataan yang diucapkan saja. Dan dihadapan mereka ada barzakh sampai hari mereka dibangkitkan." (Qs Al Mukminun: 99-100) Begitulah kondisi orang mati, mereka telah melihat akhirat dengan mata kepala mereka. Mereka tahu pasti apa yg


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 02:24
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: Yo! [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: The way to Allah (cont.) [1 Aktualisierung] salafisten - Social Mention: Bezeichnet nicht die für die Sache Allahs gestorben sind als Tod , den sie sind lebendig und bei Allah kriegen sie ihren Lohn ! Rahimuka Allah , dein Platz ist im Paradies du Löwe ! [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand: قصف لدبابات جيش النظام يتجدد على مدينة #تلبيسة في ريف #حمص [1 Aktualisierung] Gegen Terrorismus für den Weltfriedens Facebook-Pinnwand: Ein weiteres Foto wie die Frau im Islam behandelt wird und unten sieht hier ya w... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: ( M.L ) [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Wenn ein Muslim die Ummah und Syrien vergessen hat, so soll er wissen, dass auch... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Unser kleiner Bruder in Syrien .... Das tut im Herzen weh das zu sehen ....... [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: Upaya Mengambil Hikmah Dialog Muhammad SAW dengan Iblis Naskah ini disarikan dari dua rujukan. Terdapat beberapa perbedaan kecil atas terjemahan , kami mencoba merangkumnya. Source –I : Bab-II POHON SEMESTA / Pustaka Progressif / Cetakan-I/Oktober 1999. Dari Kitab Sajaratul Kaun oleh Muhyiddin Ibnu Arabi / Darul 'Ilmi al-Munawar asy-Syamsiyah, Madinah. Translated by : Nur Mufid, Nur Fu'ad.. Source-II : Dari Judul Asli : Syajaratul Kaun dan Hikayah Iblis. Risalah Muhyiddin Ibnu al-'Arabi Translated By : Wasmukan, Risalah Gusti / Cetakan-II, Mei 2001 Dengan asma Allah, Yang Maha Rahman, Yang Maha Rahiim. Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. Shalawat dan salam bagi Muhammad SAW, serta salam bagi keluarganya yang suci juga bagi semua sahabat Rasulullah yang mulia. Tidakkah kamu perhatikan bagaimana Allah telah membuat perumpamaan kalimat yang baik seperti pohon yang baik, akarnya tertancap kuat dan cabangnya (menjulang tinggi) ke langit, (QS. 14:24) Topik Renungan : NGERI !!, KHAWATIR !! TAKUT !! WASPADA !! ISTIGHFAR, TAUBAT, DZIKIR, TAFAKKUR Kisah Dialog Rasulullah SAW Dengan Iblis Diriwayatkan oleh Muadz bin Jabal r.a. dari Ibn Abbas r.a., ia berkata : " Kami bersama Rasululah SAW berada di rumah seorang sahabat dari golongan Anshar dalam sebuah jamaah. Tiba-tiba, ada yang memanggil dari luar : " Wahai para penghuni rumah, apakah kalian mengizinkanku masuk, karena kalian membutuhkanku ". Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada para sahabat :" Apakah kalian tahu siapa yang menyeru itu ?". Para sahabat menjawab , " Tentu Allah dan Rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui ". Rasulullah berkata : " Dia adalah Iblis yang terkutuk – semoga Allah senantiasa melaknatnya". Umar bin Khattab r.a. berkata :" Ya, Rasulullah, apakah engkau mengijinkanku untuk membunuhnya?". Nabi SAW berkata pelan :" Bersabarlah wahai Umar, apakah engkau tidak tahu bahwa dia termasuk mereka yang tertunda kematiannya sampai waktu yang ditentukan ?. Sekarang silakan bukakan pintu untuknya, karena ia sedang diperintahkan Allah SWT. Fahamilah apa yang dia ucapkan dan dengarkan apa yang akan dia sampaikan kepada kalian ! ". Ibnu Abbas berkata : " Maka dibukalah pintu, kemudian Iblis masuk ke tengah-tengah kami. Ternyata dia adalah seorang yang sudah tua bangka dan buta sebelah mata. Dagunya berjanggut sebanyak tujuh helai rambut yang panjangnya seperti rambut kuda, kedua kelopak matanya memanjang , kepalanya seperti kepala gajah yang sangat besar, gigi taringnya memanjang keluar seperti taring babi, kedua bibirnya seperti bibir macan / kerbau . Dia berkata, " Assalamu 'alaika ya Muhammad, assalamu 'alaikum ya jamaa'atal-muslimin ". Nabi SAW menjawab :" Assamu lillah ya la'iin AKU telah mengetahui, engkau punya keperluan kepada kami. Apa keperluanmu wahai Iblis". Iblis berkata :" Wahai Muhammad, aku datang bukan karena keinginanku sendiri, tetapi aku datang karena terpaksa ." Nabi SAW berkata :" Apa yang membuatmu terpaksa harus datang kesini, wahai terlaknat?". Iblis berkata," Aku didatangi oleh seorang malaikat utusan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung, ia berkata kepada-ku 'Sesungguhnya Allah SWT menyuruhmu untuk datang kepada Muhammad SAW dalam keadaan hina dan bersahaja. Engkau harus memberitahu kepadanya bagaimana tipu muslihat, godaanmu dan rekayasamu terhadap Bani Adam, bagaimana engkau membujuk dan merayu mereka. Engkau harus menjawab dengan jujur apa saja yang ditanyakan kepa-damu'. Allah SWT bersabda," Demi kemulia-an dan keagungan-Ku, jika engkau berbohong sekali saja dan tidak berkata benar, niscaya Aku jadikan kamu debu yang dihempas oleh angin dan Aku puaskan musuhmu karena bencana yang menimpamu". Wahai Muhammad, sekarang aku datang kepadamu sebagaimana aku diperintah. Tanyakanlah kepadaku apa yang kau inginkan. Jika aku tidak memuaskanmu tentang apa yang kamu tanyakan kepadaku, niscaya musuhku akan puas atas musibah yang terjadi padaku. Tiada beban yang lebih berat bagiku daripada leganya musuh-musuhku yang menimpa diriku". Rasulullah kemudian mulai bertanya :" Jika kamu jujur, beritahukanlah kepada-ku, siapakah orang yang paling kamu benci ?". Iblis menjawab :" Engkau, wahai Muhammad, engkau adalah makhluq Allah yang paling aku benci, dan kemudian orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu". Rasulullah SAW :" Siapa lagi yang kamu benci?". Iblis :" Anak muda yang taqwa, yang menyerahkan jiwanya kepada Allah SWT". Rasulullah :" Lalu siapa lagi ?". Iblis :" Orang Alim dan Wara yang saya tahu, lagi penyabar". Rasulullah :" Lalu, siapa lagi ?". Iblis :" Orang yang terus menerus menjaga diri dalam keadaan suci dari kotoran". Rasulullah :" Lalu, siapa lagi ?". Iblis :" Orang miskin yang sabar, yang tidak menceritakan kefakirannya kepada orang lain dan tidak mengadukan keluh-kesahnya ". Rasulullah :" Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia itu penyabar ?". Iblis :" Wahai Muhammad, jika ia mengadukan keluh kesahnya kepada makhluq sesamanya selama tiga hari, Tuhan tidak memasukkan dirinya ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sabar ". Rasulullah :" Lalu, siapa lagi ?". Iblis :" Orang kaya yang bersyukur ". Rasulullah bertanya :" Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia bersyukur ?". Iblis :" Jika aku melihatnya meng-ambil dari dan meletakkannya pada tempat yang halal". Rassulullah :"Bagaimana keadaanmu jika umatku mengerjakan shalat ?". Iblis :"Aku merasa panas dan gemetar". Rasulullah :"Kenapa, wahai terlaknat?". Iblis :" Sesungguhnya, jika seorang hamba bersujud kepada Allah sekali sujud saja, maka Allah mengangkat derajatnya satu tingkat". Rassulullah :"Jika mereka shaum ?". Iblis : " Saya terbelenggu sampai mereka berbuka puasa". Rasulullah :" Jika mereka menunaikan haji ?". Iblis :" Saya menjadi gila". Rasulullah :"Jika mereka membaca Al Qur'an ?'. Iblis :' Aku meleleh seperti timah meleleh di atas api". Rasulullah :" Jika mereka berzakat ?". Iblis :" Seakan-akan orang yang berzakat itu mengambil gergaji / kapak dan memotongku menjadi dua". Rasulullah :" Mengapa begitu, wahai Abu Murrah ?". Iblis :" Sesungguhnya ada empat manfaat dalam zakat itu. Pertama, Tuhan menurunkan berkah atas hartanya. Kedua, menjadikan orang yang bezakat disenangi makhluq-Nya yang lain. Ketiga, menjadikan zakatnya sebagai penghalang antara dirinya dengan api neraka. Ke-empat, dengan zakat, Tuhan mencegah bencana dan malapetaka agar tidak menimpanya". Rasulullah :"Apa pendapatmu tentang Abu Bakar?". Iblis :" Wahai Muhammad, pada zaman jahiliyah, dia tidak taat kepadaku, bagaimana mungkin dia akan mentaatiku pada masa Islam". Rasulullah :" Apa pendapatmu tentang Umar ?". Iblis :" Demi Tuhan, tiada aku ketemu dengannya kecuali aku lari darinya". Rasulullah :"Apa pendapatmu tentang Utsman ?". Iblis :" Aku malu dengan orang yang para malaikat saja malu kepadanya". [1 Aktualisierung] abu z project - Social Mention: The big question is WILL THE ASUU STRIKE END BY FORCE? A contributor asks: Will President Goodluck Jonathan drag the lecturers back to class or will he teach us himself? Read more here: [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: #amigos #compartilhem ● ● ● NESTA QUARTA ● 20/11 ● A PARTIR DAS 19H00 ● ● ● ✻✻✻ PAGONEJO DE PRIMEIRA NO EL CUERVO BAR ✻✻✻ ➜ PAGODE COM GRUPO SKEMA BOM ➜ SERTANEJO COM GABRIEL E GIULIANO ➜ DJ FABIO MARKS NOS INTERVALOS ➜ NOS TELÕES AO VIVO: SÃO PAULO X PONTE PRETA ➜ SEMI FINAL DA COPA SUL-AMERICANA ● EVENTO TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES , ENTRE ● [1 Aktualisierung] SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand: Wenn ihnen gesagt wird: "Stiftet kein Unheil auf Erden", so sagen sie: "Wir tun... [1 Aktualisierung] SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand: Kinder des Krieges, Afghanistan. [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Rochdale Dawah Centre Presents: Invites you to: 'When Girls Become Women' workshop Learn about: - Puberty What's happening? - When & How to perform ghusl? - Dealing with boys - what should I do? - Guidance on using social media sites Date: Saturday 30th November 2013 Time: 12pm-4pm @ Rochdale Dawah Centre 213 Yorkshire Street Rochdale OL12 0DS * FREE ENTRY! * Age groups: 13-19yrs (girls only) Light Refreshments & notes provided! Limited places, registration required. Register or info: or 07950687252 Miss it, Miss out! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Morgen Kay One Diss von Bushido-Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler! Alle anhören bitte!! :) [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: Wiz Khalifa was the latest Hip-Hop star to stop by DJ Skee's "Skee Live" show on AXS TV and even created a trending topic on Twitter during his live performance and interview. After performing cuts like "Up" and "Black and Yellow," Wiz sat down with DJ Skee and discussed his adjustments to being a new father, his upcoming album "Black Hollywood" (coming in 2014) and shared an on-air candid moment with Leonardo of the Ninja Turtles (See Below). In a moment that would make Cheech & Chong proud, Wiz also revealed during the interview that he goes through an ounce of weed per day. [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Bu kızların yaptıklarına bakın :( ailelerine yazık acıdım vallahi ayıp ♥ Türkiye Bu olayla sarsıldı :( :( [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Allahu Akbar.... [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: Video: Wiz Khalifa Talks New Album 'Blacc Hollywood' and Working With Adele [1 Aktualisierung] islam fatwa - Social Mention: BIRD "surveillance Scrutinized" EYES{The SPOILS of WAR}ROUT{The ROMANS}Watch ON Enslaved MUSLIMS shias PLUS sunnies USA'S cannibal Tribes' CANNIBALISM earth MIDGET power's WORLD sophisticated SLAVERY Bloodshed{FREE Servant & LOVER Of God...< Laq'd>..< *33-62.Armageddon JIHAD Formation OF Muslims' FORCES.*85-17-18-19THE Big STARS..Unislamic SAUDI King OF Pigions. Family OF Darwin"Fasad LAND *30-41 SEA Fasad"..< 666 Go "OGLE" google "INSANITY" self-Addicted self-Inflicted BIPOLAR Bibble PLURAL BibleBIBLE singular BIBBLESHIA Killing sunnies Murdering SHIAS"SECTARIAN"*2-78-79USA barking DOGS these ARE family OF Darwin< Al Quran *20-14>THE GREAT NEWS *78-2PAKISTAN Armed FORCES Executives CROOKS Cunnings CRIMINALS Crimes DEVIL'S DOGS & Donkeys OF Devil {BLAME & ACCUSATION & BLAME} LAND & PROPERTY DAMANGED 40,000 LIVES "MERE MOHAFIZ" THE FORT OF ISLAM {ENTIRE DISGRACED} THE NATION OF PAKISTAN UNDER SIEGE "THE truth DARD to DIGEST easy TO vomit">{ISI Detective}Warden PAKISTAN civil DEFENSE "wamiq HUSSAIN sheikh" Who's TO Blame 40000 LIVES & Destroyed Pakistan LAND & Properties INVITED criminals' NATO'S crimes POCKET $$$$ US aid IN Exchange OF muslims' DEAD Bodies FUCK yo MOTHERS fuckers FUCK supporters NATO"S allies FUCK you ZAMEER Faroosh HARRAMI don't HIDE Cover Up white HOUSE criminals' CRIMES The WHOLE world's WITNESSED It's TURNING Point HANG on CROSS for MUSLIMS' Genocide YOU Bastards> 666 BIPOLAR narcissism ATHIESTS mammonsmamons FUCK yo MOTHERS fuckers FUCKGET cracking TRUMPET mamons IDIOLS athiests Hones SECULARS Mormons WORSHIPERS Idiols' PUPPET chief JUSTICE Discovery PEACE channel HE WHO KNEW, KNEW NOTHING>I DON'T CARE fuck YO mothers FUCKERS yo FUCK worry JAILStop NATO Supply>MUSLIMS' Genocide IN Exchange " $$$$ " IN Exchange MUSLIMS' Dead BODIES Fuck YO Mothers Fuckers YO Fuck COWARDS Harrami CORRUPT Aalam-E-Soo $$$$ DIE'SEL BEY Begharato YO Mothers FYO Fuck MUFAD Perast COMPROMISES Horse TRADERS Zanies Aalam-E-Soo $$$$ DIE'SEL BEY Begharat LO'TEYSSNT ?ALM ?>*2-26 ?SPIRIT (of inspiration)*17-85 ?BIBBLE> "SNT" ? "Anti CHRIST" ? "ALM" ?firqaism* 2-208-209Taliban-E-Alam "OCCULT" Anti CHRIST *Syrian REBELS Hired NATO'S Forces< Ghair RAM Stray RUMI Run "SUPPER Sonic SENSITIVE Speed" TAQWA Run "DESTROY Flush OUT>"O'UR Sheateen JAKARR Diyeey JAEEN Ghey" Ramy STONE Ancient BURMIES' Modernization CANNIBALISM Oldest WESTERN Cult CULTURAL Veneration TOAIVA Blood LIBEL" CUT Crush B'O B'o FILTH Cruel IRONIES Western CULTURE Martyr CULT Veneration MONKS Catholic Pope BUDDHISTS Monks FLUSH Out TOAIVATHE ROMANS Babtised POPE 666 "Fake CHRIST 666 POPE Babtise SECULARS Monks BUDDHISTS Monks ENJOYMENTS Celebrations JUBILATIONS On MUSLIMS' Genocide FUCK Batised 666 THE ROMANS< AL Isra' *17-81 And SAY: "TRUTH Has (NOW) Arrived AND Falsehood IS (by it's nature) BOUND To PERISH"> Free UNISLAMIC Harrami Molvi MUSHTANDAYS On PAYROLL $$$ Paid CIA'S Agents INCHARGE Darooghas MASAJID>REPLACE With FI sabeel IL ALLAH ImamsPOPE Leading BLOODSHEDLISTEN Loud BABTISED Pope MURTD LEADING BloodshedBY ATTACKING inside THE TERRITORIES reciprocalTHE nation OF lot 313 THUNDER 313>Iraqi airspace was closed because of a potential threatAL RA'DLAND*41-30 SEADISOBEYING QURAN AND DISOBEYING THE MESSANGER OF Godballies FILLED with HELL fire Fuck YOU BABTISED missile ATTACK Syria PAKISTAN flop 9/11 Muslims' GENOCIDE like wise CLOCK WISE another JEWISH' holocaust FUCK you 9/11 flop Babtised USA terrosimNerve GAS supplied TO rebels BY white HOUSE criminals*43-36-37-38TRANSGRESSING tyrant*11-59 obstinate TYRANTCAST down FILTH*10-100>*74-50 DONKEYSThe SPOILS of WAR *8-24 INTERVENE>*7-26 TAQWA< ALLAH>SSSS super SONIC sensitive SPEED>HUMALM Alif Laam Meem ALMfailed ASSISSINATION attempt WAMIQ Hussain SHEIKH over DOSE probe NDP jack LAYTON election 2008 CANADA mercy KILLINGS ban T.V. program CANADIAN death MOLANA Dr. ISRAR ahmed ASSASSINATION Sammy YATIM ProbeEmpty WHITE House' CRIMINNALS' Christian CRIMESBe HANEEFUN>Be UNITED Where AMONG No DIFFERENCESBECOME Haneefun< AL GORE climate CHANGE>GRAB life TIME opertunity GRANTEED "ever LASTING peace"P.M. NETHANYAHU Step IN remove UN atomic AGENCY will BE Nailed DOWN very SHORTLY World's MOST wanted CRIMINAL dead OR alive PRESIDENT Obama MUSLIMS' genocide USA @ BRINK of BANKRUPTCY arrest PRESIDENT Obama BOUNTY $ 1.00 CANADIAN< Greatest 666 CRIMINALS' puppet P.M. Stephen HARPER>*42-25*42-24>Cell: 647


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 02:08
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: nasheed - Social Mention: do0o0stane azizam ke tu page shervin zakizadeh bo0did nemido0nam ki ba man bade kee aval fan page halet bad nashe bad page aslim shervin zakizadeh ro hak karde ! motasefam vasash khaheshan fan page jadid ro liko invite ddorost hesabi bokonid az lehaze amniyat balas dige kasi nemitune bahash kary dashte bashe ;) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) 01.08.2013 (Bushido & Shindy diss) [1 Aktualisierung] Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand: As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh Liebe geschwister ! Es ist eine... [1 Aktualisierung] Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand: Schafft ihr das ? ;) [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: الرجاء دعم هذا الحساب عبر النكز والاضافة فهو الحساب الرسمي لشبكة أخبار الراصد المقاومة وهو يتعرض للتبليغات بكثافة ويحتمل حظره بين حين او اخر يرجى النشر على اوسع نطاق وعمل اضافة ونكز مأجورين شبكة الوعد الصادق وشبكة العاصفات [1 Aktualisierung] takbir - Social Mention: Pendant 40ans je n'ai jamais manqué le premier Takbir de la prière, sauf le jour où ma mère est décédée, et j'ai ensuite prié 25 fois, cherchant ainsi à atteindre la multiplication de la récompense que comporte la prière en commun. Muhammad Ibn Sama'ah رحمه الله As-Siyar 10/646 [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: jome tavalode eshghame haaaa hama havasa jam mehmunie toop too torghabe makan safe pas berizinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HEYF ESHGHAM TU F B NIS EHSKALI NADARE BEJASH TU BIRUN MIRAM BEJASH KOLI MIBOOSAMESH jma pas kancel nashe hame baham saate 6khabaresho bede mikhay berim tavalode lida jooonam [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Ya bu hanimlar cok guzel dogru ama dinimizde boyle tarik goruntulrerini nerden hangi kitapta buldar bunuda anlatsinlar. Evet masallah ama lutfen bu tahrik fotograflariyla islami bagdastirmayin [1 Aktualisierung] koran infostand - Social Mention: Quran Infostand Vöcklabruck [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: allahu akbar [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Nigeria Islamist Group Seizing Christian Women As Slaves md [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Iganat den sa saguna taman sa pito gay na yaren mambibitiyala nu mga ped kanu mga Bangsamoro na si Vhong navarro a minangay xa sa inged ah! ALLAHU AKBAR!! endaw den su AZ"KAR? [1 Aktualisierung] Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaqi wurde am 30. September 2011 von den United Snakes of Amer... [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Dortmund gegen Bayern und die Terrorwarnung Statement von Pierre Vogel [1 Aktualisierung] salafist - Social Mention: Ob Sunniten oder Schiiten Hamdullah wir sind alle Moslems also bitte ich euch solche Diskussionen nicht auf diese Art hier zu führen diese Respektlosigkeit in eurer Wortwahl was das Thema betrifft ist nicht angebracht und ich glaube in einer Sache sind wir uns alle einig Religion und Facebook ist nicht miteinander vereinbar und es ist absolut die falsche Plattform für solche Diskussionen und ein Tipp man kann eine Mannschaft mögen oder leidenschaftlich die spiele verfolgen aber wenn man anfängt einzelne Personen ANZUGÖTZEN dann ist alles zu spät Good Night !!! Danke [1 Aktualisierung] Tauhid Deutschlands Facebook-Pinnwand: WICHTIGE INFORMATION!!! WICHTIGE INFORMATION!!!... [1 Aktualisierung] Uploads by RealShowKosova: Hoxhe Enis Rama Lakmo aty ku duhet [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: "Kalau Orang Sakit, Makan Apa Pun Jadi Pahit, Macam Tu La Jugak Dengan Hati Kita. Ibadah Tu Manis, Tapi Kalau Hati Sakit Kita Rasa Pahit." ― (Syeikh Hj. Ahmad Kabir) # Salam Fajar [1 Aktualisierung] salafist - Social Mention: Herzliche Glückwunsch, wir haben den ersten toten deutschen Rapper. Hoffentlich wird er nicht verehrt wie Tupac, schließlich war er nicht mal talentiert und zudem Salafist.. [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for ummah - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Hoje fui surpreendido por uma declaração de amor! Lol... [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: طلب صغير من كل اصدقائى :) افتح اللينك ودوس لايك علي الصورة .. بس كده ♥ شكرا مقدما [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: Jangan risau pasal kemajuan dalam sesebuah negara, kajilah dari bermulanya terhasilnya teknologi moden dan kajilah dari nilai harga barang dalam peningkatannya, kajilah berapa kali sesuatu itu diperbaharui melalui yang telah ada, gambarannya akan bertambah maju, menggambarkan masa itu emas ditengah jalan tidak direbut, stabilkan ekonomi dengan perniagaan yang perlu dan kurangkan yang berkaitan kebinasaan. Tapi risaulah kesan itu semua terhadap tauhid dan iman seseorang. Contoh, berapa ramai wanita yang membeli pakaian yang tidak sesuai untuk menutup aurat, dan digunakan pada tempat yang tidak sesuai dan tepat. . Dan setiap seorang memberi pada anak mereka dan sedekahkan pada orang lain, lalu digunakan dengan peraturan yang sama. ? Kemana amalan sebegitu dinilai? Berapa banyak bertambahnya pembaziran dan kebinasaan umpama gejala sosial. ? Mana yang lebih risau dan memudarat yang panjang berbanding berapa banyak kewangan negara/swasta dikeluarkan untuk membina banyaknya bangunan yang semakin bertambah, membelanjakan kewangan keaarah hiburan, mengizinkan pelabur luar membina cawangan atas tanah yang asalnya bukan milik kerajaan/swasta, membina banyak kolej dan sekolah tapi tidak menundukkan pandangan, selain menjaga aurat, wanita juga diarahkan tundukkan pandangan, bagaimana hendak tundukkan pandangan jika dalam kelas disatukan? adakah kita menolong mereka agar tidak terjebak kearah yang tidak baik. .dan menolong mereka beriman dan bertaqwa dan yang penting mereka tidak berlebihan mengharapkan sesuatu selain-Nya. Jangan berkata, itu semua bermula dari rumah, itu dalam rumah. .tapi diluar, bermula dari sekolah pengaruh adalah besar dan adakah begini dapat mengenalkan Islam yang diredhai, sesungguhnya kebaikan Islam itu sebenarnya, bukan sekadar buat umat Islam tapi untuk seluruh man-USIA. Memerintah sambil berdakwah lebih baik. Maka yang mana lebih risau? Jika adil dan tidak membebankan didunia tapi diakhirat, buat mereka ? Buat kalian yang memerintah, mentadbir dan mengurus? Maka yang mana lebih rugi ? Jalan kesederhanaan itu adalah keseimbangan yang memberi kebaikan bukan sekadar didunia tapi juga diakhirat dan adil serta tidak membebankan. [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: do0o0stane azizam ke tu page shervin zakizadeh bo0did nemido0nam ki ba man bade kee aval fan page halet bad nashe bad page aslim shervin zakizadeh ro hak karde ! motasefam vasash khaheshan fan page jadid ro liko invite ddorost hesabi bokonid az lehaze amniyat balas dige kasi nemitune bahash kary dashte bashe ;) Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:52PM

    nasheed - Social Mention

    do0o0stane azizam ke tu page shervin zakizadeh bo0did nemido0nam ki ba man bade kee aval fan page halet bad nashe bad page aslim shervin zakizadeh ro hak karde ! motasefam vasash khaheshan fan page jadid ro liko invite ddorost hesabi bokonid az lehaze amniyat balas dige kasi nemitune bahash kary dashte bashe ;)
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:09

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    bushido - Social Mention: Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) 01.08.2013 (Bushido & Shindy diss) Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:22PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) 01.08.2013 (Bushido & Shindy diss)
    Nov 21st 2013, 12:21

    Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) Kay One - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Lyrics) Kay One - Nichts als die Wah...

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    Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand: As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh Liebe geschwister ! Es ist eine... Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 08:06PM

    Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand

    As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
    Liebe geschwister !

    Es ist eine...
    Nov 23rd 2013, 19:54

    As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
    Liebe geschwister !

    Es ist eine hinsul Muslim App draussen und enthaelt bittgebete aus Kuran und Sunna. Sehr schöne app fuer android und apple kostenlos!


    Insha Allah Weitersenden !!!

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    Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand: Schafft ihr das ? ;) Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 08:06PM

    Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand

    Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand

    Schafft ihr das ? ;)
    Nov 23rd 2013, 20:02

    Schafft ihr das ? ;)

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    Al-Rahma - Social Mention: الرجاء دعم هذا الحساب عبر النكز والاضافة فهو الحساب الرسمي لشبكة أخبار الراصد المقاومة وهو يتعرض للتبليغات بكثافة ويحتمل حظره بين حين او اخر يرجى النشر على اوسع نطاق وعمل اضافة ونكز مأجورين شبكة الوعد الصادق وشبكة العاصفات Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:36PM

    Al-Rahma - Social Mention

    الرجاء دعم هذا الحساب عبر النكز والاضافة فهو الحساب الرسمي لشبكة أخبار الراصد المقاومة وهو يتعرض للتبليغات بكثافة ويحتمل حظره بين حين او اخر يرجى النشر على اوسع نطاق وعمل اضافة ونكز مأجورين شبكة الوعد الصادق وشبكة العاصفات
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:40

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    takbir - Social Mention: Pendant 40ans je n'ai jamais manqué le premier Takbir de la prière, sauf le jour où ma mère est décédée, et j'ai ensuite prié 25 fois, cherchant ainsi à atteindre la multiplication de la récompense que comporte la prière en commun. Muhammad Ibn Sama'ah رحمه الله As-Siyar 10/646 Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:29PM

    takbir - Social Mention

    Pendant 40ans je n'ai jamais manqué le premier Takbir de la prière, sauf le jour où ma mère est décédée, et j'ai ensuite prié 25 fois, cherchant ainsi à atteindre la multiplication de la récompense que comporte la prière en commun. Muhammad Ibn Sama'ah رحمه الله As-Siyar 10/646
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:22

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    nasheed - Social Mention: jome tavalode eshghame haaaa hama havasa jam mehmunie toop too torghabe makan safe pas berizinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HEYF ESHGHAM TU F B NIS EHSKALI NADARE BEJASH TU BIRUN MIRAM BEJASH KOLI MIBOOSAMESH jma pas kancel nashe hame baham saate 6khabaresho bede mikhay berim tavalode lida jooonam Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:51PM

    nasheed - Social Mention

    jome tavalode eshghame haaaa hama havasa jam mehmunie toop too torghabe makan safe pas berizinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HEYF ESHGHAM TU F B NIS EHSKALI NADARE BEJASH TU BIRUN MIRAM BEJASH KOLI MIBOOSAMESH jma pas kancel nashe hame baham saate 6khabaresho bede mikhay berim tavalode lida jooonam
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:18

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    Masallah - Social Mention: Ya bu hanimlar cok guzel dogru ama dinimizde boyle tarik goruntulrerini nerden hangi kitapta buldar bunuda anlatsinlar. Evet masallah ama lutfen bu tahrik fotograflariyla islami bagdastirmayin Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:48PM


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Adelaide Hossy ● Adriana Soares Adrix ● Afonso Carlos Rich ● Afonso Júnior Activado ● Agostinnho Verissimo Gutinho Trix ● Aliice'h Mayraa FigueiiredoO'h ● Aline Francisca Paulino ● Amélia Ricardo ● Ana Graziely Anjos ● Ana Paula Leão ● Ana Rita Amarante ● Anacleta Tengo Tengo ● Anapaulavapordongua Dongua ● Angela Arrobas ● Auria Auria Blué ● Benilsa De Oliveira ● Berlita Bedejesus ● Bianca Macedo ● Biillnnah BiilltoOn ● Caique Garcias ● Carla Beth Pitxosa ● Carla Neto ● Carlos Pedro ● Celma Marisa Cumandala ● Celsa Camila Zuckerberg ● Chris Ushen Rhufy Ghrwileyn ● Cleny Clemety Creop ● Cleo Francisco Ventura ● Costa Ernesto Ferreira ● Cíntia Jóia ● Daiene Cristina ● Danny Marques ● Dany Peixoto ● Danynha Oliveira ● Deusiany Lemos Lemos ● Dilma Fernandes ● Djsilva Silva ● Domingos Da Yebba Interteiment ● Dulce Angelina ● Edmary Tayce Py ● Eliane Gonçalves Dos Reis ● Elizabete Viana ● Elizabeth Leolina Leolina ● Elâyne Pellegrine ● Emy Saihapa Saihapa ● Estevão Eyala Vany ● Euclides Francisco Derisvaldo Book ● Eva De Nascimento ● Fabia Lolpop Angelino ● Fercilio Mondlane ● Fernanda Paiva Henrique ● Filomena Patricia ● Gabriel Nunes ● Gediel da Silva ● Gildo Kleusio Do Charmy ● Helena Maisen ● Heliano Manuel Jaguaribi ● Hendely Nadya Zica ● Hernany Hermanuelson Jr. ● Idyane Kainara Franck ● Iracelma Mercedes Celma ● Irene Da Silva ● Ireny Célebre Ireny ● Irineu Marques F ● Irondina Newqueen Pontes ● Isabele Fernandes ● Ivo Carlos ● Jaconias D Chilala Dinho ● Janeth Dulce Toco ● Janira Fininha K Kuia ● Jennifer Cosme ● Jenuzia Domingos ● Jeosafa Agusto ● Jinildo D Poster Amoroso ● Jociele Charmozinha ● Jorgina Ngandu ● Joseane Lima ● Josy Mariano ● Judith Do Carmo Fany ● Julia Fernanda ● Kamyla Tintino Soares ● Karolina Solzaa ● Kassandra Drew Brown ● Katana Domingos Santana ● Kauana Vaz ● Kenzi João ● Kidi Manuel Agre ● Kézia Galvão ● Lalazinha Lourenço Lopes ● Landa Manuel Orkut ● Larissa Hellen Silva ● Laurieth Laura ● Leandro Principe Jerick ● Leisimira Malukitah Doxih ● Lourenço C. B Louredj ● Luan Lucas Mendes ● Luciene Mendes ● Lucilene Marcela ● Lucineide Vieira ● Lurdes Samutaza Muacazanga ● Luzia Batalha Costa Batalha ● Lïzändrä Dïvä ● Macuala Filomena Mimi ● Maly Francisca Xtraga ● Manuel Vangui Skill Kolossal ● Manuell Olyveiira ● Manüel Cesário Manüel ● Maquivavila Francisco Stivy-Best ● Marcelino Ypata Outra Parte ● Marcio Khalifa Kalifa ● Maria Barros Mariah ● Maria Beatriz ● Maria Luisa Constantino ● Maria Luiza Dias ● Maria Maya Ngunzaah ● Marlene Garcia Madalena ● Marly Famozinha ● Marques'h Silva'h Cash'h ● MeUry LukiitaAh ● Moras Moras-pu David ● Mylla Santos ● Márcia Emanuel Marcy ● Nadia Josefa Sardinha ● Nathaliia Leitte ● Natyy Veiga Fernandes ● Nela Arinela Bunga ● Nelson Chrys ● Nikolly Amorim ● Nilza Elizama Alberto ● Nuria Nj Jongolo ● Osória Mourisca ● Patricia Fernandes ● Patrick Max ● Pestana Manuel Toco Toco ● Priscila Mamy ● Rafiinhaa Braga ● Regina Rodrigues Alberto ● Rodrigo Soares ● Roossaa Dayane ● Roseiri Loukiita ● Rufyna Chilala ● Ráqúé'l Nógúéír'á ● Sebastião José Sebilson ● Sonia Manuel Sonia ● Stela Gouveia ● Stéfanie Cristina ● Suuh M Torres ● Thally Souza ● Tininha Dos Anjos ● Tonilson Ofthe Toy-x ● Valdmiiro Menezess Vado Killdon ● Vanilda Leonora Canhica ● Vavá Mancha Beatz ● Walter Miguel Miguel ● Wanderson da Silva ● Wilson Ell Escangalhador Lírico ● Yasmin Alessandra ● Yánzinho Lipe ● Érica D Khalifa Arnaldo [1 Aktualisierung] helfen in not - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an bushido :) Er hat Zwillinge bekommen. Ein Kind muss er an Arafat abdrücken 󾌴 [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Immer wenn ich meine Oma und meinen Opa besuchen gehe, glaub ich an wahre Liebe .. Seid sooooo vielen Jahren immernoch Hand in Hand immernoch ein glückliches Paar .. Ohh masallah wie wunderschön war wohl deren damalige Zeit .... [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: UK When will we acknowledge that asylum seekers are human beings? Isa Muazu is dying on hunger strike. A court's ruling that he must stay in custody is part of a grotesque, hardening political approach Isa Muazu is 45 years old. The youngest of three boys, with one younger sister, he is softly spoken and polite, and suffers from mental health problems. In July 2007, Muazu fled from his native Nigeria to the UK because he feared that members of Boko Haram, a hardline Islamist group, would kill him. He says they have already killed several members of his family. Muazu is now being held in Harmondsworth removal centre, an immigration detention centre, and has been on hunger strike for nearly three months. He has lost vision in both eyes, is suffering from chest pain and shortness of breath, and is too weak to sit up unaided. In the next few days, it is likely that he will die on a mattress on the floor, surrounded only by private security staff. Shortly before writing this article, I spoke to him. "I am struggling, I am scared," he said. "I have never committed any crimes; nothing like this has ever happened to me before." How is it that a vulnerable man who came here in fear of his life has ended up in these most terrible of circumstances? I would like to say it was an aberration; that he just slipped through the cracks. The truth is Muazu's fate is a banal and grotesque inevitability of an ever-tougher government policy towards immigrants and asylum seekers. The move to keep him in custody, even though it may result in his death, is part and parcel of a hardening of ministers towards people in Muazu's situation – an entrenching of the suspicion that people who undertake extreme acts such as a hunger strike are simply trying to worm their way into British citizenship. Yesterday the high court ruled that the home secretary, Theresa May, was not holding Muazu unlawfully. The judge who granted the case at the high court prefaced it with the remarks: "It is important to appreciate that those who use a hunger strike to manipulate their position will not succeed in doing so provided they have mental capacity." Muazu was very clear with me that the judgment will have no effect upon his hunger strike. How can a man who would rather die than return to his native country be gaming the system? Muazu came to the UK in 2007 on a valid visa. Once his visa expired he overstayed because he was too afraid to return to Nigeria. In 2011 he applied for leave to remain in the UK but was refused. In July of this year he claimed asylum seeking to remain in Britain and remain safe. He was immediately detained – on the same day he claimed asylum, which was refused after a few days. This is standard procedure in the government's "fast track" system of assessing asylum claims. According to a 2013 briefing paper by Detention Action, 99% of people on "fast track" asylum applications are refused. Applicants are granted a solicitor, but more than 60% are dropped by their solicitors after the initial refusal and are then forced to navigate the immigration appeal system alone. Often there is no time for applicants to get evidence from their home country because they are only given three days to appeal the first decision. Muazu initially stopped eating because Harmondsworth removal centre couldn't accommodate his health problems, including hepatitis B, kidney problems and stomach ulcers. Since then, he has continued his strike in protest at the inhumane way he and other asylum seekers are treated. For the detention of people like Muazu is fast becoming not the exception, but the rule in this country. We are one of the few countries in the world to have no time limit on the length of detention of asylum seekers. If the immigration bill unveiled last month is passed, immigration checks will be carried out before anyone can open a new bank account, be issued with a driving licence or access routine health treatment. After an experiment by the government to drive vans that instruct undocumented migrants to "go home", around racially mixed communities, it is difficult not to see a pattern of criminalising an entire demographic of people – a demographic whom the British authorities appear to view as naturally duplicitous and grasping. Immigration has always been a thorny issue politically, and successive governments have ratcheted up the tensions in order to win easy points from the electorate. Now we seem to be in a position where any public figure who says something in defence of immigrants is accused of failing to understand the concerns of ordinary people, concerns that were preyed upon and magnified by politicians in the first place. And with former Labour politicians such as Jack Straw confirming the worst by apologising for his own government's immigration policies, it is likely to become ever more politically difficult for future governments to change existing practices. But where does that leave people like Muazu? When can we acknowledge that immigrants and asylum seekers are human beings who deserve some measure of safety – some quality of life? There has to be some point at which these policies give way to compassion and civility. There needs to be lines drawn in the sand in order to protect human life, regardless of the political noise going on in the background. But there isn't – clearly there isn't; because Muazu's line came and went a long time ago. [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Terrorists likely to target Modi, warns IBThe IB said SIMI cadres ... [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Les choses et les personnes que nous aimons le plus sont celles qui nous détruisent le plus... Wiz khalifa [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: أحببتــــك و أحبـــــك ♥♥و سأبقــى أحبك حتـى يـــوم وفاتــي ♥♥و يـــوم وفـاتــي لا تبكــي لأن دموعـك أغلى مــن حيــاتــي ♥♥أنــا مـا زلت باقـــي علــى وعدي و عـهدي ♥♥و قسمــاً بربــي ستبقــى فـي قلبي إلــى مماتــي ♥♥......و حتـى بعـد موتـي ستبقــى روحك تحرس رفاتــي ♥♥و سأكتـب إسمــك و إسمي على قبــري ♥♥لأننـي وعدتك بأنني لـن أنساك طــوال حياتــي ♥♥و لا حتـى بعــد مماتـ · € ...jihad [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah [1 Aktualisierung] street dawah - Social Mention: Qoodle071 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Don't miss our Special Fall Training Night! This Friday, November 22, 2013 ~6:00PM-7:00PM! This will be a super fun and different training experience for everyone at Tran's Martial Arts-Fort Collins! Ninjutsu, Bushido, Tae Kwon Do and Lil' Dragons are all invited to participate! PLEASE RSVP THROUGH THE EVITE THAT FOLLOWS THIS EMAIL. [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Çalışma masamın sadece adı çalışma masası. Sağdan baksam bir yemek masası, soldan baksam bir bilgisayar masası, önden baksam belediye çöplüğü. :D [1 Aktualisierung] Islam; ein Anfang; ein Weg &' kein Endes Facebook-Pinnwand: Sehr Schöner NAsheed :) ( M.S ) [1 Aktualisierung] street dawah - Social Mention: DTES Street Market [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: Setidaknya ada 32 Kasus bentrokan antara oknum "pejabat bersenjata" kita dari 2005 sampe sekarang, alasannya banyak yang memalukan mulai dari rebutan pacar, gesekan di jalanan, kasus narkoba, atau bahkan rebutan lahan backing. Astaghfirullah padahal agan2 digaji buat mengamankan masyarakat. gak malu sama mujahid di Suriah dan di Palestin. [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: If France can tell Muslims to adapt to there way of life or leave. Surely we can stay strong. Our way or the highway!!! So many countries around the world welcome these people in to there land only to be slapped in the face and demand we change to suit them. NSE!!! [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Egypt's el-Sissi vows to avenge deaths of 11 soldiers in Sinai [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: News Briefing Regarding Events in West Kurdistan (Northern Syria) Head Lines • YPG CAMPAGIN • Another chapter of the international conspiracy • The day of Anti-violence against the woman • Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality • The Kurdish supreme council • Cultural & educational activities Details: YPG CAMPAGIN Efrin- the armed groups affiliated with ISIL attacked YPG check points around Qastal Gendo village .Due to the heavy clashes, which lasted for hours, three members of the Islamist were killed and four wounded. The Islamist groups withdrew their forces. Tirbespiye- YPG fighters have liberated a hostage from Harka village near Tirbespiye after he was kidnaped by mercenary groups. YPG have started a campaign to clean the area from these radical groups. The Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs are living together in Harka village, which is currently protected by YPG fighters. Another chapter of the international conspiracy ERBIL, Kurdistan Region –Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed that Turkey was behind Syria's 1998 expulsion of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan. The information came to light in Zebari's interview with the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper last week, in which he shared new details of the tensions between Turkey and then Syrian President Hafez Assad over Ocalan. Zebari recalled a conversation with former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak about the events of 1998, saying, "Mubarak told me that in 1998 he had delivered a letter about Turkey's threats to Hafez Assad about sheltering PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan and Assad agreed to expel Ocalan and not risk military confrontation with Turkey." This declaration is another proof about the international conspiracy against Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan. Worthwhile we want to remember Ocalan first states in the Turkish state when he mentioned that the conspiracy was participated by several western and Arabic countries. The day of Anti-violence against the woman Qamishlo, under the slogan ''Let us work together to end the male obsession'', Star union for woman called for


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 01:45
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: dawa - Social Mention: Dasar wong wadon hawek malek... Ning wong lanang bli melek melek... Dipai sing dawa nyaluk sing buntek... Gxgxgxgxgx sing rumasa ngacuuuuuung :v [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar allah mha bsar ats smua yg da,,, Q srahkn n Q psrahkn kpda-MU apa yg da d'htiQ... Ya allah,,, ampunilh dosa2Q, dosa org2 yg aq sygi... [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET THIS VERMIN OUT OF OFFICE BEFORE OUR NATION COLLAPSES!!! HE IS ON COURSE FOR DECLARING SHARIA LAW/MARTIAL LAW AND ATTACKING CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES (EVANGELICALS)!!! THEN THE ONLY WAY OUT WILL BE TO LITERALLY OVERRUN THE WHITEHOUSE AND START SHOOTING!!!!!!!!! YOU DAMN LIBERALS BETTER START THROWING PUNCHES NOW BECAUSE WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS MUCH LONGER!!! YOU ARE CLEARLY DRUNK ON MONEY...WHEN HE CRASHES THE SYSTEM...YOUR MONEY WILL BE WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung] kufar - Social Mention: Syi'ah Tidak Mampu Menjawab Pertanyaan Pertama Apakah Anda beriman kepada takdir? Jika Anda mengatakan "Iya", saya katakan kepada Anda : "Mengapa Anda menyakiti diri dengan memukul-mukul badan, berteriak dan menangisi al-Husain?" Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak beriman kepada takdir, selesailah urusan ini dengan pembangkangan Anda terhadap takdir dan ketidak ridhaan Anda terhadap hikmah Allah Ta'ala. Pertanyaan Kedua Termasuk dalam keyakinan Anda adalah apa yang Anda dan seluruh Syiah lakukan pada hari Asyura'. Jika Anda mengatakan Allah dan rasul-Nya memerintahkan itu, maka dimanakah dalilnya? Jika Anda mengatakan tidak ada seorang pun yang menyuruhnya, maka saya katakan ini adalah perkara bid'ah Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa Ahlul Bait menyuruhmu untuk melakukan itu, maka saya akan meminta darimu, siapa dari mereka yang pernah melakukannya? Jika Anda mengatakan : Saya hanya mengungkapkan kecintaan saya kepada Ahlul Bait.. Maka saya akan mengatakan : Kalau demikian keadaannya, maka setiap "orang-orang yang bersorban" (ulama-ulama, tokoh-tokoh dan pembesar-pembesar Syiah) sebenarnya membenci Ahlul Bait, karena kami tidak pernah melihat mereka menampar-nampar pipi. Demikian pula sesama Ahlul Bait saling membenci diantara mereka, karena tidak ada seorang pun diantara mereka yang menampar atau melukai diri untuk meratapi yang lainnya. Pertanyaam Ketiga Apakah keluarnya al-Husain ke Karbala dan terbunuhnya beliau merupakan kemuliaan untuk Islam dan kaum muslimin atau sebaliknya, kehinaan untuk Islam dan kaum muslimin? Jika Anda mengatakan kemuliaan untuk Islam dan kaum muslimin, saya katakan, mengapa kalian menangisi hari yang merupakan kemuliaan Islam dan kaum muslimin? Apakah kemenangan Islam itu telah menyakiti Anda? Jika Anda mengatakan itu merupakan kehinaan untuk Islam dan kaum muslimin, saya katakan : Apakah kita akan menyebut al-Husain sebagai orang yang menghinakan Islam dan kaum muslimin? Karena al-Husain dalam keyakinan Anda mengetahui yang ghaib, yang dengannya tentu saja ia telah mengetahui bahwa ia akan menghinakan Islam dan kaum muslimin… Pertanyaan Keempat Manfaat apa yang didapatkan al-Husain dari keluarnya dia ke Karbala dan terbunuh disana? Jika Anda mengatakan dia keluar untuk melawan kezaliman, maka saya katakan : Mengapa ayahnya, Ali bin Abi Thalib tidak keluar untuk melawan orang-orang yang telah menzaliminya? Apakah al-Husain lebih mengetahui daripada ayahnya? Ataukah ayahnya tidak pernah mengalami kezaliman itu? Ataukah Ali bukanlah seorang yang pemberani untuk melawan kezaliman? Mengapa pula saudaranya, al-Hasan tidak keluar memerangi Mu'awiyah? Bahkan ia berdamai dengannya dan menyerahkan kepemimpinan negeri dan kaum muslimin kepadanya. Siapakah diantara ketiga orang ini yang benar? Pertanyaa Kelima Mengapa al-Husain membawa serta bersamanya keluarga wanita dan anak-anaknya menuju Karbala'? Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa dia tidak pernah tahu menahu apa yang bakal terjadi terhadap diri mereka… Saya katakan : Anda telah mencampakkan 'ishmah (kema'shuman) dari dirinya yang kalian katakan bahwa al-Husain mengetahui perkara yang ghaib. Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa al Husain tahu tentang hal tersebut, maka saya katakan : Apakah al-Husain keluar menuju Karbala untuk membunuh anak-anaknya? Radhiyallahu 'anhum… Pertanyaan Keenam Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa al-Husain keluar untuk menyelamatkan Islam seperti yang digembar gemborkan oleh ulama-ulama Anda, saya akan tanyakan kepada Anda : Apakah Islam sudah menyimpang pada masa pemerintahan al-Hasan? Apakah Islam telah menyimpang pada masa pemerintahan Ali?! Mengapa keduanya tidak keluar untuk mengembalikan Islam seperti semula? Pilihannya : entah Anda mempersaksikan keadilan para Khalifah yang tiga sebelum Ali, kejujuran mereka dan keridhaan Ali terhadap mereka semua, atau justru Anda mempersaksikan pengkhianatan Ali dan putranya al-Hasan terhadap Islam sehingga perlu diselamatkan oleh al-Husain… Pertanyaan Ketujuh Siapakah yang membunuh al-Husain? Jika Anda mengatakan : Yazid bin Mu'awiyah, saya akan menuntut Anda dengan sebuah dalil yang shahih dari kitab-kitabmu (dan Anda tidak perlu susah payah mencari, karena tidak ada dalil yang shahih dalam kitab-kitabmu yang menyebutkan bahwa Yazid membunuh atau menyuruh membunuh al-Husain) Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa yang membunuhnya adalah Syamr bin Dzil Jausyan, maka saya katakan padamu : "Mengapa Anda melaknat Yazid?" Jika Anda mengatakan al-Husain terbunuh di masa pemerintahan Yazid, maka saya katakan bahwa Imam Anda yang ghaib (yang bersembunyi di gua) bertanggung jawab terhadap setiap darah muslim yang tumpah. Di masanya, Iraq, Palestina, dan Afghanistan terjajah dan Syiah pun diserang, sementara dia berlepas diri dan tidak berbuat apapun… (Dalam keyakinan Syiah, Imam yang ghaib itulah penguasa yang hakiki di alam semesta ini) Pertanyaan Kedelapan Manakah yang lebih berat bagi Islam dan kaum muslimin, kematian Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam atau terbunuhnya al-Husain? Jika Anda mengatakan kematian Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, saya tanyakan : Mengapa kami tidak melihat kalian menampar dan memukul-mukul tubuh untuk beliau? Jika kalian mengatakan terbunuhnya al-Husain lebih berat dan buruk, maka akan jelaslah bagi manusia bahwa Nabi yang mulia tidak memiliki kedudukan berarti dalam pandangan kalian, dan kalian lebih mengutamakan al-Husain daripada beliau. Pertanyaan Kesembilan Al-Husain radhiyallahu 'anhu dalam keyakinan Syiah mengetahui yang ghaib. Apakah dia keluar bersama keluarganya untuk bunuh diri? Jika Anda mengatakan "Iya", Anda telah menuduhnya bunuh diri dan membunuh anak-anaknya. Jika Anda mengatakan "Tidak", maka Anda telah menggugurkan kema'shuman dan keimamahannya.. Pertanyaan Kesepuluh Ulama-ulama kalian mengatakan bahwa para Imam Syiah memiliki "wilayah takwiniyah" (kekuasaan di alam raya) yang tunduk dibawahnya seluruh apa yang ada di alam ini. Apakah Syamr, pembunuh al-Husain radhiyallahu 'anhu juga tunduk kepada "wilayah takwiniyah" tersebut? Jika Anda mengatakan "Iya", maka itu bermakna bahwa al-Husain mati bunuh diri karena dia tidak mempergunakan "wilayah takwiniyah" yang ada pada dirinya. Jika kalian mengatakan "Tidak", Syamr tidak tunduk kepadanya, maka Anda telah mendustakan seluruh ulama Anda yang telah bersepakat tentang perkataan mengenai "wilayah takwiniyah" tersebut. Pertanyaan Kesebelas Mengapa kami melihat orang-orang yang menampar pipi, berteriak-teriak, mencambuk dirinya dengan rantai dan memukul kepalanya dengan pedang; mereka itu adalah kalian orang-orang awam… Sementara kami melihat "Orang-orang bersorban" tidak pernah melakukan hal tersebut? Jika Anda mengatakan ucapanku tidak benar, karena mereka juga melakukan itu; menampar, melukai diri, merayap dan seterusnya seperti yang kalian lakukan… maka saya menuntut bukti dari Anda! Jika Anda mengatakan: "Iya, dan itulah realitanya"… maka saya akan tinggalkan seribu tanda tanya di kepala Anda mempertanyakan loyalitas dan kecintaan mereka terhadap Ahlul Bait. Pertanyaan Keduabelas Kalian, pada setiap Hari Asyura' di setiap tahunnya selalu mendengung-dengungkan untuk membalas dendam atas pembunuhan al-Husain! Pertanyaannya : Mengapa para Imam Syiah tidak pernah membalas dendam mereka terhadap pembunuh ayahnya (al-Husain) sebagaimana yang kalian klaim? Apakah kalian lebih berani daripada mereka? Jika kalian mengatakan: "Kami lebih pemberani", maka selesailah urusan ini. Jika kalian mengatakan bahwa para Imam tidak mampu melakukannya karena situasi politik tertentu, maka saya katakan kepada kalian : Dimanakah "wilayah takwiniyah" yang tunduk kepadanya seluruh apa yang ada di alam ini?! Ataukah itu hanyalah sebuah khurafat yang ada di kepala kalian? Kemudian, siapa juga orang yang akan kalian tuntut untuk membalaskan dendam al-Husain darinya?! Pertanyaan Ketigabelas Pertanyaan ini ditujukan kepada Mahdi Syiah yang kabur bersembunyi: Mengapa Anda lari sampai saat ini? Apakah Anda takut terhadap seseorang? Ataukah Anda hanyalah sebuah kebohongan? Dan apakah benar Anda akan keluar dengan sebuah al-Quran baru yang bukan al-Quran kami sekarang? Jika Anda mengatakan : Saya tidak takut!… Saya katakan : Kalau begitu, apalagi yang Anda tunggu untuk keluar? Jika Anda mengatakan : Saya menunggu perintah Allah… Maka saya meminta darimu dalil, karena Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam tidak meninggalkan sesuatu perkara melainkan telah beliau jelaskan kepada kami. Kecuali jika Anda mencela Nabi dalam perkara ini, maka itu urusan Anda sendiri. [1 Aktualisierung] abu adam - Social Mention: الرجاء دعم هذا الحساب عبر النكز والاضافة فهو الحساب الرسمي لشبكة أخبار الراصد المقاومة وهو يتعرض للتبليغات بكثافة ويحتمل حظره بين حين او اخر يرجى النشر على اوسع نطاق وعمل اضافة ونكز مأجورين شبكة الوعد الصادق وشبكة العاصفات [1 Aktualisierung] Uploads by Ibn Abdullah: Abu Adam Help 4 Ummah Syrien [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: Danita Delimont - Temples - Egypt, Abu Simbel, The Greater Temple, Statues - AF14 MGL0051 - Miva Stock - Tile Pen Holders-5 inch tile pen holder -------------------------------------------- Excellent proposition - -------------------------------------------- More: Danita delimont - temples - egypt, luxor, temple of karnak, temple of luxor - af14 mgl0057 - miva stock - flags - 12 x 18 inch garden flag; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, luxor, temple of karnak, temple of luxor - af14 mgl0057 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, abu simbel, greater temple of ramses ii - af14 mgl0056 - miva stock - mouse pads; Danita delimont - temples - japan, kyoto, kozanji temple in the autumn - as15 rti0743 - rob tilley - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, abu simbel, the greater temple, statues - af14 mgl0051 - miva stock - quilt squares - 8x8 inch quilt square; Danita delimont - hieroglyphics - egypt, temple of luxor, hieroglyphics, obelisk of ramesses ii-af14 pri0020 - prisma - water bottles; Danita delimont - egypt - egyptian figures on souvenir shop wall, luxor, egypt-af14 aje0256 - adam jones - mouse pads; Danita delimont - pagodas - japan, kyoto, to-ji temple pagoda at twilight - as15 rti0753 - rob tilley - ornaments - 3 inch snowflake porcelain ornament; Danita delimont - temples - china, macau. coils of incense at the a-ma temple - as22 jeg0012 - julie eggers - mouse pads; Danita delimont - temples - egypt, aswan,philae temple, cross -af14 dbr0069 - dave bartruff - coffee gift baskets - coffee gift basket; Danita delimont - sailboats - egypt, aswan, nile river, felucca sailboats - af14 mgl0060 - miva stock - light switch covers - 2 plug outlet cover; Danita delimont - egypt - egypt, cairo, museum of egyptian antiquities, papyrus - af14 mgl0050 - miva stock - drawing book - memory book 12 x 12 inch. Tags: online, N81729OK, information, tv deals, hot, great offers, CCJ70, discount, deals, OAUP, offers, gifts, bargain, L39PG1, new. [1 Aktualisierung] kufar - Social Mention: abdullah bin masood (رضی اللّٰہ تعالٰی عنہم) se riwayat hai k HAZOOR صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ne farmaya k musalman ko gali dena bura bala kahna fasiq hai...or is se larna kufar hai sahih muslim jild 1 hadees 223 Admin T.H [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: NgepE Kasure pNganten lawasss akeh tinggine hmmm, #zizieee... [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: حساابي الثااني مكافح الحراكيش والعفافيش اعدته من جديد ولمرتين متتاليتين بعد ما تم اختراقه قبل عاام وحذف كل المعلووماات منه الفزعه الان يا شبااب وطلب الصداقه اليه واحيااء الرووح فيه من جديد لا تخيبووا الظن فديتكم [1 Aktualisierung] Schönheiten des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Ich brauche keine Freunde hinter mir, ich hab ALLAH ober mir! <3 [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Plane Crash [1 Aktualisierung] Muslim Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: Hier das Video: [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: Yay I've found a new duplication glitch for GTA5 this time u can't give the other car to other players shame Harry Spencer Arfan Killuminati Don all tell u more on mic Tomoz [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: Allahu akbar...allah maha besar...! Q ykn bahwa engkau akn mmbri jln yg trbaek bagi hambamu yg tk brdaya ini... #trims ya allah [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: What Muslim scholars saying about Niqab Some people assume that the Niqab isn't something needed in Islam, but the Sahaba & Mufassareen of the Quran have stressed on its importance... When Allah revealed "to draw their veils all over their Juyub" [Quran 24:31], the Sahaba women tore their aprons & made veils from it. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) Who was known as the most knowledgeable Sahabi in matters of Shariah. Umar Ibn Khattab (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) said about him "By Allah, I don't know of any person who is more qualified in the matters dealing with the Quran than Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud"Explained, the word Jilbaab (as mentioned in the Quran Surah Ahzaab ayah # 59 ) to mean a cloak which covers the entire body including the head, face and hands. (Quoted from Ibn Taymiyyah(Rahimahullah) in his book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 and By Shaikh Ibn Uthamin in the book Hijaab Page # 15) Aisha (Radhiallaahu Ánha) Stated that in verse 30 and 31 of Surah An Nur "What has been allowed to be shown is the hands, bangles and rings but the face must be covered. (Quoted by Shaikh Abdul A'la Maududi in the book Purdah P# 195 and in his Tafseer of Quran under the tafseer of Surah An Nur) Abu Ubaidah Salmani


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 01:33
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: mujahid - Social Mention: Assalamu 'alaikum This is what we call the Power of Doa....bila nawaitu ingin menjadi mujahid, pasti Allah perkenankan doa...Apa yang kita fikir, cakap, rasa dan buat adalah doa! Al Fatihah buat mujahid Ahmad Ammar. Insya Allah alam barzakh adalah istanamu paling indah... [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: How long before the war starts in this country??? When will we stand up for what's right??? [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: Please like and share this page, (Islam Exposed) - for first-hand information on the imposition of radical Sharia law in the United States and all over the world! [1 Aktualisierung] quran verteilung - Social Mention: Completion of the Glorious Quran [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Sarwat Zgheib Chahine Jihad Rabah [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: DID U KNOW THAT 31-40 Facts 31. The Islamic calender is based on the phases of the moon, with it being approximately 11 days shorter than the 365 days of the year in the Georgian calender. Hence, the dates of our festivals (Eid -ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha) move through the year. 32. Adam Alayhis salam was approximately 30 Ziraa tall. Ziraa is a measurement and one Ziraa is approximately half a metre. 33. The Majority of muslims do not live in the middle East. The most populous muslim country is Indonesia, the 4th largest country in the world with approximately 184 million muslims 34. The splitting of the Moon was was one of the greatest miracle of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa sallam. When Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was 52 years old, the leaders of the disbelievers of the Quraish tribe came to him and said, If you are a Prophet, then split the moon into two parts. Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) dearly wanted the people to convert to Islam, especially his close friends and relatives. He prayed, raising up his hands, and the moon split into two equal halves. Each part of the moon was seen above different mountains. The disbelievers said, Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has performed magic. They did not accept Islam. 35. The Ummah of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), are more than that of all the Ummahs of all the other Ambiya put together. 36. It is obligatory on every Muslim to love Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi wasallam). The sign of love for him is to adapt his way of life and always remember him. 37. According to the Qur'an, the Kaaba was first built by the Ibrahim Alaihi Salaam and and his son Ismail Alaihi Salaam. 38. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba; the Kaaba is simply a focal point for prayer ordered by Allah Subhanaho Wa Taala.. 39. Prominent Kuffar like Abu Jahl would secretly listen to the verses of the Holy Quran because they were fascinated by it. 40.According to Islamic governments there are over 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. The Muslim population of Russia alone is over 50 million. In other words, at least one out of every six persons in the world is Muslim, which is one of the reasons why [1 Aktualisierung] ansaar international - Social Mention: TAIGA International® Traverse Travel & Hiking Back Pack Backpack, Olive, Medium [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: Ty DollaSigns of Tailor Gang ( Wiz Kalifa) on 97.9 THA Box. But we got the interview 1st. Thanks to goDjDamon. And HUSH RADIO. Dollar Signs.m4a [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: EM SBC TA ASSIM , O MLK USA UM VANS E JÁ SE ACHA O TONY HAWK , POE UMA MEIA NA CANELA E PENSA QUE É O ZÉ PEQUENO , FUMA NARGUILE E JA ACHA QUE É O WIZ KHALIFA , A MINA VESTE UMA MEIA CALÇA PRETA , UM ALL STAR E SAIA PRETA SE ACHA A ROCKEIRA , O MANO USA UM STRAP DA LK E SE ACHA O SWAG , QUER DIZER QUE SE EU VESTIR UM TERNO E UMA GRAVATA EU VOU SER O EIKE BATISTA ? [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Deen-e-Kafir fikr-o-Tadbeer-e-Jihad Deen-e-Mulla Fi Sabeelillah Fasaad -Allama Iqbal- [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Dear Joe, There's no better time to consider making the switch to CREDO Mobile -- the only mobile phone company that fights for the progressive issues you care about. Be sure to check out all the new phones CREDO has to offer. You might find a few surprises and I think you'll be glad you did. Best, Don Hazen Executive Editor, AlterNet Get a contract buyout credit up to $350 per line for up to five lines* Verizon Wireless and AT&T just reported their latest political contributions—and the numbers aren't pretty. Verizon has now given $241,600 and AT&T a whopping $1,111,000 to members of the House and Senate Tea Party Caucuses since 2009. Yep, that's a lot of tea. And looking at some of the beneficiaries of their political contributions just makes matters worse. Both telecom giants have given to some of the worst extremists in Congress—starting with the ringleader of the recent reckless government shutdown, Ted Cruz, who held millions of Americans hostage and cost our country an estimated $24 billion in a futile attempt to destroy the Affordable Care Act. Then there's Tea Party queen and conspiracy theorist Michele Bachmann, who dangerously claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the U.S. government—even accusing a close aide to Hillary Clinton of being connected to the Islamist organization. And let's not forget about Rand Paul, who proposed a draconian budget this past spring that would institute a flat tax and cuts to the social safety net that would be devastating to low-income Americans, while eliminating investment taxes—a move that would benefit the wealthiest among us. He also infamously said that businesses should have the right to discriminate against people based on their race. This is just the tip of the iceberg of their extremism—and yet AT&T and Verizon Wireless have contributed to all of them. Is that the kind of company you want to keep? At CREDO, we don't fund radical-right politicians like Cruz, Bachmann and Paul—we fight them. We fight through our powerhouse network of more than 3 million activists at CREDO Action. And we fight by donating millions of dollars to progressive nonprofits, like Planned Parenthood, Democracy Now! and In fact, since 1985, we've raised $75 million for such groups. The more members we have, the harder we can fight. Join the fight. 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Contract buyout credit: We will credit your CREDO Mobile account (up to $350 per line switched to CREDO, up to 5 lines) after you send us the contract buyout credit form, with proof of your prior carrier's service termination fee charges (offer excludes equipment charges). Offer available while supplies last. ** No early termination fee for the first 30 days; all service charges and late/damaged equipment-return fees apply. † Under CREDO's arrangement with Sprint, CREDO members have access to service anywhere on the Nationwide Sprint Network, reaching more than 280 million people. Although Sprint provides CREDO members access to its wireless network and to its wireless services, CREDO is responsible to CREDO members for the services. Please call CREDO with any questions or comments about services. Sprint is a trademark of Sprint. All representations regarding CREDO's issue advocacy, contributions, and donations to nonprofits apply to CREDO only. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Intellectual Property and is not associated with CREDO. Verizon Wireless is a trademark of Verizon Trademark Services, LLC and is not associated with CREDO. Questions? Send us an email or write us at: 101 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105 View our privacy policy. ©2013 CREDO This is an ad. SUPPORT ALTERNET CONTACT US PRIVACY POLICY UNSUBSCRIBE © 2013 Independent Media Institute All Rights Reserved 1888 Harmon St Berkeley, CA 94703 [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Pierre Vogel - Der arme Thilo Sarrazin [neu] [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: KISAH MENGHARUKAN, PENYESALAN TERDALAM SEORANG SUAMI Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Penyesalan memang selalu datang terlambat pada kehidupan kita, dan penyesalan terkadang hanya memberi duka yang mendalam pada kita, disaat mengenang kembali sejarah silam yang menjadi penyebab penyesalan itu muncul ..., demikan yang aku alami saat ini. Duka yang teramat mendalam itu kini masih mendera dalam lubuk hatiku yang paling dalam, saat menyadari bahwa saat ini aku tengah kembali menyendiri, setelah setahun silam orang yang sangat mengasihi aku, orang yang sangat peduli padaku telah dipanggil oleh Allah. Aku adalah seorang lelaki yang telah membina mahligai rumah tangga bersama seorang wanita sholehah sejak tahun 2004 silam, kuakui, memang pernikahan itu terjadi karena perjodohan yang diinginkan oleh Orang tua kami masing-masing, sebab orang tuaku dan orang tua maryam (Nama istriku,-samaran) adalah memiliki ikatan keluarga, .. .. meskipun ikatan itu tidak terlalu dekat, akan tetapi masa kecil mereka hingga dewasa dan menikahnya hampir selalu bersama (Ayahku dan ayahnya maryam berteman sejak kecil) sehingga kesepakatan untuk menjodohkan kami selaku anak-anaknya tak bisa dielakkan lagi. Jujur aku sendiri awalnya tidak begitu respek dengan perjodohan itu, dan ketidak respekan itu bukan tanpa alasan, betapa tidak, pertama usiaku dan maryam terpaut 4 tahun, saat menikah saat itu usia maryam memasuki 28 tahun sementara aku masih berusia 24 tahun. Yang kedua maryam memiliki latar belakang pemahaman agama yang sangat kuat, sementara aku mengenal islam hanya dari kulitnya saja (Islam KTP). Maka dari perbedaan itulah membuat aku jadi tidak respek dengan rencana perjodohan itu, sementara kudengar dari beberapa teman kampusku yang mengenal organisasi dimana maryam bernaung, katanya hampir semua bahkan mungkin semua wanita seperti maryam yang taat dalam memegang syariat islam serta menggunakan jilbab syar'i memiliki impian bisa menikah dengan lelaki yang memiliki ketaatan yang sama seperti mereka, lelaki sholeh, berjenggot dengan celana diatas mata kaki. Dan aku sendiri yakin saat perjodohan itu direncanakan, ada sejuta protes dihati maryam menyadari bahwa lelaki seperti akulah yang dijodohkan dengannya, tetapi kondisilah yang tidak membuatnya sanggup untuk melawan keinginan orang tuanya, apalagi aku juga sangat mengenal watak orang tua maryam yang keras. Begitulah.., tak pernah terlintas dalam benak kami berdua bahwa justru berbagai perbedaan itu menyatukan kami berdua dalam sebuah ikatan pernikahan yang suci, dan setuju atau tidak, ikhlas atau tidak akhirnya tahun 2004 itulah awal kebersamaan kami menjalani biduk rumah tangga. Usai pernikahan tersebut dilaksanakan, terasa ada banyak hal yang lain kurasakan, betapa tidak, aku lelaki yang tidak memiliki bekal pengetahuan agama lantas harus menikah dengan seorang gaids muslimah yang taat dan berjilbab lebar, banyak hal berkecamuk dalam benakku, haruskah aku hidup dalam bayang-bayang istriku dan turut ikut arus dengan kehidupannya yang kental dengan agama itu?, .. .. atau sebaliknya haruskah aku memaksanya untuk ikut arus dengan kehidupanku yang santai dan apa adanya?, fikiran2 itulah mulai muncul dalam benakku diawal pernikahan kami, dan aku sendiri bingung mau dibawa kemana biduk rumah tangga kami yang dibangun dengan banyak perbedaan ini. Jujur, sebenarnya aku melihat dan menyaksikan sendiri bahwa istriku adalah istri yang sangat baik, melayaniku sepenuh hati dalam segala hal, meskipun aku tahu mungkin tidak ada cinta dihatinya untukku, tetapi tak sedikitpun kata-kata protes keluar dari bibirnya. Setiap hari aktifitas ibadahnyapun masih terus berlangsung tanpa sedikitpun mengusik ketenanganku, maksudku, tak sedikitpun dia mengoceh memintaku untuk sholat bila tiba waktu sholat, semuanya berlalu begitu saja. Demikian pula aku sering mendapatinya selalu eksis mendirikan sholat malam dan akupun tak pernah memprotesnya. Waktu terus berlalu dan tanpa terasa pernikahan kami telah membuahkan hasil, dimana setahun setelahnya lahirlah bayi mungil hasil pernikahan kami, bayi laki-laki yang akhirnya kuberi nama frans meskipun ibunya cenderung memanggilnya ahmad, lucu memang, bila bayi itu berada ditanganku, maka aku memanggil dia dengan sebutan frans, biar keren dan ikut perkembangan zaman (Cara pandangku terhadap nama-nama anak dizaman modern ini), .. .. sementara bila sikecil mungil itu berada dalam buaian maryam, maka namanya berubah menjadi ahmad, pernah bebrapa kali aku menegurnya : 'Hei.., dizaman semodern ini koq masih pakai nama ahmad sih .. yang keren dikit dong, seperti nama yang sudah kukasi padanya "FRANS", supaya gak malu-maluin .., zaman modern koq masih pakai nama ahmad, apa kata dunia ...' itulah celotehku setiap kali mendengar istriku memanggil frans sikecil jagoanku dengan sebutan ahmad. Tetapi tak ada sedikitpun maryam menanggapi celotehku, dan semua berlalu begitu saja. Jujur ada satu hal yang paling membuat aku jengkel dari istriku, ditengah aktifitas kantorku yang padat, dari dulu sampai memasuki setahun pernikahan kami pasti setiap hari selasa dia selalu meminta diantarkan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:24PM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 22:43
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: abu adam - Social Mention: KON SE NABI KAHAN PAIDA HUI. PLEASE READ TOTALLY. se Nabi kahan pe dafan hain! 1: Adam(A.S) Sri Lanka 2: Nooh(A.S) Jordan 3: Hood(A.S) Yamen 4: Sauleh(A.S) Lebanon 5: Looth(A.S) Iraq 6: Ibrahim(A.S) Israel 7: Isaq(A.S) Palestin 8: Yaqub(A.S) Palestin 9: Yusuf(A.S) Palestin 10: Ayub(A.S) Amman 11: Shoaib(A.S) Syria 12: Ismail (A.S) Or 13: Nabi-e-PAK (S.A.W) "Saudi Arabia" mein_ aye Allah is sms ko aage bhejne wale ki hr mushkilat dur kr De, Ameen!! BEST SMS IN MY LIFE, Zaroor parhna, apni zindagi me koi 1,dua mang sakte hain,jo foran qabool ki jayegi, to AAP apne bete ki dobara zindagi ki dua q nahi mang lete, ALLAH Pak qabool karne wala hai, AAP S.A.W.W ne farmaya k woh dua maine aakhrat me apni "UMMAT" keliye sanbhal rakhi hai, "SUBHANALLAH" Muje nahi lagta k is se acha sms ap k mobile me hoga, is liye, Send to all Muslims.. Agr yeh dua agey fwd na kro to wapis mujhey send ker dena "Aey merey parwardigar" apney Mehboob Salallahoalaihe wasallam k sadqey main poori duniya main jitne musalman beemar hain ya preshan hain Tu unko apne karam se maaf farma or un ki beemari or preshaniyon ko door farma,, Ameen..... Aye"mere parwardigar"apne pyare Mehboob Salallahoalaihewasallam k sadqe main jsne mujhe ye dua bheji hai us k tamam gunahon ko maaf farma or hr kaam mai kamiyabi ata farma or us k naseeb khol de.."Ameen" apne liye zaroor dua krwaye najane ks ki zuban se apki taqdeer sanwar jaye. Puri kainat me nahi koi aisa: Na koi Nabi Mohammed Jaisa, Na koi Kalam Quran Jaisa, Na koi Mazhab Islam Jaisa, Na koi tohfa Namaz jaisa, Na koi Saccha Abu Bakar Jaisa, Na koi Aadil Umer Jaisa, Na koi Sakhi Usman Gani Jaisa, Na koi Bahadur Ali Jaisa, Na koi shahid Imam Hussain Jaisa, Na koi Imam Abu Hanifa Jaisa, Na koi kalimmulla Musa jaisa, Na koi sabrwala Ayyub jaisa, Na koi khubsurat Yusuf jaisa, Na koi aabid Yunus jaisa, Na koi awaz Daud jaisa, Na koi Wali Gouse-e-Azam Jaisa, Na koi Jagha Madina Jaisa, Na koi mahina ramzan jaisa, Na koi din juma jaisa Na koi sms is sms jaisa, [1 Aktualisierung] dawa-news - Social Mention: Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company 📵 APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish (Appeal) Hai Ki WHATSAPP Ke Jariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH) Ye msg jaldi jaldi send karna hai. ye msg wo send karega jo NABI PAK S.A.W.W se pyar karta hoga agar ye sms wapis aap tak ajae to samjho k pori Qoum ek hogae Why r U waitng send n0w. [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: ~ Surga yang diinginkan sama~ Namun mujahid palestina meraihnya dengan jihad, sementara sebagian kita sholat saja ditunda2, sebagian muslimah kenakan hijab saja berat. ~ Surga yang diinginkan persis~ Namun militan siria meraihnya dengan syahid, sementara kita sedekah saja pelit. ~ Surga yang dimaksud serupa~ Namun anak-anak gaza membelinya dengan hafalan, sementara anak-anak kita diajarkan nyanyian. ~ Surga yang diharap itu-itu saja~ Bunda di iraq dapatkan dengan mendidik anaknya angkat senjata, sedang kita didik anak kita tutup mata. ~ Surga dipinta dalam doa tak berbeda~ Muslim rohingya menukarnya dengan tangisan, sementara kita menangis karena putus pacaran. ~ Bila satu saat ALLAH menanyakan "apa alasan-Ku agar memasukkanmu dalam surga-Ku?" tentu mujahid palestina, iraq, siria punya jawabnya. ~ Mari bertanya, "apa alasan yg akan kita kemukakan pada ALLAH hingga layak surga-Nya bagi kita?" bandingkan dengan pengorbanan mereka. -ustadz felix siauw- [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: الا بدو أضيفه للقائمة يجي خاص بس اعملو متابعة للقائمة [1 Aktualisierung] Ich Liebe Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Elhamdulillah <3 Allah hat uns wieder aufgeweckt und wir sind gesund Bedanken wi... [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: Rejoice wit me buddies! I've finally found my SOUL MATE! The hair cream was found under my bed dis afternoon.... thank God ooh... [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: #amigos #compartilhem ● ● ● NESTA QUARTA ● 20/11 ● A PARTIR DAS 19H00 ● ● ● ✻✻✻ PAGONEJO DE PRIMEIRA NO EL CUERVO BAR ✻✻✻ ➜ PAGODE COM GRUPO SKEMA BOM ➜ SERTANEJO COM GABRIEL E GIULIANO ➜ DJ FABIO MARKS NOS INTERVALOS ➜ NOS TELÕES AO VIVO: SÃO PAULO X PONTE PRETA ➜ SEMI FINAL DA COPA SUL-AMERICANA ● EVENTO TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES , ENTRE ● [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: ALLAH YAKARA LAFIA DA WADATA SHEHU DAHIRU BAUCHI DA WANI KIRISTA:- *. KIRISTA:- Tambayata a Gareka SHEIKH Ya Akayi Kuna Aure Only Four Wives While MANZONKU Da Kuna Bi Prophet MUHAMMAD Yayi Aure Da Sun Wuce Four??? *. SHEHU 'DAHIRU:- *Murmushi!* To Ai Kaga Mu Musulmi Muna Da Biyayya Ne, Shine ANNABIN Da Ya Zo Mana Da Addini Muna Biyayya Ne Gare Shi, Shi Yasa Baza Muyi Sukai Nasa Ba. Amma Ku Kuma Dakuke Bin Wanin ALLAH Ya Kuke Aure Shi Kuma Sayyidina ISAH(A.S) Wanda Kuke Kira JESUS Bai Yi Ba??? KIRISTA:- Uhmm! I No Feel This Argument I Surrendered. *. JAMA'A:- ALLAHU AKBAR!!! *. SHEHU DAHIRU:- Imani Da ALLAH Da MANZONSA(S.A.W) ...Babu Abin Bautawa Da Gaskiya Sai SHI, Sannan Bashida Abokin Tarayya Cikin Mulkinsa Bashida Kani, 'Da, 'Diya, 'Yaya, Aboki, Balle Mata. Sai Kuma Wasu Dokoki....... Ashe Kuwa Shehun Da Wasunmu Ke Aibantawa Nawa Addini Hidima. ALLAH KA QARA SHIRYAR DAMU HANYA MADAIDAICIYA, ALLAH YA QARAWA SHEHI LAFIYA DA JURIYA AMEEEN. [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: Ode to the city of Arnhem [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Dear Lesbians, You're stingy. Sincerly, Ashe Beetso [1 Aktualisierung] islam fatwa - Social Mention: Fatwa Ulama: Penyebutan Ali Karramallahu Wajhah Adalah Kebiasaan Syi'ah Fatwa Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz Ar Rajihi Soal: Apakah dibenar mengkhususkan sebutan karramallahu wajhah kepada Ali bin Abi Thalib Radhiallahu'anhu? Apakah pengkhususan ini sama seperti sebutan Ash Shiddiq untuk Abu Bakar Radhiallahu'anhu dan Al Faruq untuk Umar Radhiallahu'anhu, juga sebutan 'Al Imam' untuk Imam Ahmad, juga sebutan 'Syaikhul Islam' untuk Ibnu Taimiyah? Jawab: Para sahabat, seorang pun dari mereka tidak dikhususkan dengan sebutan tertentu. Para sahabat itu semuanya karramallahu wajhah (semoga Allah memuliakan wajahnya) dan semuanya radhiallahu'anhu (semoga Allah meridhainya). Pengkhususan yang demikian adalah kebiasaan orang Syi'ah. Mereka mengatakan: "Ali karramallahu wajhah" atau "Ali 'alaihis salam". Adapun sebutan Al Faruq bagi Umar bin Khathab adalah laqb (julukan) dan kun-yah beliau adalah Abu Hafsh. Adpun Ali bin Abi Thalib laqb-nya adalah Abu Turab dan kun-yah beliau adalah Abul Hasan. Sebutan Syaikhul Islam bagi Ibnu Taimiyah merupakan sifat bagi beliau, dan ini tidak bertentangan dengan keadaan beliau dan tidak masalah. Adapun pengkhususan yang dilakukan orang Syi'ah dengan menyebut Ali karramallahu wajhah atau Ali 'alaihis salam ini semua tidak ada asalnya. Sumber: — Penerjemah: Yulian Purnama Artikel Muslim.Or.Id Sumber : [1 Aktualisierung] tauhid - Social Mention: Bismillah....sahabat,kaitkan segala keinginan,harapan,ketakutan/apapun kepada ALLOH pemilik segala-galanya,niscaya akan tenang dan ditolong #aagym (sms tauhid) selamat mengawali hari dengan penuh keistiqomahan [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Amantu an al-Akhira [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Bilal - Social Mention: :::::::Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) and his Sufferings::::::: Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) is one of the best known of the galaxy of Sahabah as moazzin of the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) masjid. He was an Abyssinian slave of a disbeliever in Mecca. His conversion to Islam was, naturally, not liked by his master and he was, therefore, persecuted mercilessly. Ummay ah bin Khalaf , who was the worst enemy of Islam, would make him lie down on the burning sand at midday and would place a heavy stone on his breast, so that he could not even move a limb. He would then say to him: "Renounce Islam or swelter and die." Even under these afflictions, Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) would exclaim:- "Ahad"-The One (Allah). "Ahad"-The One (Allah). He was whipped at night and with the cuts thus received, made to lie on the burning ground during the day to make him either forsake Islam or to die a lingering death from wounds. The torturers would get tired and take turns (Abu Jahl, Umayyah and others) and vie with one another in afflicting more and more painful punishment, but Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) would not yield. At last Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) bought his freedom, and he became a free Muslim. As Islam taught implicitly the oneness of the Almighty Creator, ,while the idolaters of Mecca believed in many gods and goddesses with minor god lings, therefore Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) repeated: "Ahad (The One), Ahad (The One)." This shows his love and devotion to Allah. Allah was so dear to him that no amount of persecution could distract him from reciting His Holy name. It is said that the urchins of Mecca would drag him in the streets, with his words "Ahad!, Ahad!" ringing in their wake. Look how Allah rewarded his steadfastness! He was to have the honour of becoming the Prophet's moazzin. He was always to remain with him at home and abroad to call out the Azabn for his Salaat. After the Prophet's death it became very1 hard for him to continue his stay in Madinah where he would miss him at every step and in every corner. He therefore left Madinah, and decided to pass the rest of his life striving in the path of Allah. Once he beheld the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in his dream saying to him: "0B,i lal! How irs it that you never visit me." No sooner did he get up than he set out for Madinah. On reaching there, Hadhrat Hasan and Hadhrat Husain (Radhiyallaho anhuma) (The Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) grandsons) requested him to call out the Azaan. He could not refuse them, for they were very dear to him. But as soon as the Azaan was called, the people of Madinah cried openly out of their anguish at the memory of the happy old days of the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) time. Even the women came out of their houses weeping. Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) Ieft Madinah again after a few days and died in Damascus in 20 A.H. Stories of Sahaba R.A by Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: Diezani Prepared To Sell Nigeria's Refineries, Again By Dr. Peregrino Brimah Again, because Obasanjo sold them before, but Yar'Adua of blessed memory—for his absolute contempt for terror, be it economic terrorism or radical Islamist— reversed the sale in protection of the nation. For those of us who are not too familiar with this event, the usual culprits, Otedola and Dangote actually bought our refineries at the end of Obasanjo's tenure, in what was recognized as a quick ditching of Nigeria's assets to "self," via cronies. Reuters put it candidly for us then: "Obasanjo ally buys second Nigerian oil refinery" (Reuters) – "Nigerian tycoon Aliko Dangote has acquired a controlling stake in Nigeria's third- largest refinery in Kaduna for an undisclosed sum, consolidating his grip on the OPEC member nation's refining sector. It was the second major refinery purchase in a week by Dangote, who is a major financier of the ruling party and ally of outgoing President Olusegun Obasanjo, after he bought the largest refinery in Port Harcourt on May 17." The global news agency was obviously passing a message to Nigerians, but as we are now, so we were then, too obstinate to notice and too meek to react. Reuters further precipitated: "In the weeks leading up to Obasanjo's departure, Dangote's privately held company has also scooped up a cement plant, a telecoms licence and mining concessions in a rush of privatisations that has triggered accusations of cronyism by opposition parties." We remember that at the time, it was reported that Dangote gave Obasanjo a $35 million thank you convenience Jet for the many pieces of Nigeria the fresh-made trillionaire, Obasanjo put in his ward. Perhaps we should not even refer to them as "Nigeria's" refineries. The way this democratic government sits on and steals the money and sells everything at will, without regard for the people of Nigeria, one thinks, perhaps it is actually theirs; her refinery. Diezani is set to sell her refinery next four months, after she refurbishes her thing. Now, here is the second most fascinating aspect of this news. She is spending trillions of Nigeria's, or rather, "her" money to refurbish it first, before selling, as she announced Yesterday. Why refurbish before selling? Why not sell to them as is for them to fix it? Well, how about we refresh our memory on how these things work. Backtrack to the sale of the PHCN to the Transcorp boys, this September. DailyTrust headlined it: "Power firms sold for N404bn after gulping N3.2tr." So they refurbish "their" thing, with trillions of "their" money, and then sell them to themselves, via their coterie of friends on the outside for one-tenth of the worth, and then they will provide us the mekunu's (paupers) the service for triple the global rates. This is not advanced fraud, no. This is simple everyday governance in the world's most powerful Kleptocratic republic; in history. There is not much to say about this news. Nigerian masses are sheep, and our military are mice. Of blessed memory are the Ojukwu's, the Murtala's, the Fela's, and the Nzeogwu's. Regard them or dispute their causes, these men stood up for what they believed, suffered for their beliefs and some were killed for their causes. Some, when they realized the rest of the nation would not follow them, carved their republics within the republic, of the vista that if the rest of the nation choose to be treated as monkeys, we SHALL NOT! Where are such men of our times? Finally, at a harrowing time like this, permit me to quote from the Bible, from Mahatma Gandhi and the Quran, on the happenings of this time. There is comfort and solace in these words. Please read each through. 2 Timothy (KJV) 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 00:29
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: dawah - Social Mention: Give dawah get prophets reward [1 Aktualisierung] sharia - Social Mention: This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the t [1 Aktualisierung] islamist - Social Mention: News Briefing Regarding Events in West Kurdistan (Northern Syria) Head Lines • YPG CAMPAGIN • Another chapter of the international conspiracy • The day of Anti-violence against the woman • Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality • The Kurdish supreme council • Cultural & educational activities Details: YPG CAMPAGIN Efrin- the armed groups affiliated with ISIL attacked YPG check points around Qastal Gendo village .Due to the heavy clashes, which lasted for hours, three members of the Islamist were killed and four wounded. The Islamist groups withdrew their forces. Tirbespiye- YPG fighters have liberated a hostage from Harka village near Tirbespiye after he was kidnaped by mercenary groups. YPG have started a campaign to clean the area from these radical groups. The Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs are living together in Harka village, which is currently protected by YPG fighters. Another chapter of the international conspiracy ERBIL, Kurdistan Region –Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed that Turkey was behind Syria's 1998 expulsion of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan. The information came to light in Zebari's interview with the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper last week, in which he shared new details of the tensions between Turkey and then Syrian President Hafez Assad over Ocalan. Zebari recalled a conversation with former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak about the events of 1998, saying, "Mubarak told me that in 1998 he had delivered a letter about Turkey's threats to Hafez Assad about sheltering PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan and Assad agreed to expel Ocalan and not risk military confrontation with Turkey." This declaration is another proof about the international conspiracy against Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan. Worthwhile we want to remember Ocalan first states in the Turkish state when he mentioned that the conspiracy was participated by several western and Arabic countries. The day of Anti-violence against the woman Qamishlo, under the slogan ''Let us work together to end the male obsession'', Star union for woman called for everyone who ask for freedom to go to the main squares and oppose the violence in Syria and to stop the current war and to organize demonstration and seminars in the Anti-violence campaign against the woman day, which is in twenty fifth of November. Star union has issued a statement, which they condemn, all regimes and their mentalities that use violence as a main device to govern and show up their power. The statement also mentioned that both kind of men, power man and house man are assuming that the violence against the woman is legitimate. The statement also added: the most dangerous type of violence is the ideological violence which is exploited under the name of revolution and Jihad. For example young woman travels to Syria for " sexual jihad" in conviction that they will go to paradise. Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality The leader of Kurdistan Iraq territory has visited Amed city by invitation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan after he met up with him, he has visited the municipality as well, and he met up with Osman Baydemir, the mayor of the city. Osman Baydemir, Ahmad Turk (the co-chair president of Democratic Society Conference) and some parliaments of PDB party have welcomed him there. The role of the Kurdish leader Abdulla Ocalan, Rojava revolution and the Kurdish unity necessity were discussed during the meeting. The Kurdish supreme council Qamishlo, the supreme Kurdish council held its regular meeting in Qamishlo city with the presence of almost all members except Sinam Mohamad and Salih Muslim due to their activities abroad. The closed meeting lasted two hours, the latest developments in Syria and Rojava were discussed. Spokesman of the supreme Kurdish council declared a statement for the media assuring that the meeting dealt with important issues such as the Kurds role in Geneva II and the interim joint administration project. Mr. Suliman has indicated that all discussed subject will have relevant decisions on 14the of current month. Cultural & educational activities Alhasaka- Roslin band has presented a show named '' STOP, YOU ARE NAKED'' in the art center in Al-hassaka city for the Italian writer Dario Fyom. Dozens of people have attended the show, the event will be re-presented for three days. Contact Us: Facebook: PydInfo Twitter: PYD @pydinfo [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: mga bro i Really needed likes on this one Please click 1st the Photo before LIKE and share it to your friends , This Tribal attire is Brazilian it is the MAN with no Gender thats why i act like that Don't be shocked its a personality of A TRIBE THAT I REPRESENT (Y) LALAKI ako 1st posing ko to ng ganito but okay lang just for the sake of people who have been suffered calamities By: Rayan Laguindab [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Adam - Social Mention: 133. Abu Sa'id Al Khudriy r.a. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda: "Allah Ta'ala berfirman: "Wahai Adam, ". Nabi Adam 'Alaihissalam menjawab: "Labbaika, kemuliaan milik-Mu dan segala kebaikan berada di tangan-Mu". Kemudian Allah berfirman: "Keluarkanlah utusan neraka". Adam bertanya; "Apa yang dimaksud dengan utusan neraka? (berapa jumlahnya?) ". Allah berfirman: "Dari setiap seribu, sembilan ratus sembilan puluh Sembilan dijebloskan neraka!, Ketika perintah ini diputuskan, maka anak-anak belia menjadi beruban, dan setiap wanita hamil kandungannya berguguran dan kamu lihat manusia mabuk padahal mereka tidaklah mabuk akan tetapi (mereka melihat) siksa Allah yang sangat keras". (QS. Alhajj 2), Para shahabat bertanya; "Wahai Rasulullah, adakah diantara kami seseorang yang selamat?". Beliau bersabda: "Bergembiralah, karena setiap seribu yang dimasukkan neraka, dari kalian cuma satu, sedang Sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilannya dari Ya'juj dan ma'juj". Kemudian Beliau bersabda: "Dan demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara seperempat ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara sepertiga ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir lagi. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara setengah ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir sekali lagi. Lalu Beliau bersabda: "Tidaklah keberadan kalian di hadapan manusia melainkan bagaikan bulu hitam pada kulit sapi jantan putih atau bagaikan bulu putih yang ada pada kulit sapi jantan hitam". (Bukhari, Muslim). [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: *•.✿.。. Assalam-o-Alaikum..... GoOd MoRoNiNg FriEnds *•.✿.。. ▄▀▄▀▄▀☆♥ Mujahid Chaudhary ☆ ▄▀▄▀▄ [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Tahukah anda 10 para sahabat yang di janjikan syurga oleh Allah S.W.T 1. Abu Bakar Siddiq R.A 2. Umar bin Al Khattab R.A 3. Usman bin Affan R.A 4. Ali bin Abi Thalin R.A 5. Talhah bin Abdullah R.A 6. Zubair bin Awaam 7. Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas 8. Sa'id bin Zaid 9. Abdurrahman bin Auf 10. Abu Ubaidillah bin Jarrah Dibawakan khas oleh Bicara Muslimah Solehah [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Refreshed 2014 Elantra Arrives At Los Angeles Auto [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: ich liebe das Lied *-* King Bushido Und Shindy *-* [1 Aktualisierung] Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: [2 Aktualisierungen] Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhan allah a1 [1 Aktualisierung] Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: A1 [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Call to Islam Free Dawah Leaflets [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Gundam Build Fighter Eps.07 I..I..Itu.. Itu.. KAM..KAM.. KAMPFER?? AMAZING!! [1 Aktualisierung] We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: #Tanzania: The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth News: The... [1 Aktualisierung] salafisten - Social Mention: Ob Sunniten oder Schiiten Hamdullah wir sind alle Moslems also bitte ich euch solche Diskussionen nicht auf diese Art hier zu führen diese Respektlosigkeit in eurer Wortwahl was das Thema betrifft ist nicht angebracht und ich glaube in einer Sache sind wir uns alle einig Religion und Facebook ist nicht miteinander vereinbar und es ist absolut die falsche Plattform für solche Diskussionen und ein Tipp man kann eine Mannschaft mögen oder leidenschaftlich die spiele verfolgen aber wenn man anfängt einzelne Personen ANZUGÖTZEN dann ist alles zu spät Good Night !!! Danke [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: Onze soldats tués dans un attentat à la voiture piégée Onze soldats ont été tués et 34 blessés mercredi dans un attentat à la voiture piégée visant un convoi militaire dans le Sinaï égyptien. Les attaques contre les forces de l'ordre se sont multipliées depuis que l'armée a destitué en juillet le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi. L'explosion s'est produite sur une route près de la ville côtière d'El Arich au passage d'un convoi militaire qui se rendait au poste de Rafah, frontalier de la bande de Gaza, selon des responsables des services de sécurité. Certains des blessés sont grièvement atteints. Un peu plus tôt au Caire, quatre policiers ont été blessés quand des inconnus ont jeté une bombe sur un des innombrables postes de contrôle routier dans la capitale égyptienne. Les check-points ont été renforcés depuis mi-août, après que l'armée et la police y ont tué des centaines de manifestants pro-Morsi, début d'une implacable répression. Depuis, des dizaines de policiers et militaires ont été tués dans des attentats dans le Sinaï, en proie depuis longtemps à des insurrections de groupes armés jihadistes et de tribus de bédouins hostiles au pouvoir central. Liés à Al-Qaïda Le 19 août, une embuscade contre un convoi de policiers près de Rafah, le point de passage vers la bande de Gaza, avait fait 25 morts dans les rangs des policiers dans l'attaque la plus meurtrière depuis des années dans le Sinaï. Le 5 septembre au Caire, un kamikaze avait fait exploser prématurément sa voiture piégée au passage du convoi du ministre de l'Intérieur, accusé par les islamistes d'avoir orchestré le massacre du 14 août. Le ministre Mohamed Ibrahim est sorti indemne de cet attentat. La plupart des attaques récentes dans le Sinaï et au Caire ont été revendiquées par des groupes liés à Al-Qaïda, en représailles selon eux au "coup d'Etat" de l'armée et la répression sanglante qui s'est abattue sur les partisans de M. Morsi. Même si les attentats sont généralement revendiqués par des groupes jihadistes, le principal étant Ansar Beit al-Maqdess, qui a fait allégeance à Al-Qaïda, le gouvernement les attribue volontiers aux "terroristes" Frères musulmans. (ats / 20.11.2013 20h44) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Touchdown Bahrain. Awesome weather. Great people. Playing tonight at mai tai and tomorrow at Bushido. Peace [1 Aktualisierung] khilafah - Social Mention: Sebuah fakta sejarah yang sengaja disembunyikan... Agar generasi yang duduk di bangku sekolah tidak mengetahui bahwa leluhurnya adalah bagian dari penduduk Khilafah.. Agar generasi ini mudah disesatkan opininya dengan slogan "khilafah" hanya budaya bangsa Arab, bukan budaya jawa.. [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Bangkit dr kterpurukan&duka, tdklah mudah........! Tp mnyesali&meratapi trs apa yg tlah trjadi, bukalah solusi...........!!!! Met pgi sobat,mg kalian sht sll....! [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: badal ne jab jab badle he tebar ay he tab tab meri juba par narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allahu akbar. [1 Aktualisierung] New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand: :) Das bekannteste Märchen über Syrien wäre wohl, dass Syrien eine Revolution er... [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Give dawah get prophets reward Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:41PM

    dawah - Social Mention

    Give dawah get prophets reward
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:03

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    sharia - Social Mention: This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the t Blogtrottr


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 01:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
    Nov 23rd 2013, 23:27
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial. [2 Aktualisierungen] islam fatwa - Social Mention: kenapa Harus berMadzhab? bukankah dizaman Rosululloh tidak ada Hal semacam itu? jawabannya : " Supaya Disiplin Ilmu dan supaya Umat Islam tidak pusing dengan Fatwa ",,, bukan Bid'ah.. tapi Mempermudah... Ok [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: kon kn pehega [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: . Bismi ALLAH AL RAHMAN AL RAHEEM La il la ha il la Allah Subhana Allah Al Malik Al Qadir. Salaam Al HumduliAllah Share this with as many people you can for (sadaqah jariah) the deed that continues in reward even after you pass on if you truly believe in ALLAH (LORD) The Creator La il la ha il la ALLAH wa (Subhana Allah) theres none worthy of worship except ALLAH (LORD) You may learn how to pray and worship Allah the Lord and creator Prayer being one of the most important aspects of life. Im just here to spread the meassage and introduce ya'll to the Absolute Truth Allah and his Glorious Quran (THE WORD OF ALLAH LORD) ALLAH in Arabic Means (THE GOD) in English. You can read it at you can also listen to the beautiful recitals of it there and learn on how to please the Creator ALLAH (LORD) even more through the teachings of The Prophet Muhammed (Hadith Explorer) also. And if your interested in getting back in touch with Allah(LORD) you can reach him through prayer and if you want to learn how to pray correctly check out prayer being one of the most important aspects of life.You can also learn reciting the Quran for more rewards from Allah at and Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Quran that you can recite for protection By Allah Also you get rewards for reciting the Quran and each letter you recite comes with a Blessing. If you take this route in life when you pass on you get to meet ALLAH (LORD) and then he gives you paradise and everything your heart desires you now isnt that something to think about SUBHANA ALLAH Salaam Alaikum peace be upon you all and may yall strive for ALLAH (LORD) and his paradise through prayer His Glorious Quran and the hadiths of His Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) AllahuAkbar Al Qadir Subhana Allah Al Azeem. (note: All of the Arabic terms you see are just glorification of ALLAH(LORD) or some of his beautiful names. ALLAH is THE LORD true and unique name in Arabic.) AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar Subhana Allah Al Azeem Al Qadir AL Salaam THIS is the path to Jennah Paradise Salaam. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: If you're interested in Kali, check out Kali Majapahit U.S. - Fort Wayne, Indiana at Bushido Sports Center. [1 Aktualisierung] allahu akbar - Social Mention: ALLAHU AKBAR KABIRAM ! Allah ka karemu daga cututtukan da suke addabar zukata kamar su: Hassada, kyashi,bakin ciki,mugunta,rowa,son kai da sauran makamantan su. [1 Aktualisierung] dawah - Social Mention: Good women are for good men [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Walaa - Social Mention: بعمري طلبت منكن طلب :( ؟ اكيد لا واسفي على التاغات ^_^ . دعمولي هالبني أدم [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: ESTE VIERNES COMIENZA EL "CURSO AUDIOVISUAL CULTURA JAPONESA" El cual se realizará en 3 sesiones en Noviembre, adjuntamos el programa y esperamos puedan participar! VIERNES 22/ JAPÓN, ORIGEN DE UNA MENTALIDAD ÚNICA Primera parte del ciclo donde conoceremos el misterioso origen de Japón y su particular forma de afrontar el mundo, su historia y entorno que forjo una de las civilizaciones mas fascinantes de la humanidad. MARTES 26 / LA ESPADA Y EL CRISANTEMO / BUSHIDO Y ZEN La segunda etapa del ciclo intentar exponer los valores japoneses de la polaridad y el equilibrio, radicados en dos conceptos contrastantes, que originan de alguna forma todo el quehacer Japonés. JUEVES 28 / ARTE, RITOS Y CREENCIAS / VISIÓN DEL PASADO Y FUTURO La sacralización de los actos a llevado al pueblo Japonés ser un máximo exponente en las artes y oficios por el valor ceremonial y solemne que incluyen en todos sus actos, elementos vigentes en la potencia tecnológica de hoy. Todos los contenidos de las sesiones incluyen imágenes que transcurren por la historia, filosofía, aspectos antropológicos, sociales, económicos, oficios de antaño y actuales, geografía y entorno, Artes, ritos y creencias, actualidad y visión de futuro. [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: (CRÓNICA) #EGIPTO- El #terrorismo golpea al Ejército egipcio con la muerte de once soldados (FUENTE: Marina Villén / Agencia EFE) 20.11.2013. Las Fuerzas Armadas egipcias fueron hoy blanco de uno de los atentados terroristas más graves de los últimos meses en la península del Sinaí, que causó la muerte de al menos once soldados y heridas a 37. Pese a las constantes campañas de seguridad, los grupos extremistas mantienen su fuerza en el norte de la península y perpetran cada vez ataques más sofisticados y en los que hay involucrados suicidas. El objetivo de esta operación, lanzada cerca de la zona de Sheij Zaued, uno de los feudos de los grupos yihadistas, fueron cuatro autobuses con reclutas del Ejército que se iban de vacaciones. Dos suicidas detonaron un vehículo al paso del convoy castrense, mientras que otros terroristas dispararon contra los autobuses desde otro coche, según explicaron a Efe fuentes de seguridad. Este atentado con coche bomba se registró en la carretera que comunica la localidad de Rafah, en la frontera con la franja palestina de Gaza, y la ciudad de Al Arish, capital de la provincia del Norte del Sinaí. El Ejército se encuentra en estado de alerta y las comunicaciones, telefónicas y por internet, han sido cortadas en la zona para controlar la situación. La cifra de víctimas mortales podría aumentar debido a la gravedad de al menos siete de los heridos, que han sido trasladados en helicópteros a hospitales militares. El ataque más sangriento de los últimos años ocurrió el pasado 19 de agosto, poco después de que las autoridades desalojaran por la fuerza las acampadas de los islamistas en El Cairo, cuando fueron ejecutados 24 policías en el Sinaí. Tras el atentado de hoy, por el que las autoridades han decretado tres días de luto, el portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Ahmed Ali advirtió de que reforzarán sus operaciones hasta acabar con el terrorismo y con aquellos que promueven "la discordia sectaria y el extremismo". "La valiosa sangre de nuestros hombres solo aumentará nuestra perseverancia para limpiar Egipto y proteger a su pueblo de la violencia y el terrorismo traicionero", aseguró en un comunicado Ali. Las fuerzas de seguridad han perpetrado numerosas operaciones militares contra los grupos extremistas en el Sinaí, que han recrudecido sus ataques especialmente desde julio pasado, tras la destitución del presidente islamista Mohamed Mursi. Para el analista egipcio Mohamed Gomaa, experto en terrorismo, este último atentado es una muestra de la fuerza de los extremistas, pero no significa que los militares no hayan logrado avances sobre el terreno. Gomaa, del Centro Al Ahram de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos, dijo a Efe que la campaña militar dará sus frutos en "los próximos meses", si bien debe ir acompañada de otras medidas económicas, políticas y educativas. El experto calculó que en el Sinaí operan entre 4.000 y 8.000 terroristas, aunque no hay cifras oficiales, y vaticinó que continuarán con sus ataques de forma esporádica aunque la orografía no les beneficia. En su opinión, estos grupos se han visto favorecidos por la colaboración de algunos habitantes de la zona y por su "alianza entre bambalinas" con los Hermanos Musulmanes y otros movimientos islamistas. Al respecto, Gomaa subrayó que a la cofradía le interesa "una atmósfera inestable y desgastar a las Fuerzas Armadas", mientras que el palestino Hamás está molesto con el Ejército egipcio por la destrucción de los túneles ilegales entre el Sinaí y Gaza. Por el momento ningún grupo ha asumido la autoría del atentado de hoy, aunque ataques similares del pasado han sido reivindicados por "Ansar Beit al Maqdis" (Seguidores de la Casa de Jerusalén). Este grupo yihadista sí se adjudicó en las últimas horas el asesinato hace tres días en El Cairo de un teniente coronel de la Seguridad Nacional, Mohamed Mabruk, responsable del seguimiento de los "grupos extremistas" y de los Hermanos Musulmanes. La nota de "Ansar Beit al Maqdis" advirtió de que han comenzado a asesinar a los "más peligrosos criminales y enemigos de los musulmanes", como castigo por el arresto de mujeres en recientes protestas de los islamistas. [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Bagaimana Para Ulama Menjaga Hadits Allah telah berjanji untuk menjaga Adz Dzikra dalam firman-Nya : إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون "Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Adz Dzikra dan kamilah yang akan menjaganya". (QS Al Hijir : 9). Dan masuk ke dalam makna Adz Dzikra adalah hadits Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam karena Allah Ta'ala berfirman dalam ayat lain : وأنزلنا إليك الذكر لتبين للناس ما نزل إليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون "Dan Kami telah menurunkan Adz Dzikra agar engkau menjelaskan kepada mereka apa yang diturunkan kepada mereka dan agar mereka berfikir". (QS An Nahl : 44). Ayat ini menunjukkan bahwa Adz Dzikra yang dimaksud adalah hadits Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam karena ia berfungsi menjelaskan Al Qur'an yang diturunkan kepada mereka. Di antara cara Allah menjaga hadits Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam adalah dengan adanya sanad yaitu rantai perawi yang menyampaikan kepada matan hadits, oleh karena itu perhatian para ulama terhadap sanad hadits sangat besar. Abdullah bin Mubarak rahimahullah berkata: الْإِسْنَادُ مِنْ الدِّينِ وَلَوْلَا الْإِسْنَادُ لَقَالَ مَنْ شَاءَ مَا شَاءَ "Sanad itu termasuk agama, kalau bukan karena sanad orang akan seenaknya menisbatkan (kepada Nabi) apa yang ia mau".[1] Para ulama telah menyingsingkan lengan mereka bersungguh-sungguh membela hadits Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, mereka memeriksa sanad-sanad hadits dengan cara yaitu : Pertama : Mengenal sejarah perawi hadits. Maksudnya adalah nama, kunyah, gelar, nisbat, tahun kelahiran dan kematian, guru-guru dan muridnya, tempat-tempat yang dikunjunginya, dan lain sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan sejarah perawi tersebut, sehingga dari sini dapat diketahui sanad yang bersambung dengan sanad yang tidak bersambung seperti mursal[2], mu'dlal[3], mu'allaq[4], munqathi'[5] dan diketahui pula perawi yang majhul 'ain[6] atau hal[7] juga kedustaan seorang perawi. Sufyan Ats Tsauri rahimahullah berkata: "Ketika para perawi menggunakan dusta, maka kami gunakan sejarah untuk (menyingkap kedustaan) mereka".[8] 'Ufair bin Ma'dan Al kila'I berkata: "Datang kepada kami Umar bin Musa di kota Himish, lalu kami berkumpul kepadanya di masjid, maka ia berkata: "Haddatsana (telah bercerita kepada kami) syaikh kalian yang shalih, ketika ia telah banyak berkata demikian, aku berkata kepadanya: "Siapakah syaikh kami yang shalih itu, sebutkanlah namanya agar kami dapat mengenalinya". Ia berkata: "Khalid bin Ma'dan". Aku berkata: "Tahun berapa engkau bertemu dengannya ?" Ia menjawab: "Tahun 108H". Aku berkata: "Di mana engkau bertemu dengannya ?" Ia menjawab: "Di perang Armenia". Aku berkata kepadanya: "Bertaqwalah engkau kepada Allah dan jangan berdusta!! Khalid bin Ma'dan wafat pada tahun 104H dan tadi engkau mengklaim bertemu dengannya pada tahun 108H, dan aku tambahkan lagi untukmu bahwa ia tidak pernah mengikuti perang Armenia, namun ia ikut perang melawan Romawi".[9] Abul Walid Ath Thayalisi berkata: "Aku menulis dari Amir bin Abi Amir Al Khozzaz, suatu hari ia berkata: "Haddatasana 'Atha bin Abi Rabah". Aku berkata kepadanya: "Tahun berapa engkau mendengar dari 'Atha ?" Ia menjawab: "Pada tahun 124H". Aku berkata: "'Atha meninggal antara tahun 110-119H".[10] Kedua : Memeriksa riwayat-riwayat yang dibawa oleh perawi dan membandingkannya dengan perawi lain yang tsiqah (terpercaya) baik dari sisi sanad maupun matan. Dengan cara ini dapat diketahui kedlabitan (penguasaan) seorang perawi sehingga dapat divonis sebagai perawi yang tsiqah atau bukan, dengan cara ini pula dapat diketahui jalan-jalan sebuah periwayatan dan matan-matannya sehingga dapat dibedakan antara riwayat yang shahih, hasan, dla'if, syadz[11], munkar[12], mudraj[13], juga dapat mengetahui illat (penyakit) yang dapat mempengaruhi keabsahan riwayatnya dan lain sebagainya. Diantara contohnya adalah : Khalid bin Thaliq bertanya kepada Syu'bah: "Wahai Abu Bistham, sampaikan kepadaku hadits Simak bin Harb mengenai emas dalam hadits ibnu Umar". Ia menjawab: "Semoga Allah meluruskanmu, hadits ini tidak ada yang meriwayatkannya secara marfu'[14] kecuali Simak". Khalid berkata: "Apakah engkau takut bila aku meriwayatkannya darimu ?" Ia menjawab: "Tidak, akan tetapi Qatadah menyampaikan kepadaku dari Sa'id bin Musayyib dari ibnu Umar secara mauquf[15], dan Ayyub mengabarkan kepadaku dari Nafi' dari ibnu Umar secara mauquf juga, demikian juga Dawud bin Abi Hindin menyampaikan kepadaku dari Sa'id bin


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 03:23AM  

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
    Nov 24th 2013, 03:10
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand: Die arme Katze 󾌣 [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: masallah [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Prophet hat gesagt: "Wenn einer von euch betet, führt er ein vertrauliches G... [1 Aktualisierung] Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: Was fällt euch leichter bzw. macht ihr lieber?Ein längeres Video mit Untertite... [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: Allahuakbar... [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Beitrag eines Users!!Hey Mädels! Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich heute m... [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Last week, Fox News spent 80x more time covering #Obamcare than they did on the Philippines typhoon. [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: she always judges me and blames me for no reason :I may'maych dawa.. '-' goodevening ! [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Berbuat baik kepada Janda,Miskin,dan Anak Yatim Abu Hurairah berkata,Nabi bersabda,"Orang yang berusaha untuk membantu wanita janda dan orang miskin itu bagaikan orang yang berperang jihad fi sabilillah,atau bagaikan orang bangun shalat malam dan puasa di siang hari." (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) [1 Aktualisierung] street dawa - Social Mention: Throwback: Dancerous Christmas [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Andrew Jackson Jihad w/ buddy banter 2night@ Casbah!!! [1 Aktualisierung] Al-Rahma - Social Mention: éyy éyyy éyy éyyy a sii bougera (demain en le repte avec grand embiance ) [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Lindsey Vonn injury update: Partially torn ACL from crash at Copper ... [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: If Pakistanis think that they will stay peaceful while auliuya Allah are being killed by kuffar and their ally. Just keep oblivious till you realize that you all put yourself in the mess. [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: طبعا الى هيشوف الصور هيقول ايه الهبل ده بس الجاكت الى احنا مسكينوا بتاع السيد بعد ما قلبناه و علمنا عليه فيه و دى فرحة الرجاله وله و عملوها الرجاله و علموا على السيد فى جاكته Medo Khalifa Ahmed Maher Walid Elsheshtawy [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: #Killuminati [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: 'Alle Glöckner sind Gleich wgal ob Harald oder Kenneth' -Bushido Hahaha die stelle ist echt mies [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Kay One - Sodiers Leute wer findet das Bushido bisschen übertreibt rein da [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Omg wie Bushido Gay One zeroppt hat [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido het de kay disst? Das nenneder disse ? wenn ihr sho kei ahnig hend hebed eui shnure 󾮟 [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido [2 Aktualisierungen] bushido - Social Mention: Like Für Bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Wie jetzt alle sagen " Kay One hat mehr erreicht als Bushido was will er -.- " ihr rasierte Arschköpfe wer hat denn Kay One bekannt gemacht ? Er sagt er könnte auch ohne Bushido bekannt sein alter wer kannte ihn schon BEVOR er ein Lied mit Bushido gemacht hat [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido vs. Kay One.. Bushido 90% Kay One 10% [1 Aktualisierung] Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand: Die arme Katze 󾌣 Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:07PM

    Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand

    Haram Bruder, Harams Facebook-Pinnwand

    Die arme Katze 󾌣
    Nov 23rd 2013, 21:05

    Die arme Katze 󾌣

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    Masallah - Social Mention: masallah Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:54AM

    Masallah - Social Mention

    Nov 21st 2013, 09:29

    Susacaksınız.... !!!!

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    Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Prophet hat gesagt: "Wenn einer von euch betet, führt er ein vertrauliches G... Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:04PM

    Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand

    Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand

    Der Prophet hat gesagt: "Wenn einer von euch betet, führt er ein vertrauliches G...
    Nov 23rd 2013, 20:59

    Der Prophet hat gesagt: "Wenn einer von euch betet, führt er ein vertrauliches Gespräch mit Allah." (Anas; Bukhary)

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    Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand: Was fällt euch leichter bzw. macht ihr lieber?Ein längeres Video mit Untertite... Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 09:03PM

    Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand

    Shabābul Islām Medias Facebook-Pinnwand

    Was fällt euch leichter bzw. macht ihr lieber?

    Ein längeres Video mit Untertite...
    Nov 23rd 2013, 20:19

    Was fällt euch leichter bzw. macht ihr lieber?

    Ein längeres Video mit Untertiteln anschauen (ca. 1 Stunde lang)

    Oder das Gleiche in PDF-format lesen (ca. 30-40 Seiten lang)

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    allahuakbar - Social Mention: Allahuakbar... Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:00PM

    allahuakbar - Social Mention

    Nov 20th 2013, 22:42

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    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Beitrag eines Users!!Hey Mädels! Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich heute m... Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:55PM

    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand

    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand

    Beitrag eines Users!!
    Hey Mädels!

    Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich heute m...
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:00

    Beitrag eines Users!!
    Hey Mädels!

    Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich heute mal vor allem an die Mädels wenden. Als Bad Boy ist mir aufgefallen, dass viele von euch Mädels nicht gut genug auf ihre Figur achten. Es kann einfach nicht sein, dass ich mir in den letzten Wochen so den Schädel mit Alkohol wegpusten musste um mir Mädels mit schönen Körper vorzustellen. Ich trainiere seit Jahren schon wie ein Stier um meinen Traumbody noch weiter zu perfektionieren und ihr Mädels lasst es einfach so schleifen? So geht das nicht weiter.
    Ich spreche da auch aus dem Herzen vieler Jungs, die sich in unserer Stadt mehr Mädels mit Körpermaßen von "Victoria Secret Models" wünschen.
    Es liegt nun an euch, Mädels! Runter von der Couch, aus dem Modeladen oder Friseursalon und ran an die Gewichte. Für die nächsten Wochen gibt es erstmal kein "Twilight" oder "Desperate Housewives"! In den nächsten Wochen lautet euer Motto ganz einfach: "eat clean, train dirty"!
    Als kleine Anregung eröffne ich dazu ein Gewinnspiel! Das Mädel, welches als erstes die Standardmaße für einen Alex Marzeion besitzt, nämlich 90-60-90, gewinnt ein Date mit mir! Bevor ihr jetzt in Ohnmacht fallt, werft bitte noch einen Blick auf das angehängte Bild. So möchte ich euch Ladys haben!

    Ladys, get busy!!

    Ps: heult nicht rum wegen diesem Bild auf der Strasse sehen wir doch jeden Tag Frauen die sowas anziehen also lasst eure Scheinheiligkeit weg.danke.


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    media crash news - Social Mention: Last week, Fox News spent 80x more time covering #Obamcare than they did on the Philippines typhoon. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:09PM

    media crash news - Social Mention

    Last week, Fox News spent 80x more time covering #Obamcare than they did on the Philippines typhoon.
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:54

    Two major stories have taken up the bulk of cable news coverage over the past couple of weeks, but depending on which network you've been watching, you may not know that one of them even exists. The Pew Research Center conducted a survey of cable news content from November 11-15 and found that, whil...

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    dawa - Social Mention: she always judges me and blames me for no reason :I may'maych dawa.. '-' goodevening ! Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:53PM

    dawa - Social Mention

    she always judges me and blames me for no reason :I may'maych dawa.. '-' goodevening !
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:43

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    jihad - Social Mention: Berbuat baik kepada Janda,Miskin,dan Anak Yatim Abu Hurairah berkata,Nabi bersabda,"Orang yang berusaha untuk membantu wanita janda dan orang miskin itu bagaikan orang yang berperang jihad fi sabilillah,atau bagaikan orang bangun shalat malam dan puasa di siang hari." (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:05PM

    jihad - Social Mention

    Berbuat baik kepada Janda,Miskin,dan Anak Yatim Abu Hurairah berkata,Nabi bersabda,"Orang yang berusaha untuk membantu wanita janda dan orang miskin itu bagaikan orang yang berperang jihad fi sabilillah,atau bagaikan orang bangun shalat malam dan puasa di siang hari." (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:03

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    street dawa - Social Mention: Throwback: Dancerous Christmas Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:47PM

    street dawa - Social Mention

    Throwback: Dancerous Christmas
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:33

    circa 2007

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    jihad - Social Mention: Andrew Jackson Jihad w/ buddy banter 2night@ Casbah!!! Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:05PM

    jihad - Social Mention

    Andrew Jackson Jihad w/ buddy banter 2night@ Casbah!!!
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:51

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    Al-Rahma - Social Mention: éyy éyyy éyy éyyy a sii bougera (demain en le repte avec grand embiance ) Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:41PM

    Al-Rahma - Social Mention

    éyy éyyy éyy éyyy a sii bougera (demain en le repte avec grand embiance )
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:44

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    media crash news - Social Mention: Lindsey Vonn injury update: Partially torn ACL from crash at Copper ... Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:08PM

    media crash news - Social Mention

    Lindsey Vonn injury update: Partially torn ACL from crash at Copper ...
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:55


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